
  • 网络Communicative rationality;communicatively rational;communication rationality;communicative reason
  1. 可以说,构建学校组织的交往理性范式也是时代对教育发展的要求。

    This requires the construction of communicative rationality in school .

  2. 交往理性与学校组织范式的反思及建构

    Communicative Rationality and the Reflection Construction of School Organization Paradigm

  3. 人际和谐离不开交往理性。

    People get on well with each other in harmonious dialogue .

  4. 从交往理性看全球问题的出路

    Watch the Outlet of the Global Problem from the Communicational Reason

  5. 新兴媒体要实现公共传播,关键是发展和培育交往理性。

    The public communication relies on developing communicational rationality .

  6. 交往理性概念的意义。

    Some criticism on the concept of communicative reason .

  7. 工具理性是启蒙精神在发展中走向它的反面的结果,应该用交往理性来替代。

    As a result , the spirit of enlightenment deviates from its original direction .

  8. 哈贝马斯试图通过发掘理性主义传统中的交往理性来证成自由主义。

    Habermas tried to justify liberalism by communicative rationality in the tradition of rationalism .

  9. 交往理性是一种内在于人的本质属性,是人类第一性的存在。

    Communication rationality exists in essential attribute of humanity . It is primary for human .

  10. 程序主义的法律范式正是通过对交往理性的建构才得以形成。

    Procedure creed of law comes from intercourse rationality like a shadow following its body .

  11. 学校组织的交往理性范式秉承整合化的组织人性观,认为组织中的人是主体性、社会性和自然性的有机统一;

    , which views the human in organization is the combination of subjectivity , sociality and nature .

  12. 从工具理性到交往理性&现代城市规划思想内核与理论的变迁

    From instrumental rationality to communicative rationality : a shift of thoughts and theories of modern urban planning

  13. 交往理性:寻找现代性困境的出路&哈贝马斯重建现代性的思想路径

    Communicative Reason : Searching for the Outlet of modernity Predicament & Habermas ' Thinking Path of Reconstructive Modernity

  14. 本论文共安排了六个部分,以教学交往理性作为主线,依次推进教学交往理性的生成机制及其实现策略。

    The teaching communicative rationality , as the main line , pushes forward the generative mechanisms and implementation strategies .

  15. 因此,通过引入日常知识和交往理性,在晚期资本主义社会对现代性进行合理重建是可能的。

    Therefore , through introducing the daily knowledge and communicative rationality , it is possible to reconstruct the capitalist society .

  16. 这也与语言哲学转向和交往理性的建立相关。

    This also has a connection with the transformation of the philosophy of language and with the establishment of contact ration .

  17. 哈贝马斯的交往理性概念,为人们提供了通过对话、协商达成相互理解和相互一致的条件。

    Habermas ′ communicative rationality provides the basis for people to achieve mutual understanding and conformity by means of dialog and consultation .

  18. 他首先从重建论的维度,用交往理性思想对批判理论、历史唯物主义和现代性进行了重建。

    First , beginning from the dimension of reconstruction , he reconstructs the critical theory , historical materialism , and modernity by communicative rationality .

  19. 交往理性的假设是通过真诚的交往在自我与他人关系上达成共主体关系。

    The hypothesis of communicative rationality is to arrive at co-subject relation through sincere contact and association in the relation between oneself and others .

  20. 交往理性的概念能够为法治找到一个确定的根基,可以用来支持我国的法治建设理论。

    The concept of communication reason provides definite foundation for the nomocracy which may be used for supporting the nomocracy construction theory in our country .

  21. 第三部分侧重于从实践角度阐述教学交往理性缺失的现象,在此基础上,追根教学交往理性缺失的后果及其归因分析。

    The third part focuses on the phenomena of lack of teaching communicative rationality from the practical perspective , then analyses its consequences and attributions .

  22. 他批判工具理性,提出用交往理性取代工具理性,实现遵循理性共识的理想社会。

    He criticizes the tool rationality , proposed with the contact rationality substitution tool rationality , the realization follows the rational mutual recognition the ideal society .

  23. 在后形而上学时代,哲学和宗教可以积极对话,交往理性并不排斥宗教,而是与宗教相互包容。

    In the post-metaphysical era , he thinks , philosophy and religion can dialogue actively ; communicative rationality does not exclude religion , but mutually tolerant with religion .

  24. 当我继续将交往理性这个概念和一个重构性的社会理论进行联系的时候,我们必须将这些区别放在心上。

    P9 S1 : One must keep these differences in view when I continue to use the concept of communicative reason in connection with a reconstructive social theory .

  25. 第二部分分别探讨教学交往理性的本质属性,并将它看作是动态立体的系统,进而分析教学交往理性的基本结构和多重功能。

    In the second part , the thesis discusses the basic attributes of teaching communicative rationality , and analyses its basic structure and multiple functions from its dynamic system .

  26. 市民社会与国家的二元分野以及社会文化领域的研究成果所形成的对话伦理与交往理性则构成了其理论基石。

    Its keystones are from the binary division of civil society and the nation and the discourse ethic and the communication reason formed in the cultural sphere of society .

  27. 法律解释的合法性结构应当是由形式理性的法律推理、价值理性的价值判断和交往理性的社会认同构成的完善的法律&社会过程。

    The legal structure of law interpretation is a social process constituted of law inference of form rationality , value judgment of value rationality and social identity of association rationality .

  28. 他寄希望于“交往理性的重建”和“话语伦理”规范的建立与贯彻,以实现一种无暴力统治的社会秩序。

    He hoped to reconstruct the rationality in process of communicating and to establish and follow the language ethics standard so as to establish a good social order without violence domination .

  29. 建构主义翻译学的理论基础有实践哲学、交往理性、共识性真理观、言语行为理论等等,但是交往观是始终贯穿在建构主义的各个理论基础之中的。

    Constructive translatology has such theoretical bases as practical philosophy , communicative reason , consensus theory , and theory of speech acts , in which communicative theory impenetrate all the way .

  30. 凭借它的本质属性,教学交往理性不仅对教师和学生的发展具有多种功能,而且依据其内部结构与功能生成教学交往理性的机制。

    By virtue of its basic attributes , teaching communicative rationality not only enhances teachers ' and students ' developments , but also generates its mechanisms according to its internal structure and functions .