
  1. 产权制度创新是突破体制改革绕不开的关节;

    Creation of property right was primary to the system reform ;

  2. 西部开发:农地产权制度创新原则

    The principles on innovation of rural land property system in West China

  3. 论我国国有商业银行的产权制度创新

    On Property Rights Institutional Innovation of our state-owned commercial banks

  4. 农地产权制度创新与可持续利用

    Innovation of the Property Rights System of Cultivated Land and Sustainable Utilization

  5. 农村土地产权制度创新路径及政策测度

    The Innovation Route of Rural Land Tenure System and Measurement of Policies

  6. 对我国私营企业产权制度创新的若干思考

    Reflections on innovation of property system in our private enterprises

  7. 农村土地国有化的产权制度创新

    The Property Right Institutional Innovations of Rural Land Nationalization

  8. 产权制度创新:家族企业二次创业的先决举措

    The Innovation of Property System : The Measures of Family Company Overcoming Difficulties

  9. 三农框架下中国农村土地产权制度创新的系统思考

    Systematic Thoughts on the Institutional Innovation of Rural Land Property Rights in China

  10. 职工持股制与煤炭产权制度创新

    Discussion on Holding Stock by Workers Staff Members and Innovation of Property Right System

  11. 金融危机下的技术创新与知识产权制度创新

    Technological innovation and intellectual property in financial crisis

  12. 论国有企业产权制度创新的理论与实践

    Oa Theory and Practice of the Innovating Property Rights System of the state-owned Enterprise

  13. 对水环境资源产权制度创新防治水污染进行了理论分析。

    Property right innovation on aquatic environment preventing from water pollution is analyzed theoretically .

  14. 中国集体企业产权制度创新的法律研究

    Study of legislation of new system of property right of collectively owned enterprises of China

  15. 西部土地资源开发的关键在于产权制度创新。

    We should pay attention to the innovation of rural land property system in west exploitation .

  16. 关于农村土地产权制度创新的思考

    About Rural Land Property System Innovation

  17. 三是开展产权制度创新,健全法人治理结构;

    Third , it is to renew property right system and improve legal entity 's governance structure .

  18. 根本出路在于农地产权制度创新,建立现代农业,这离不开政府的大力支持。

    The fundamental solution lies in the innovation of agricultural land property rights system and establishing a modern agriculture .

  19. 由并购而引致的产权制度创新和资源配置制度创新称之为制度创新效应。

    The creation of property right system and resource allocation system aroused from M & A is called system-creation effect .

  20. 所以,现阶段我国民营企业制度创新的重点是产权制度创新和内部治理制度创新。

    So the focuses of the system innovation of Chinese non-public enterprise are property system innovation and inner governance system innovation .

  21. 三农问题与农地产权制度创新当前中国农地制度存在的问题及其完善的途径

    " Sannong " Problem and the Innovation of the Agrarian Property Institution The Plight and Countermeasures about Current Agrarian Institution in China

  22. 基于农户金融合作行为的浙江省农村信用社产权制度创新研究

    The Innovational Study on Property Rights of Rural Credit Cooperatives in Zhejiang Province Based on the Cooperative Behavior of Peasants in Finance

  23. 最后本文对中国建设银行的产权制度创新作了应用研究。

    At this text final , the property right system to the China Construction Bank has been done authentic proof research and innovation .

  24. 为此,苏南社区政府和经营者进行产权制度创新。

    Therefore Sunan community government and business operators innovated in property – right system with the limits of dominant ideology and Wu culture .

  25. 中国国有企业的改革需要完成两个创新:产权制度创新和管理制度创新。

    The reform of Chinese state owned enterprises needs to complete two innovations , that is the innovation of ownership rule and management rule .

  26. 第五、在产权制度创新的基础上,需要尽快建立健全农村金融组织体系,以满足农村经济发展的需要。

    Fourth , the first and critical question of the innovation of rural finance organization system lies in the innovation of the property right .

  27. 本项研究还对如何引导产权制度创新更快更有效的发展提出了一些政策建议。

    Based on the findings of this study a number of policy recommendations are made for the future reform of agricultural irrigation system in China .

  28. 在传统的人力资本价值计量模式的基础上,构建基于股票期权的人力资本价值计量模式,并致力于企业的制度创新,包括企业的产权制度创新、分配制度创新和会计制度创新。

    Using the traditional human capital value measure modes for preference , the article constructs a new mode , which is based on stock options .

  29. 目前,产权制度创新不够已经成为阻碍我国家族企业发展壮大的主要因素。

    At present , the lacking of property right system innovation has been the main factor that hampers Chinese family enterprises to get more development .

  30. 就国有商业银行的股权结构及国有银行产权制度创新亟待解决的问题进行论述。

    This paper discusses on the problems of the percentage of shares and the property system innovation of state-owned banks that are to be solved urgently .