
  1. 因此从法律的角度探讨LBO作为一种金融工具在我国企业产权流动中的可行性具有重要的现实意义。

    This article analyses the feasibility of taking LBO as a financial instrument in promoting the property rights transfer in an eye of law and gives systematic measures on the full use of LBO .

  2. 论国有资产产权流动和重组

    On Circulation and Re-constitution of State-owned Assets Property Rights

  3. 产权流动与长三角经济一体化

    The Flow of Property Rights and Economic Integration in the Yangtze River Delta

  4. 构建规范化的国有企业产权流动与交易市场。

    Construction of the standardization of the flow of state-owned enterprises and property rights trading market .

  5. 在改革转制中应建立相关配套措施,确保产权流动与重组顺利进行。

    Should set up relevant supplementary measures in reforming transformation , guarantee its going on smoothly .

  6. 适时推动农地产权流动,由平均地权向适度规模经营推进;

    Timely pushing forward the flow of farmland property right-pushing ahead from average land right to proper-scale management ;

  7. 随着经济发展,资本和产权流动加剧,使得对资产价值的科学评估与确定的问题越来越具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    With the economic development , capital and property right flow more rapidly . The scientific appraisal and ascertainment of assets value is of great significance .

  8. 企业并购是促进产权流动、盘活资产存量,优化社会资源配置的一项重要手段。

    Merger and Acquisition , an important means to promote the circulation of property , to act asset quantity and to improve the disposition of social resource .

  9. 在国有企业产权流动与重组中,可通过系统性重组和结构性调整组建大型骨干企业和企业集团;

    In the flow and reorganization of property right of state-owned enterprise , can set up the large-scale leading and collective enterprise through systemic reorganization and structural adjustment ;

  10. 国有产权流动竞价必须通过拍卖、招投标的方式来实现,并在政府公报上公布相关信息,接受社会监督。

    State-owned property rights movement must through auction , bidding approach to implementation , and in the Government Gazette published on the relevant information , accept social supervision .

  11. 公司股东的股权转让是市场经济中资本流转的常见形式,有利于公司募集资本、产权流动重组、资源优化配置。

    The transfer of stock rights is often seen in the process of capital flow . It is beneficial to raise money 、 transfer and recompose property and optimize the resource allocation .

  12. 有效沟通两个市场,促进两个市场共同发展,可以有力支持国有企业改革,促进企业产权流动和重组,优化产业结构,进而促进社会主义市场经济的发展。

    Communicate two market effectively , promote two market common development , can support the SOE reform effectively , Promote enterprise 's property right to flow and recombinant , optimize the structure of industry , and then promote the development of socialist market economy .

  13. 在国有产权流动竞价的过程中,既要发挥市场的作用,以体现公正透明和效率;更要发挥国资委的作用,维护国有资本的权益。

    Flow of state-owned property rights in the process of bidding , it is necessary to play the role of the market to reflect the fair and transparent and efficient ; the role of the SASAC must be exerted , and safeguard the interests of state-owned capital .

  14. 资本在宏观上的流动实质是产权的流动。

    Macro capital flow refers to the flux of property right in nature .

  15. 国有产权多样化流动中的利益透视及政府行为

    Benefit Perspective in the Multi flow of State Property and the Government Behavior

  16. 为实现产权可流动,民营企业要逐步开展资本经营,并且适时把企业产权有价证券化。民营企业内部治理制度创新的目标是建立与企业发展阶段和企业规模相适应的内部治理模式。

    Secondly , the goal of inner governance system innovation of non-public enterprise is to choose the suitable inner governance model based on their real conditions .

  17. 但是由于知识产权具有流动性差、商业化困难的特点,抑制了对这座金矿的挖掘。

    Because the intellectual property rights have characteristics of bad fluidity and difficulty to commercialize , which suppress the excavation of the " the gold ore " .

  18. 土地是人类社会的稀缺性资产,其自然供给的无弹性使土地产权的流动对经济的发展乃至人类社会的生存至关重要。

    The land is the scarce property of human society . The inelasticity of its natural supply determines the transaction of land rights is crucial to economy development and the existence of human society .

  19. 本文从市场的交易分工、资源配置的效率、产权的流动转让、经济行为主体的有限理性和机会主义倾向以及经济环境等方面,论证现代市场经济是一种风险经济。

    The dissertation holds that modern market economy is risk economy proved in aspects of market transaction and division , efficiency of resources distribution , flow and transfer of property right , limited reason and opportunism tendency of the behavior of economic subject and economic environment .

  20. 森林资源产权不能有序流动,难以做到资源的优化配置。

    The forest resources property right can not flow , so it is very hard to get the optimization allocation of forest resources .

  21. 论述了不完全合约的性质、经济含义和产生原因,并分析了产权交易与流动以及产权效率的最优配置问题。

    Discussed implication of the property of not complete agreement , economy and generation matter , analysed property right to trade the best configuration problem with flow and property right efficiency .

  22. 产权交易应产权流动之需而生,对于实现产权价值的最大化和产权资源的优化配置,无疑具有重要作用。

    Hence , The transaction of property right plays an important role in maximizing its value and optimizing its allocation .

  23. 通过理论分析,揭示了权力资本破坏产权以及阻碍社会流动的主要机理。

    Through theoretical analysis , the damage to property right protection and the encumbrance to social mobility caused by power capital are disclosed .

  24. 在知识产权资本化与流动化之强劲需求推动下,一种融合知识资本与金融创新的新型融资工具&知识产权证券化诞生了。

    Driven by the anxious demand of capitalization and commercialization of IPR , an innovative financial instrument which integrates knowledge potential and innovative financial power emerges .

  25. 首先介绍了资产的定义,从资源配置论、产权重组论、流动转化论、制度创新论等角度阐述了资产重组的概念。

    First , it introduces the definition of assets 、 concept of assets reorganization from the allocation of resources , the reorganization of property rights , system innovation and other theory perspective .

  26. 本文对人力资本与经济增长、人力资本产权、人力资本流动、人力资本生成途径以及人力资本运营机制等方面逐一进行了探讨,旨在推动人力资本管理研究的不断深入。

    This article makes a discussion on some issues such as the human capital and the economy growth , the human capital property , the human capital flow , the human capital 's forming route and the human capital operation in order to deepen the human capital research .

  27. 资产评估行业主要有资产评估机构及注册资产评估师(以下分别简称评估机构、评估师)组成,它们对于促成社会资本产权尤其是国有资本产权的合理流动起到至关重要的作用。

    Asset evaluation industry , mainly in asset evaluation agencies and CPV ( hereinafter referred to as the rating agencies , appraisers ) component , which contribute to social capital for property rights , especially the rational flow of state capital play a crucial role .

  28. 因此,家族企业要实现由传统企业制度向现代企业法人治理制度转换,实现产权结构由单一家族产权结构向产权主体多元化、流动化产权结构转换。

    Therefore , family company should realize the transformation from traditional enterprise system into modern enterprise legal person operation system , from property rights structure of single family into ones of diversity and circulation .

  29. 优化企业产权结构,实现产权多元化;开展资本运行,促进产权的流动;

    Optimize the property structure so as to realize the plurality of the property .

  30. 建立科学的产权制度和管理制度,加快进行股份制改造,实现产权结构的多元化,为产权流动奠定基础。

    Form the scientific property right institution and management system , accelerate the program of the share system , bring about the pluralism of property right structure and lay a foundation of the movement of the property right .