
  • 网络Product activation;Windows Product Activation
  1. Windows产品激活技术应用分析

    Application of Windows product activation technology

  2. 从「开始」菜单,您可以单击“激活windows”来运行“产品激活向导”。

    You can then run the Product Activation Wizard by going to the start menu and clicking activate windows .

  3. 如果不想等待提醒,您可以在「开始」菜单上单击“激活windows”来运行“产品激活向导”。

    If you don 't want to wait for the reminder , you can run the Product Activation Wizard by clicking activate Windows on the start menu .

  4. 产品激活和您的计算机?

    Does product activation make the software harder to use ?

  5. 我们的记录显示此密钥已用于另一产品激活。

    Our records indicate that this key has already been used for another product activation .

  6. 我们的记录显示此产品激活次数在本月中已达到最大允许值。

    Our records indicate that this product has already been activated the maximum number of times for this month .

  7. 产品激活系统暂时脱机,正在进行维护。请在几分钟后重试连接。

    The product activation system is temporarily offline for maintenance . Please retry to connect in a few minutes .

  8. 讨论了更换设备对产品激活以及产品激活对系统升级的影响和产品激活与用户隐私关系。

    It also discussed the impacts of changing the equipments on product activation and its impacts on system upgrading and the relations between the production activation and user privacy and so on .

  9. 为了观察二氧化氯消毒剂激活反应过程中影响二氧化氯含量的因素,采用五步碘量法,测定了以柠檬酸为激活剂的二氧化氯产品激活反应过程中二氧化氯含量变化。

    In order to observe the factors influencing chlorine dioxide content in the course of activating reaction of chlorine dioxide disinfectant , the changes of chlorine dioxide content in the course of activating reaction of chlorine dioxide product with citric acid as the activator were measured .

  10. 您的产品一旦激活,您将收到标有购买链接的邮件。

    Once a product becomes active , you will receive an email with the purchase link .

  11. 产品一旦激活,除了美元的价格单位,您还可以根据喜好指定以其他货币为单位的固定价格。

    Once a product is active , you can then specify static prices for other currencies in addition to USD if you would like .

  12. 在系统网络体系结构(SNA)产品中,激活两个逻辑单元间的话路的请求。

    In SNA products , a request to activate a session between two logical units .

  13. 输入您的产品密钥并激活软件后,您将拥有所购买程序和功能的完整功能。

    After you enter your product key and activate your software , you will have full functionality for the programs and features you purchased .

  14. 一是要营造旅游发展环境,整合地区旅游资源;二是要加强旅游产品宣传,激活游客旅游动机;三是要改善旅游产品和服务,满足游客旅游需要。

    Create a favorable environment to develop tourism , integrate local recourses ; ii . Strengthen the promotion of traveling products to activate the tourists ' motivations ; iii. Improve the product quality and service to meet tourists ' needs .

  15. 防止在产品中运行的激活配置出现意外变动。

    Prevent accidental changes to an active configuration running in production .

  16. 产品熟悉度对激活域大小影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of Product Familiarity on Evoked Set Size

  17. 在输入有效的产品密钥之后,激活向导将自动运行。

    When you enter your valid product key , the Activation Wizard automatically runs .

  18. 通过对终端客户畜禽产品进行回收,激活产业链,实现产业价值转移,通过以上措施改善供应链管理,将使企业在新的竞争中脱颖而出。

    Pass the above measure improvement supply chain management , will make the business enterprise outshine others in the new competition .

  19. 结论,该产品二氧化氯含量随激活反应时间的延长和反应温度的升高而增加。

    Conclusion : The chlorine dioxide content of the product increased with prolonging the activating reaction time and increasing the reaction temperature .

  20. 试用许可过期后,可购买产品并从PassportAdvantage下载产品激活工具激活该产品。

    After the trial license expires , you can reactivate the product by purchasing the product and downloading a product activation kit from Passport Advantage .

  21. 可以购买该产品,并从PassportAdvantage下载一个产品激活工具包重新激活该产品。

    You can activate full functionality again by purchasing the product and downloading a product activation kit from Passport Advantage .

  22. 文章介绍了Golf业务运营支撑系统的核心业务流程并将本论文提出的SBPM框架应用到了该项目中,同时给出了基于语义的产品卡网站销售流程和基于语义的产品激活流程。

    In this article , there is introduction about core business processes in Golf Business Operation Support System . After that , the framework proposed in this paper is applied in the project and this paper gives product card online sales process and product activation process based on semantic annotation .

  23. 如果您所用的有效产品密钥的使用次数未超过允许的产品安装次数,则您的产品将被立即激活。

    If you are using a valid product key that has not already been used for the allowed number of installations , your product is activated immediately .