
  • 网络Property rights system;property system;Property Rights Institutions;system of property rights
  1. 我国农村土地流转的产权制度基础研究

    China 's Rural Land System of Property Rights Transfer of Basic Research

  2. 其中,产权制度是重中之重。

    Among them , the system of property rights is a priority .

  3. 所有权与控制权分离:NBA球队的产权制度分析

    Separating Control Right from Ownership : An Institutional Analysis for NBA Teams

  4. 分析认为NBA球队产权制度安排的主要特征是:球队股权集中,大股东控制明显;

    The characteristics of the property rights of NBA teams were concluded as the following : shares were concentrated in the hands of certain big share holders ;

  5. 石油企业改革与产权制度建设

    On Reform of Oil Enterprises and Establishment of Property Right System

  6. 农业知识产权制度保护的策略探讨

    The Discussion on the Protection Strategy for Agriculture Intellectual Property Rights

  7. 近代中国知识产权制度的安排与变迁

    The Arrangement and Evolvement of Modern Chinese Intellectual Property Right System

  8. 武汉市农村信用社产权制度改革案例研究

    Study on Property Right System Reform of Wuhan Rural Credit Cooperative

  9. 西南计算机工业公司产权制度改革方案设计

    The Scheme of Reforming Southwest Computer Industry Corporation Property Right System

  10. 论人力资本及其产权制度在我国的构建

    Construction of Human Capital and its Property Rights System in China

  11. 完善农村合作金融组织产权制度。

    Improve the property rights institution of rural cooperative financial institutions .

  12. 公司制与国有建筑企业产权制度改革

    The Company System and Property Right Reform of National Construction Enterprises

  13. 我国经济增长中的人力资本效率与产权制度因素

    Human Capital Efficiency and Its Property Ownership in China 's Economic Growth

  14. 不同产权制度下医院效率比较研究

    Efficiency Comparison Research of Different Property Right System of Hospitals

  15. 体育产权制度改革的若干问题讨论

    Discussion on some problems of the reformation of physical property right system

  16. 产权制度是公司存在的物质基础和前提;

    Property system is material base and premise of company 's survive .

  17. 以产权制度改革为动力推动医院健康快速发展

    To promote rapid and sound hospital development motivated by property ownership reform

  18. 产权制度与深化国有资产管理体制改革

    Property Right Institution and Reform of State-owned Capital Management system

  19. 私营经济是一种富有经济效率的产权制度

    Private Economy is a kind of Property Right System Full of Economic Efficiency

  20. 建立现代体育产权制度;

    To establish the modern sports property right system ;

  21. 我国新闻出版业的产权制度改革模式研究

    On Property System Reform Mode in Chinese Publishing Industry

  22. 医院产权制度改革若干理论问题的思考

    Deeply Thought in Several Theoretical Questions of Property Rights Reform of the Hospital

  23. 农村信用社改革的重点在于产权制度和管理体制。

    The rural credit cooperative reform focuses on equity system and management regime .

  24. 农村土地产权制度与土地综合生产能力的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Land Property System and the Land Comprehensive Productivity

  25. 价格政策、产权制度与资源持续利用的一些理论分析

    Analysis on Price Policy , Property System and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources

  26. 产权制度与西部发展

    Property Rights System And the Development of Western China

  27. 第五章,农村存款型金融中介产权制度与委托代理关系。

    Chapter Three is rural deposit financial intermediaries institution .

  28. 乡镇集体企业产权制度改革的基本思路

    Basic Thinkings in Reforming Property System of Collective Enterprises in Villages and Towns

  29. 公有制医院产权制度改革研究

    Research of Public Hospital Property Rights System Reformation

  30. 衍生型民营企业产权制度研究

    Research into the Property Right System of the Derivative Enterprise Run by Local People