
  • 网络industry;Industry Development;industrial development
  1. 通过对我国文化产业发展四个阶段的回顾,以期厘清其发展脉络。

    It retraces the four periods of our culture industry to make clear its development veining .

  2. 加入WTO后我国胡椒产业发展策略

    China 's Development Strategies for Pepper Industry After Its Entry into WTO

  3. 根据“十四五”规划和2035年远景目标建议,中国将推动能源清洁低碳安全高效利用,加快新能源、绿色环保等产业发展,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型。

    Under the recommendations for formulating China 's 14th five-year development plan and the long-range goals for 2035 , China will pursue clean , low-carbon , safe and efficient use of energy and accelerate the growth of new energy and green industries to promote greener economic and social development in all respects .

  4. 加入WTO中国汽车产业发展战略思考

    Consideration for Developing Strategy of China Automotive Industry after China Entering into WTO

  5. 加入WTO对我国房地产业发展的影响及其对策

    On Influences and Countermeasures of Chinese Real Estate Industry Development after the Entry into WTO

  6. 砀山水果产业发展SWOT分析及战略选择

    Dangshan Fruit Industry Development SWOT Analysis and Strategies Choice

  7. 随着基于IPv6的下一代网络技术的不断发展,各国政府也日益重视。基于IPv6的下一代网络产业发展方兴未艾。

    With the consistent development and maturation of the technology of next generation network , many countries have attached increasing importance to the technology , and the IPv6 as well as the next generation network industry are enjoying their prosperity in the global scope .

  8. 广西北部湾信息产业发展优势与发展重点研究

    Guangxi north bay information industry development advantage and development importance research

  9. 山东省羊产业发展的技术经济分析

    A technical analysis for the sheep raising industry in Shandong province

  10. 加快贵州信息产业发展的思考

    Thinking on Speeding the Development of Guizhou Province 's Information Industry

  11. 信息化对体育产业发展的作用分析

    Analysis of Informatization on the Role of the Sports Industry Development

  12. 新疆绿色食品产业发展初步探讨

    Pilot Study on the Development of Green Food Industry in Xinjiang

  13. 日本的信息产业发展政策及对我国的启示

    Japan 's Information Industries Development Policy and to our Country 's Enlightenment

  14. 推动可再生能源产业发展,力做行业领跑企业。

    Promote renewable energy industry development , strength for industry leading enterprises .

  15. 非农牧产业发展缺乏有力的组织与引导;

    Non-agricultural industries ' development lacks powerful organization and leading ;

  16. 高技术产业发展的国际经验比较及其启示

    High-tech industry development 's international experience compared and Its Enlightenment

  17. 是什么推动中国的零食产业发展?增长率的背后原因是什么?

    What are the reasons behind that ? What drive the growth ?

  18. 我国食品市场流通产业发展对策与趋势

    Developmental trends and strategy of the market for food distribution

  19. 物流产业发展与江苏经济增长

    The Development of Logistics Industry and Jiangsu 's Economic Growth

  20. 中国武术文化产业发展的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of the Development of Martial Arts Cultural Industry in China

  21. 生物医学材料及其产业发展前景分析

    An Analysis on the Conditions and Prospect of Industry of Biomedical Materials

  22. 温州体育产业发展所面临的问题与对策&基于居民体育消费行为视角的体育产业发展调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Sports Consumption Behavior by Wenzhou People

  23. 长春市第三产业发展状况分析及对策研究

    On the Analysis and Countermeasure to the Service Sector Development of Changchun

  24. 关于衡山县席草产业发展的思考

    Consideration on Development of the Industry of Mat Grass in County Hengshan

  25. 对我国铝加工产业发展战略的浅见与建议

    View and Suggestion on Development Strategy of Aluminum Fabrication Industry in China

  26. 南宁市房地产业发展战略研究

    Developmental Strategy of the Real Estate Industry in Nanning City

  27. 四是完善配套措施,促进产业发展。

    Fourthly perfecting relevant measures and accelerating industry development .

  28. 分工、比较优势与文化产业发展

    Labor-division , Comparative Advantage , and Culture Industry Development

  29. 论农民增收与农村特色产业发展研究

    On the Farmer Income and Rural Characteristic Industry Development

  30. 旅游信用、人力资本与旅游产业发展

    Tourism Trust , Human Capital and Tourism Industrial Development