
  • 网络Definition of Property Rights;defining property rights;delimitation of rights;delineation of rights
  1. 接着,从高校后勤资产的产权关系界定分析入手,指出要在产权界定中确定后勤资产的主要用途,对所有资产分类制定管理办法,实现后勤资产两个效益的双增长。

    Then , from the rear-service assets analysis by defining property rights , the paper points out that we should identify the main usage of the rear-service assets and the management approach of property classification to double the growth of the two-effective of rear-service assets .

  2. MBO不仅提供了一个产权界定的途径,也是管理层激励的一种形式。

    MBO dose not offer a way of property identifying only , but also be a form of manager motivation .

  3. 中国国有企业产权界定分析

    Analysis of Definition of Property Right of State-owned Enterprise in China

  4. 我国运动员成绩的产权界定

    Definition of the Ownership Right of Athletes ' Achievement in China

  5. 体育赞助资源的产权界定及交易

    Definition and Transaction of the Property Right of Sports Sponsorship Resources

  6. 跨国公司内部贸易的无形资产产权界定分析

    On Intangible Property Rights in Internal Trade of Multinational Corporations

  7. 人力资本产权界定及其价值实现

    The Definition and Value Actualization of the Human Capital Right-in-property

  8. 我国会计准则供给主体的产权界定

    The Equity Definition on Our Accounting standards from Providers

  9. 跨区调配资源的产权界定及实现路径

    The Definition and Process of Allocation Resource Property Rights

  10. 产权界定的实质是利益关系的界定。

    Define property rights , in essence , is the definition of interest .

  11. 承包制的最大缺陷在于产权界定不清晰。

    Its biggest drawback is that the property rights are not clearly defined .

  12. 在产权界定的基础上进行产权制度改革;

    Reforming property right system on the basis of regulating of property right ;

  13. 对高校后勤服务社会化产权界定和属性的认识

    On the Property Rights and Attributes in the Socialization of the College Life-service Department

  14. 第四章是关于企业产权界定的法律问题。本章首先分析了产权界定的概念、意义和原则。

    Chapter seven is about the legal protection of the property right of enterprise .

  15. 第二,保险中介信用产权界定不明。

    The Second is undefined credit property right .

  16. 劳动力产权界定与深化国有企业改革

    Demarcating Labor Force Property Deepening State Enterprise Reform

  17. 明晰农地产权界定推动使用权流转&中国农地产权制度改革之我见

    Clarifying the Definition of Farmland Property and Promoting the Circulation of Farmland use Right

  18. 创业中的共有产权界定

    Definition of Pooled Property Right in Entrepreneurship

  19. 体育产权界定;

    The definition of sport property ;

  20. 合作组织产权界定是权衡其收益和成本后的博弈均衡。

    Cooperation Organization define property rights is weighed against its revenues and costs after the game balanced .

  21. 其产生的根由则在于流域政府权力产权界定不清导致了相互间正交易成本的出现。

    The cause is that the obscure boundary of power between basin governments increases the transaction cost .

  22. 上述问题的实质是产权界定等方面难以适应住宅市场的发展,业主权利得不到有力的保障。

    So to speak , the definition of property rights can 't adapt to the development of housing market .

  23. 产权界定与资产评估是知识产权担保融资的基本前提和环节。

    And property right affirmation and capital assessment are the basic premises and procedures of guaranteeing fund-circulation by IP .

  24. 即使在产权界定模糊的中国企业中,心理所有权仍起着重要作用。

    Even in the vague definition of property rights in Chinese enterprises , psychological ownership plays an important role .

  25. 流域水资源初始产权界定初探以黑河流域中游为例

    Pilot Study on the Allocation of Initial Water Rights & A Case Study for the Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin

  26. 我国证券市场中上市公司并购存在一系列问题,如国有资产的流失,中小股东利益受损、企业产权界定不清、政府的介入、内幕交易以及不适当的并购等。

    There are a series of questions of M & A of listed domestic companies in securities business of our country .

  27. 人力资本的产权界定是重构资本结构的前提。

    In the whole , it reveals that the cost rate of human capital almost equals the one of equity capital .

  28. 农村集体企业股份合作制改造中原集体净资产的产权界定

    The property Rights ' Definition of Original Colletive 's Net Assets in Transformation the Rural Collective Enterprises into the Stock cooperative Companies

  29. 第二章至第六章,按重组所经历的不同阶段,分别对资产评估、产权界定、资产重组、债务重组及产权重组过程中的会计问题进行了探讨。

    In the second to sixth chapter , the writer studies the accounting issues in the different process of corporate restructuring and reorganization .

  30. 最后对农业科技园区无形资产资本化过程中的产权界定、价值评估和风险及防范等问题作了进一步阐述。

    Lastly further statements are presented about the property rights , value appraisal , risk and its prevention etc , in the parks .