
  • 网络enterprise spread
  1. 旅游业的产业关联和产业波及分析&以广东为例

    An Analysis of Enterprise Relationship and Enterprise Spread in the Tourist Industry & Taking Guangdong as an Example

  2. 在产业波及上,ICT产业的感应度系数最小,说明ICT产业在国民经济中的瓶颈地位并不突出。

    With respect to industrial spread , ICT industry 's inductivity coefficient is the least , which means it isn 't obvious that this industry is a bottleneck to the national economy .

  3. 基于投入产出分析法的重庆旅游业产业波及效应分析

    An Analysis of Enterprise Spread in Chongqing Tourist Industry on the Base of Input-output Analysis

  4. 然后,本文阐述了有关产业波及的理论,产业波及的衡量指标以及邮电业对其它产业的产业波及状况。

    The theory of industrial spread and whose indexes are given in chapter five which also analyze the industrial spread of the post and telecommunications to other industries .

  5. 从产业波及效应的角度,指出感应度系数高的工业行业技术创新效率低下是导致中国工业行业技术创新效率整体不高的重要原因。

    From the perspective of industrial linkage , industries with high sensitivity coefficient have low technological innovation efficiency is a main factor that leads to unsatisfactory overall efficiency of industrial technological innovation in China . 5 .

  6. 我国产业间波及效应的探讨

    On the Mutual Effect among the Industries in China

  7. 如何准确地把握旅游产业的波及关系,促进旅游产业的健康发展,成为了新世纪宏观经济研究的重要课题。

    In order to promote the development of tourism industry , how to accurately grasp the industrial spread effect thus becomes an important topic in the new century macro economic research .

  8. 然后第4部分从影响力、感应度、依赖度三个方面对物流产业的波及效果进行分析,在此基础上分析了物流产业对就业的吸纳能力。

    Chapter 4 analyze the industrial spread of the logistics industry to other industries through indexes of industrial influence 、 inductivity and reliance . then analysis of the logistics industry employment absorptive capacity .

  9. 通过实证分析,研究我国产业间波及效应的强弱,可以为国家制定产业政策、优化产业结构提供依据。

    Through the pragmatic research , we have come to know that it is the research on the power effect among the industries that can help China make ( policy ) and optimize the structure of industry .

  10. 物流信息产业是波及范围最广的产业之一,通常由原料供应商、企业客户、生产商、批发商、零售商等多个组织结构所构成,从而形成一条供应链。

    Logistics information industry is one of the spread to the widest range of industries , which usually consists of raw material suppliers , corporate customers , manufacturers , wholesalers , retailers , a number of organizations , thus forming a supply chain .

  11. 大型体育赛事的产业关联和波及效应的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Relevant Spread and Effect of Large Sports Competition

  12. 如果美国经济发生巨大的衰退,那么与制造这些汽车零部件相关的产业将会被波及。那么这个国家的钢铁业就会受到影响。

    If a recession were to hit the United States , then the industries involved in manufacturing these car parts would be affected , as would , in turn , the country 's steel industry .

  13. 新疆体育产业关联和产业波及效应分析

    Analysis on Sports Industry Relevance and Industry Spreading Effect in Xinjiang

  14. 河南省农产品加工业的产业关联和产业波及效应分析

    Analysis of the industry relevance and industry spreading effect of agricultural product processing industry in Henan Province

  15. 研发产业的产业关联与波及特点分析&以上海为例

    An Analysis of the Character of R D Industry Relevancy and Industry Spread Taking Shanghai as an Example

  16. 其次,从纵向角度,利用我国1990年、1992年、1995年、1997年和2000年五个时点投入产出表对我国物流业的产业关联程度和产业波及效果进行纵向比较分析。

    Secondly , from the lengthways , it analyzes the industry conjunction and industry affection between Chinese logistics industry and other industries by the Chinese input-output tables ( 1990 , 1992 , 1995 , 1997 and 2000 ) .

  17. 作为附加值较高的汽车制造业,其产业链长,产业关联度与产业波及系数均较高。

    As a high value-added industry , auto manufacturing has a long industry chain with high relativity of industries and industrial spread factors .

  18. 对生产诱发系数的分析得出邮电业是消费依赖型产业;邮电业的产值增长,对第二产业的产值波及程度最强,其次是第三产业,第一产业;

    Analysis of the production inducing coefficient shows that the post and telecommunications is a consumption-relying industry ;

  19. 高技术产业是指知识、技术密集,具有高附加值,对相关产业波及和带动效果显著的产业。

    High-tech industry is the industry having dense knowledge and technology , high additional value and affecting and driving role to other industry .

  20. 根据北京市体育产业对其他产业消耗的情况,结合北京市各产业间的产业关联与波及程度,提出未来发展北京市体育产业的政策建议。

    Based on consumption of sport industry related to other industries in Beijing , combing with each industries related and involved , suggestions and polices are put forwarded in the future development of sport industry in Beijing .

  21. 所谓高新技术产业是指技术密集度高、研发投入高、更新速度快、附加值高,并能对相关产业产生波及和带动作用的新兴产业群体。

    The High-tech industries are rising industries with high technology - intensive , high R & D and high added value , which affect other related industries .

  22. 各产业的经济效益是相互作用和相互影响的,这说明产业与产业之间存在着关联作用,这就是产业之间的波及机制和关联效应。

    Industries influencing each other , thus illustrated that there are relations among industries , which were called ripple mechanism and associating effect .

  23. 本文借助产业关联分析工具投入-产出表,运用产业关联理论,分析了近十年来建筑业对其他产业部门产生的波及效果,论述了目前建筑业在国民经济结构和产业结构中的作用。

    This paper analyses the effect to other industrial department producing from construction industry in last 10 years with the aiding of input-output table , and discusses position and role of construction industry in national economy from the angle of input-output analysis .

  24. 通过具体的产业关联分析后发现,该产业的直接关联效果很强,但是影响力与感应度的定量分析表明,该产业在本区域的产业波及效果不强,低于全国平均水平;

    After analyzing of industry linkage , we found that there was a poor indirect relation between electronics & communications industry and related industries .

  25. 汽车产业作为2010年我国经济发展的支柱产业之一,属于资本和技术密集型产业,具有高投入、高产出、产品附加值大、规模经济、就业系数大、产业波及效果明显的特点。

    Automotive industry is one of china pillar industries in national economy in 2010 . It is capital-intensive and technology-intensive industry with high input , high output , the product added value , economies of scale , high employment coefficient and obvious industrial spill-over effects .