
  • 网络Cross innovation
  1. 以个人知识管理为基础的学科交叉创新环境构建问题研究

    Research on discipline-crossing innovation environment based on individual knowledge management

  2. 面向21世纪的高校师资管理与创新研究宏观微观相结合,交叉创新出硕果&记北京大学地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室创新研究群体

    Combining macroscopic and microscopic study to accomplish great achievements by disciplinary intersection and innovation & an introduction of the innovative research group in the Key Laboratory of Education Ministry in Peking University

  3. 学科交叉与创新型人才培养的实践与思考

    Disciplines Crossing and Practice of and Considerations on Innovative Talents Training

  4. 现代工业工程是技术与管理的交叉和创新

    Modern industrial engineering ── Intersection and innovation of technology and management

  5. 文史研究的交叉与创新

    Intersection and Innovation in the Studies of Literature and History

  6. 交叉性创新研究的典范:雷达研制

    On the Research of Radar : Typical Interdisciplinary Research

  7. 论金融交叉产品创新

    On the Innovation of Financial Cross-products

  8. 加强学科交叉提升创新能力

    Strengthen cross-disciplinary study promote innovative ability

  9. 要实现理论创新,必须在理论继承中延伸发展,在临床实践中提升发展,在学科交叉中创新发展。

    For performing the durative theoretic innovation , it must be extended during inheriting the classical theory , and be improved in clinical practice , and be created in interdisciplinary crossing .

  10. 从激光美容的发展过程,认识到学科交叉产生创新,科学理论对实践具有良好的指导和推动作用,科学的进步离不开科学思维的创造力。

    Through the development of it , we can see that the cross of different subjects develops new ones , also correct theory has positive impact on practice and we can not make progress in science without the creative ability of thinking .

  11. 从而在民刑关联的视阈下探索了民刑交叉案件的创新机制。

    Resulting in civil and criminal association , as the threshold cross under civil and criminal cases exploring innovative mechanisms .

  12. 学科交叉以人为本制度创新&中国城市规划学科发展论坛观点综述

    Interdiscipline , People-centered and Innovation of System & A View Summary of the Forum on Subject Development for Urban Planning

  13. 本研究是神经病态行为管理学研究的一次探索,在研究方法、研究内容、研究范式和对策措施上均具有交叉学科的创新之处,也具有较强的现实意义。

    It had innovations of interdiscipline in terms of study method , study content , paradigm and countermeasures and had strong practical significance .

  14. 讨论了工程地质学与环境工程学的学科交叉的锐意创新与实现自然控制的关系,按照科学发展观的理论,探讨了实现工程建设与环境全面、协调、可持续发展的基本对策。

    According to the theory of scientific development , countermeasures are discussed for integrated , coordinate , sustained development of engineering construction and environment .

  15. 资产证券化作为一种涉及法律、会计和金融等学科交叉的金融创新,其独特的结构设计和资产信用为企业融资提供了一条新的途径。

    As a financial innovation which involves several branches of knowledge like law , accounting and finance etc. , asset securitization provides a new financing way for enterprises with its special structure design and asset credit .

  16. 交叉销售作为创新的营销方式,为提升美国金融机构的竞争实力做出了重要贡献。它不仅仅是一种市场工具,同时也扮演着一定的社会角色,成为了一种文化产品。

    Cross-selling , as an innovative marketing tool , plays an important part in the enhancement of competence of the financial industry in the United States . It is not only a marketing tool but also a social actor and a cultural artifact .

  17. 交叉学科是孕育创新人才的摇篮。

    Interdisciplinary is a cradle that is pregnant with innovative talents .

  18. 交叉抗药性药物创新性专利保护的两难选择

    Dilemma of Patent Protection of the Innovative Drug with Cross-Resistance

  19. 论述了学科交叉点的锐意创新与实现自然控制的关系。以及对在这一研究过程中,应注重发挥哪些学科、领域的优势和大胆开拓创新的交叉学科领域等提出了一些看法。

    Also the relationship of the innovation with keen determination in the intersection of disciplines and controlling of nature is illustrated .

  20. 数字媒体艺术作为一个快速发展的交叉学科和艺术创新领域,近年来在学术界和教育界引起了广泛关注。

    Digital media art , as a rapidly developing field of interdisciplinary and artistic innovation , has attracted educators'and researchers'great attention in recent years .

  21. 社院学报必须围绕统一战线的学科建设,围绕统一战线的重大理论和实际问题,在多学科交叉中进行理论创新。

    Socialist colleges ' journal must make theoretical innovation through the multi-subject overlapping focusing on the united front 's subject construction , the united front 's important theoretical and practical problem .

  22. 该研究综合运用了复杂网络、传统社会网络和传统创新扩散模型研究的成果,试图寻找这三方面研究的交叉领域,使创新扩散研究得以在一个更加现实的平台上进行。

    This study synthetically uses the fruits of complex network , traditional social network and traditional innovation diffusion models . Then we try to search crossed domains among above-mentioned three research aspects and make the innovation diffusion research on a more realistic base .