
  • 网络property right socialization
  1. 次生林经营产权社会化

    Property right socialization business SUN

  2. 论产权社会化

    On Property Right Socialization

  3. 生产社会化、产权社会化及二者的并行演进

    Production Socialization , Property Rights Socialization and Their Parallel Development

  4. 生产社会化决定产权社会化,产权社会化反作用于生产社会化,二者之间实质上是生产力与生产关系的关系,是辩证的统一。二者相互联系、相互制约、并行演进。

    Production socialization determines property rights socialization and a parallel and developing relationship exist simultaneously .

  5. 产权社会化与产权私有化、公有化之间既有区别又有联系。

    There is both the relation and different between the property right socialization , the property right pubic and the property right privatization .

  6. 农地产权社会化是农地产权关系发展的必然趋势,农地产权社会化与农地经营制度是辩证统一的关系。

    The developmental level of the socialization of the property right of rural land has a dialectical relationship with its management system and determines the realization form of the latter .

  7. 文章以财产权社会化、权利本位、比较法研究等视角,解读公共利益,并且评析民法典草案的相关部分,提出若干立法建议。

    This article interpret public interests in the respective of socialization of property , base of right and the method of comparison and review the counterpart in the draft of law of things to bring forward some proposition for legislation .

  8. 产权社会化是适应生产社会化的客观要求,某一法定主体的私人性产权部分或全部地被社会范围内越来越多的法定主体、社会成员共同分享的过程和趋势。

    " Property right socialization " is an objective requirement which meets the socialization of production ; it illustrates the course and trend of certain legal private property right partly or wholly being jointly shared by more and more social legal subjects and members .

  9. 通过股份化改造实现投资主体的多元化和产权的社会化,并筹集资本金;

    Through the stock recombination , realize many-facet of investment subject and property socialization , also raise the capital fund ;

  10. 职工持股制度(EmployeeStockOwnershipplans简称为ESOP)是当代产权主体的社会化和产权实体广泛化的最主要的形式之一。

    Employee Stock Ownership Plans ( ESOP ) is one of the dominant forms of the socialization of the property ownership and the spreading of the property entities .

  11. 要从根本上改善我国公立高校的组织效率,应依据组织特有的教育属性,创新高等教育产权制度,促进我国公立高校产权的社会化、法人化、多样化。

    In order to improve the organizational efficiency radically , it is imperative to innovate the organizational property rights system and set up more socialized , juristic , diversified institution of property rights according to their special educational nature of the public universities and colleges .