
  • 网络industrial organization;The Organization of Industry
  1. 本文主要利用产业组织理论的SCP范式及产业联系理论等相关经济、管理理论对中国部分产业的过度竞争进行分析研究。

    This thesis mainly uses industrial organization theory ( S-C-P ) and related economic and managerial theories to investigate China 's excessive industrial competition .

  2. 一是利用产业组织分析中的赫芬达尔指数(HI)说明管制改革后我国电信业市场结构的变化情况;

    First , it illuminates the market structure changes of Chinese telecom industry after regulation reforms by H index used in industrial organization analysis ;

  3. 自1972年MICHAELS.Hunt从产业组织理论的角度出发首次提出战略集团;

    Michael S. Hunt coined the term strategic group in 1972 ;

  4. SCP范式下的中国保险产业组织研究

    Insurance Industry Organization in China Based on SCP Theory

  5. 从产业组织角度对我国劳动密集型出口企业通过CSR认证的机理研究

    An Analysis on the Mechanism of Chinese Labor-intensive Export Enterprises through CSR Certification from Industry Organizations Perspective

  6. 结构-行为-绩效(structure-conduct-performance简称SCP)范式是传统产业组织理论的基本范式。

    The structure-conduct-performance model is the basic model of the traditional industrial organization theory .

  7. 3G正在重组我国的电信产业组织,同时对电信运营商商业竞争模式的变革提出要求。

    The telecommunication industry is being restructured with the coming of 3G , and the competition modes for companies in telecom industry have to be reorganized to match up 3G .

  8. 按照产业组织理论的市场结构(S)市场行为(C)市场绩效(P)分析框架,本文以多个指标计算了中国银行卡产业的市场集中度,认为中国银行卡市场属于寡头垄断型市场。

    This article applies the market structure - market conduct - market performance paradigm to the analysis of Chinese bank card industry . With the concentration data of bank card industry , it is concluded that the bank card market consists an oligopoly .

  9. 自哈佛学派的SCP理论体系形成以来,产业组织理论即进入了以正统理论为主干或参照系的多元化发展阶段。

    Since the establishment of Harvard School 's S-C-P paradigm , the theories of industrial organization have reached the diverse and developing stages under the " Harvard Traditional Theory " .

  10. 第一章在回顾西方产业组织理论的产生、发展过程的同时,重点借鉴了产业组织理论中SCP(市场结构市场行为市场绩效)范式的基本框架和有关产业组织政策的理论,作为本文的理论基础。

    Chapter one reviews the origin and the development of the Theory of Industrial Organization , and draw lessons from " Structure-Conduct-Performance "( SCP ) paradigm and the theory about industrial organization policy .

  11. 论文主要由三部分构成,整体上采用了SCP分析框架,不过,吸取了现代产业组织理论的一些成果,对传统的范式进行了局部改良。

    This article consists of three main parts . Though SCP frame is used overall through this article , the SCP frame is partly improved with many theories of modern industrial organization absorbed .

  12. 在企业同质性假设条件下,无论是新古典经济学、传统产业组织理论的SCP分析范式,还是企业竞争战略的产业分析方法,都把企业的利润归结为外在的市场结构因素。

    On the assumption of homogeneity of firm , neo-classical economics , traditional theory of industry organization and Port 's five forces model all argue that firm 's profit come down to market structure .

  13. 鉴于哈佛学派创立的SCP(Structure-Conduct-Performance)范式在分析产业组织问题上所取得的成功,本文尝试将其应用于中国保险产业组织的分析,借以探究我国保险业产业组织的演化规律。

    Considering the great success of application of SCP created by Harvard school in analyzing industry organization issues , the auther tries to apply it to Chinese insurance organization .

  14. 换言之,可认为其他范式是对SCP范式的完善与发展,这些范式相互结合,在观察、分析产业组织现象时优势互补,更贴近于对真实世界产业经济行为的解释。

    In other words , other paradigms are the development of SCP , connecting both of them can help analyze the industry organization , and its interpretations of the world industry economic behavior could be more realistic .

  15. 第三,构造了一个基于SCP分析与新制度分析相结合的农业产业组织绩效的研究范式。

    The researching categories are different from those of the former literature . Thirdly , this dissertation has structured the researching model of agricultural industrial organizational performance , which is based on the combination of Structure-Conduct-Performance analysis and new institutional analysis .

  16. SCP范式作为产业组织理论的核心,确立了市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效间的因果关系,使对三者的讨论可以沿着清晰的脉络进行。

    As the core of the theory of industrial organization , SCP paradigm established the causal relationship between market structure , conduct and the performance , so that the discussion of the three can be carried out along a clear thread .

  17. 因此利用产业组织SCP范式理论,能够找出影响中国电信产业发展的因素及其之间的相互关系,从而制定出正确的电信产业政策。

    So the pattern of " structure-conduct-performance " of the industry organization theory can find the factors of the development of Chinese telecommunications industry and the relationship between them . Therefore , we can make out the correct policy of telecommunications industry .

  18. 本文以山东省冷链物流产业组织作为研究对象,利用产业经济学的SCP分析范式,从市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效三个方面对我省冷链物流产业组织发展情况进行了考察。

    This study takes cold chain logistics industry organizations in Shandong Province as the research object , uses the SCP analysis of industrial economics paradigm of market structure , market conduct and market performance to work out the organizational development of cold chain logistics industry in our province .

  19. 本文在总结以往有关电力市场研究的基础上,按照产业组织经济学中的S-C-P(结构-行为-绩效)范式和Cournot模型,系统而全面地研究了电力市场力。

    Based on the summary of related studies on the electricity market , by employing the S-C-P ( Structure - Conduct-Performance ) paradigm and the Cournot model , the market power in the electricity market is systematically studied .

  20. 市场价格对幼稚产业组织结构的影响

    Influence of Market Prices on Industrial Organization Structure of Infant Industry

  21. 市场结构与技术创新:一种产业组织理论的观点

    Market structure and technological innovation : a theory of industry organization

  22. 中国产业组织规模优势形成研究

    Researches on Building the Scale Advantages of China 's Industrial Organization

  23. 中国服装业产业组织的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Industrial Organization of Chinese Garment Industry

  24. 产业组织优化与产业结构的调整和升级

    Optimization of Industrial Organization and Adjustment and Upgrade of Industrial Structure

  25. 模块化生产网络是重大的产业组织创新。

    The modular production network is a important industry innovation .

  26. 要制定科学、合理、有效的产业组织政策。

    Establish scientific , reasonable and valid industry organization policy .

  27. 零售业态的差异化和演进:产业组织的视角

    Retail Formats Differentiation and Evolution : An Industry Organization Perspective

  28. 湖南旅游产业组织研究

    The Research on Industrial Organization of Hunan 's Tourism Industry

  29. 提高体育产业组织的素质。

    To enhance the self quality of the sports industry .

  30. 西方产业组织理论及其研究范式的演进

    On Organization Theory of Western Industry and its Development of Research Paradigm