
  • 网络property rights arrangement
  1. 论我国国有饭店的市场型委托代理模式&可行性与产权安排

    On the Market-based Trust-Surrogate Model of Stated Owned Hotels in China & Feasibility and Property Rights Arrangement

  2. 因此,国家权力就构成有效产权安排和经济发展的一个必要条件;

    Thereby the country power constitutes a necessary condition of effective property rights arrangement and economic development ;

  3. 基于二元Logistic函数,在农户层次上,建立了盐碱地产权安排的农户水资源利用行为响应模型。

    Base on binary Logistic function , the response model of the farmers ' behavior of water resources utilization to the arrangement of property right system of saline-alkali land was built .

  4. 利用阿兰·斯密德教授的SSP范式对中国农业水利设施的产权安排和投融资机制进行全面和系统的理论分析,不仅是本文在研究方法上的一种创新,更是本文研究的一大特色。

    Germany by Professor Alan Smith · SSP paradigm of Chinese agriculture and irrigation facilities , property arrangements and investment and financing mechanism for a comprehensive and systematic theoretical analysis , this paper is not only an innovative research method , this study is a major characteristic .

  5. 产权安排对循环经济立法的影响&从国家角度切入的分析

    On The Influence Of Property Right Arrangement To Cyclical Economic Legislation

  6. 论产权安排的效率原则

    On Efficiency Principle in the Process of Assignment of Property Rights

  7. 不同产权安排下联合生产决策的比较研究

    The Comparison of Combined Production Policies with Different Property Rights Settlements

  8. 企业产权安排对资源型地区发展的影响;

    Enterprise property right arrange to resource influence , district of development ;

  9. 国有银行产权安排的经济分析

    Equity Arrangement of State Owned Banks from the Perspective of Economic Theory

  10. 产权安排是社会道德的基础

    A basic of social morals : The property right arrangement

  11. 企业核心竞争力的提升与产权安排

    The elevation of the Enterprise 's Core Competitiveness and the Property Arrangement

  12. 与我国股份合作制企业相比,西方股金合作制企业的产权安排更为规范、稳定、可行,其弊端可以在保持劳动合作基本特征的前提下加以校正。

    After a compare of property rights between cooperative firms in China .

  13. 基因资源产权安排与资源配置效率的关系

    The Relationship between Property Right Form and Efficiency of Genetic Resource Deploy

  14. 渔业污染的科斯办法及其产权安排的初步研究

    Study on Coase 's Method of Fishery Pollution and Property Rights Institution

  15. 产权安排与资源配置:产权理论简析

    Property Rights Arrangement and Resource Collocate : Property Rights

  16. 转型经济下的产权安排与公司治理

    Property Right Arrangement and Corporate Governance of Interim Economy

  17. 产权安排对人力资本与财务资本配置影响研究

    Study on distribution of human capital and finance capital based on arrangement of rights

  18. 控股股东产权安排与公司绩效

    Property Right Arrangement of Stakeholders and Corporate Performance

  19. 土地产权安排与土地可持续利用

    Arrangement of Property Rights and Sustainable Land Use

  20. 企业内收入分配制度的本质在于产权安排,不合理的产权制度安排将导致企业内不公平的收入分配。

    Property rights arrangement is the nature of income distribution system within the enterprises .

  21. 流域污染治理的产权安排

    The Right Arrangement of Basin Pollution Control

  22. 基于分类经营和产权安排的国有林场改革路径选择研究

    The Research on Route of Stated-owned Forest Farm Based on Classified Management and Property Arrangement

  23. 构建了与农业水利设施状态相一致的产权安排和投融资机制。

    Agricultural irrigation facilities constructed " state " consistent with the investment and financing mechanisms .

  24. 企业是一系列合同的契约网络,产权安排的重要性来自于现实世界中的不完全合同。

    The importance of the arrangement of property rights comes from incomplete contracts in reality .

  25. 并按照这个标准对公立大学教育活动的产权安排进行分析和说明。

    Moreover , it analyzed and illustrated education property arrangements in terns of the standard .

  26. 产权安排是经济制度和企业组织形式的基础。

    We think the arrangement of property rights is foundation of economic institution and enterprise framework .

  27. 我国家族企业的产权安排是符合我国产权制度发展的内在要求的。

    The property arrangement in our country accords with ingenerate need of the development of property system .

  28. 以我国国有控股上市公司的产权安排特点和缺陷为基础,论述其盈余管理行为。

    Discuss the earnings management behavior of state-holding listed company based on its property right characteristic and defect .

  29. 在此基础上,对农业水利设施的产权安排与投融资机制提出了相应的政策建议。

    On agriculture and irrigation facilities , investment and financing mechanism of property rights arrangements and policy recommendations .

  30. 文章分析了风景名胜区行政割据造成的负外部效应,并就产权安排的创新提出了自己的看法。

    The paper analyses negative externalities that administration division bring and put forward opinions on property right innovation .