
  • 网络Product Management
  1. 企业经营也仅局限于产品经营这一层次,难以通过资本运营使国有资本向管理和效益好的企业流动。

    Enterprise Management is confined in product management , not capital management .

  2. 它是企业从产品经营向资本经营转化的有效扩张手段,充分体现了市场经济条件下优胜劣汰的竞争法则。

    It is an effective expansion means from product management to capital management .

  3. 从NBA看CBA的产品经营

    Product Engagement of CBA through NBA

  4. 湘计算机以产品经营和制造资源拆分的方式进入EMS服务市场,希望在为企业中寻找到一个新的产业发展方向。

    Hunan Computer Corporation ( HCC ) enter into the EMS market by separated its product business and manufacturing resource . It wants to get a new industry direction .

  5. 作业成本计算(ABC)提供相对准确的产品经营成本信息,经济增加值(EVA)强调计量资本成本的重要性。

    Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ) can provide relatively accurate operating cost data , while Economic Value-added ( EVA ) has been used as a performance measure to emphasize on capital cost .

  6. 产品经营范围包括:女装鞋,手袋,陶瓷,家具,鞋材配件,TPU注塑产品。

    Our company business scope covers Lady Shoes , Handbags , Ceramic Tiles , Furnitures , Shoes Materials and Accessories , TPU Injection products .

  7. 心路历程&食物中国连锁超市生鲜农产品经营研究

    Research on Management of Fresh Food in Supermarket in China

  8. 绿色体育产品经营问题探讨

    The Research on Sports Enterprises the Green Sports Products Operation

  9. 碟簧产品经营决策辅助系统的研究

    Research of management decision auxiliary system for disc spring products

  10. 一个从事医学检验产品经营的专业性公司;

    A professional company which engages in operating the production for medical examination .

  11. 体验经济与我国饭店产品经营策略

    Experience Economy and Chinese Hotel Product Management Strategies

  12. 基于食品质量安全视角的农产品经营效益分析

    Analysis on the Management Benefit of Agricultural Products from the View of Food Safety

  13. 品牌是一个经济学名词,是企业产品经营的一个概念。

    " Brand " is an economic concept which is belongs to product management .

  14. 针对动态环境建立的协同产品经营管理模式是制造企业应对动态环境带来挑战的有效创新策略。

    A manufacturing collaborative product alliance is an efficient strategy for the challenge of dynamic environment .

  15. 由此看来,机动车险产品经营的好坏,将直接影响我国中资财产险公司的经营业绩。

    Therefore the operation of vehicles insurance will directly affect the performance of the property companies .

  16. 在陕西省实行野生动物及其产品经营、加工许可证制度有关问题的探讨

    A Discussion on the Problems Existed in Implementing Wildlife Trade and Process Permit in Shaanxi Province

  17. 超市农产品经营发展的驱动与约束因素探究

    The Research about Drive and Restriction Facts in the Development of the Agricultural Product in Supermarket

  18. 为我们更具针对性地借鉴国外汽车生产企业在产品经营管理方面的技术优势与管理经验,具有重要的指导意义。

    It has important meaning for us to use foreign automobile enterprise 's experience in product management .

  19. 教育需要经营,包括教育产品经营、全资产经营、分离资产经营。

    The educational needs of business , including education product management , asset management and separate asset management .

  20. 价格、质量对超市农产品经营影响的实证研究&来自消费者角度的证据

    Empirical Study on Impacts of Price and Quality on Supermarkets ' Agricultural Product Business : Evidence from Consumers

  21. 然后对该战略从产品经营调整、产品品质提升、成本效益管控等三个方面制定了详细的发展措施。

    It presents the specific development measure in respect of adjusting products , improving qualities and controlling cost-benefit .

  22. 从产品经营到资本经营,是现代企业发展的必然趋势。

    From operating to capital management products , is a modern enterprise of the inevitable trend of development .

  23. 他们分别是(一)、产品经营、品牌经营和资本经营相结合。

    They are ( 1 ), the combined of the product management , brand management and capital management .

  24. 在进行指标分析时,借鉴决策的层次分析法,将影响代理产品经营效果的各类因素分为不同的层次,逐层考察评估。

    When analyzing factors , the effect of deputizing operation is decided into different levels and is evaluated gradually .

  25. 动物性原料及饲料产品经营和使用环节存在的问题。

    , and problems exist in the manufacturing , management and usage of animal feed raw materials and products .

  26. 它要求,现代的工商企业不仅要从事传统的产品经营活动,还要从事投资活动和理财活动。

    The concept of Capital Management demands modern businesses carry out not only investment activities but also financing activities .

  27. 钢铁产品经营中存在资产风险和市场风险两类风险因素。

    There are two kinds of risks for managing steel products , that is financing risk and marketing risk .

  28. 大致来说,高等学校经营主要包括产品经营、资产经营、资本经营三种。

    Generally speaking , university business mainly includes three kinds : product operation , asset operation and capital operation .

  29. 企业间的竞争由产品经营竞争到资本经营的竞争,逐渐发展到智力资本经营的竞争。

    The competition among enterprises have developed into intelligence capital management from products management rival to capital management rival gradually .

  30. 本篇论文是以一家生产性跨国公司在华产品经营情况为背景,结合该行业市场特点而写的关于生产性跨国公司如何在华实施产品经营的文章。

    The paper describes how an international industry company operates on marketing in term of the feature of China industry market .