
  • 网络Trader;dealer;day trader;floor trader
  1. 只是要看男性无名指的长度,就可以“预测”他能否变成一名成功(achievement)的金融交易员。

    The length of a man 's ring finger may predict his success as a financial trader .

  2. 克里斯·达沃森曾是一名市场交易员,他创立了打折商店Range,并称其是“工薪阶级的约翰-路易斯”。

    Former market trader Chris Dawson founded the Range discount stores which he describes as " the working man 's John Lewis . "

  3. 交易员说投资者依然看跌。

    Dealers said investors remain bearish

  4. “胖手指失误”指的是金融市场中的键盘输入错误,比如股票市场或者外汇交易市场。交易员在输入购买或者出售指令时出现非常大的偏差,比如交易的股票或合约有误,价格有误,或者出现其他的输入错误。

    A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended , for the wrong stock or contract , at the wrong price , or with any number of other input errors .

  5. 针对美国经济数据,有些交易员一直以来的应对依据是,较强的经济数据将增加奥巴马(obama)获胜的几率。

    Some have been reacting to us economic data on the basis that stronger figures could make an Obama victory more likely .

  6. 其中一位是雷曼2008年初从竞争对手那里挖来的交易员“马克”(mark),雷曼当时向他做出了高额“担保奖金”的承诺。

    One of those was " mark " a trader poached from a rival in early 2008 with the promise of a big " guaranteed bonus " .

  7. 中国国内的交易员们则一直忙于关闭在郑州商品交易所(ZhengzhouCommodityExchange)的棉花头寸,因预计棉花储备入市将导致国内棉花期货价格大幅下跌。

    Chinese traders have been closing out cotton positions on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on expectations a release from the reserves will send domestic futures tumbling .

  8. 9月14日,瑞士联合银行(UBS)交易员奎库•阿多博利因涉嫌欺诈及账目造假被警方逮捕。

    UBS trader Kweku Adoboli was arrested on September 14 on charges of fraud and false accounting .

  9. 外汇交易员们有一个问题:如果连美联储(Fed)都不担心美元目前的汇率,他们有什么理由要担心?

    Currency traders are asking a question : if the US Federal Reserve is not concerned about the dollar 's current levels , why should they be ?

  10. 每个雇员都有责任,从交易员C及其同僚,到该行董事。在所有公司,这种责任永远不应被转移。

    It sat on the desk of every employee , from Trader C and his fellow dudes up to the directors . At all companies it is the buck that should never be passed .

  11. 欧洲债券交易员告诉《财富》杂志(Fortune),如果没有欧洲央行的持续干预,意大利债券收益率可能早已升至两位数。

    Without the continued ECB intervention , Italian bond yields would have probably blown out into the double digits , European debt traders tell Fortune .

  12. 交易员们表示,欧洲央行(ecb)已入市买进意大利国债,不过,其行动力度似乎有限。

    Traders said the European Central Bank had been in the market buying Italian debt , although its action appeared limited .

  13. 我和同事莱昂内尔佩奇(lionelpage)研究了2005-2007年间一组男性高频交易员的夏普比率。

    I and my colleague Lionel page looked at the Sharpe ratios of a group of male high-frequency traders between 2005 and 2007 .

  14. 来自竞争对手的交易员称,pvm不是为自己持有合约,而是代表客户持有的。

    Rival traders said PVM does not take positions on its own behalf but on behalf of clients .

  15. 但交易员表示,qe3把情况搞复杂了。

    But qe3 has muddied the waters , traders say .

  16. 德银高级交易员马修辛普森(matthewsimpson)也在向sec投诉后离开了德银。

    Matthew Simpson , a senior trader at Deutsche , also left the company after submitting his own complaint to the sec .

  17. 上个月,两名前瑞银(UBS)交易员对这家总部位于瑞士的银行提起诉讼。二人声称,瑞银指责他们存在重大不当行为并因此开除他们是不公正的。

    Last month two former UBS traders sued the Switzerland-based bank alleging they were wrongfully dismissed and accused by the bank of gross misconduct .

  18. ETF切不可为了交易员发现的其他用途而牺牲这些优点。

    It is important for their virtues not to be sacrificed to the other uses traders find for them .

  19. CFTC至今也未解释为何没有公开这名交易员的名字。

    The CFTC has never explained why it did not name the trader publicly .

  20. 虽然在这个骗局被揭穿之后股市迅速回升,但这起事件表明,现在有许多华尔街交易员依靠Twitter获取交易信息。

    While the market recovered quickly after the hoax was exposed , it showed just how many Wall Street traders were now relying on twitter for trading information .

  21. 交易员们警告称,若非ECB出手干预,意大利债市的收益率可能已大幅飙升&正是这种局面迫使爱尔兰和葡萄牙接受紧急纾困。

    Traders warned that without ECB intervention , the Italian bond markets would have seen leaps in yields that forced Ireland and Portugal to accept emergency bail-outs .

  22. 今年2月,在美国康涅狄格州的苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)交易大厅里,交易员们面对屏幕,震惊地倒吸了一口凉气。

    Back in February , traders on the floor of Royal Bank of Scotland in Connecticut gasped in shock at their screens .

  23. 1954年:与债券交易员威廉汤森(WilliamTownsend)合伙,成为汤森-格林斯潘公司的董事长兼总裁。这是一家从事经济预测的咨询企业。

    1954 : Partners bond trader William Townsend to become chairman and president of Townsend-Greenspan & Co , a consulting business that makes economic forecasts .

  24. Jared是个证券交易员。

    Jared is a bond trader .

  25. 英国央行(BOE)在外汇市场有自己的交易员;他们似乎未能注意到此类模式。

    The BoE has its own dealers operating in forex markets ; it appears that they failed to notice such patterns .

  26. 上周,英国剑桥大学(cambridge)的一位科学家发现,成功交易员与我们其他人的不同之处在于,他们的无名指相对比食指更较长。

    Last week , a Cambridge scientist revealed that what sorts out successful traders from the rest of us is that they have relatively longer ring fingers than index fingers .

  27. ConAgra缴纳了1200万美元的民事罚款,涉事交易员却安然无恙。

    ConAgra paid a civil monetary penalty of $ 12 million .

  28. 曾当过铁矿石交易员的该公司职员tinawang表示,“谁都不知道会发生什么,情况比往常难以预测得多。”

    " No one knows what will happen , " says Tina Wang of steel business briefing , a former iron ore trader . " Things are much more unpredictable than usual . "

  29. 美国国际集团(AIG)向衍生品交易员支付1.65亿美元奖金的计划引起了众怒,此前,该公司收到1600亿美元纳税人资金,以维持运营。

    There has been public outrage over plans to pay AIG derivatives traders $ 165m in bonuses after the company received $ 160bn of taxpayer funds to stay afloat .

  30. 该公司表示,如果某支ETF基金的股票代码起得好,那么在交易员和机构投资人翻阅基金目录的时候,他们就会优先想到这支基金。

    The company said that cleverly named ETFs will come quicker to traders ' and institutional investors ' minds as they sift through lists of funds .