
  1. 产业控制力:考察产业安全的一个新视角

    Control-power of Industry : A New Perspective in Reviewing Industrial Security

  2. 结合相关理论,分析了外资并购后的技术策略、股权策略、渠道策略和品牌策略等对东道国产业控制力的作用机制。

    Active mechanism of host country industry control by technique strategy , equity strategy , channel strategy and brand strategy after foreign capital M & A is researched .

  3. 全球价值链分工中我国企业产业链控制力研究

    The Study on China 's Enterprise Industry Chain Controling Power in the Devision of Global Value Chain

  4. 产业链控制力是企业参与产业链分工中利用自身的核心能力或核心优势而控制产业链中关键资源和关键节点的程度大小。

    Industrial chain controlling power is the capability that the enterprise could control key resources and critical node with their core strengths in the industry division .

  5. 之后,建立了产业链控制力的分析框架,其中包括实施产业链控制的一般手段,企业产业链控制力的形成过程。

    Then , we establish the analytical framework of industrial chain controlling power . including the general means of the implementation of industrial chain controling and the formation of enterprise industrial chain controlling .

  6. 企业层次的分析从本国资本对战略性产业的控制力、对战略性产业内重要产品的控制力以及政府对战略性产业内部主要企业重大投资和发展方向的控制力三个方面进行。

    Enterprise level , from the aspects of the controlling power of the national capital towards the strategic industries and the important products in these industries , as well as the controlling power of the government towards the major investment and the development direction .

  7. 本文首先分析了由产业国际竞争力评价指标、产业对外依存评价指标和产业控制力评价指标组成的指标体系。

    Firstly , it analyzed the indicators system composed by the competitive power of industries , the dependence foreign countries of industries , and the controlling power of industries .

  8. 随着国际分工由产业间分工向产业内分工和产品内分工转变,企业掌握产业链控制力非常重要。

    Enterprise industry chain controling power is very important as the international division from the inter-industry division to intra-industrial division and intra-product division .

  9. 钢铁产业链产业安全指标体系包含四个部分&产业国内生存环境、产业国际竞争力、对外依存度和产业控制力。

    In more detail , the industrial safety index system was divided into four parts : the domestic survival environment , the international competitiveness , the industrial degree of external dependence and the controlling force .