
  • 网络Production Lead Time
  1. 针对以多品种、小批量生产为特点的车间,提出在保证产品交付期的前提下,把提高设备利用率和工种均衡生产作为计划和调度的优化目标。

    Aim at the characters of the Job-Shop and proposes that requires the meeting of due date , it sets up the object to balance the different types of work and optimize the equipment resource .

  2. 针对价格、时间敏感需求,研究可替代产品基于给定交付期的供应链相关定价决策。

    Supply chain pricing based on given delivery time is investigated when demands are both price-sensitive and time-sensitive , and products are substitutable .

  3. 采购商在确定一个产品的交付提前期后,在执行之前观察到需求发生变化,把交付到期日修改到比原定时间提前或延缓。

    After determining a component delivery due-date but before execution , buyer observed demand changing and want to modify the delivery leadtime to expedite or postpone .