
  • 网络Clear property rights;clearly-established ownership
  1. AVS实现复杂度低,技术方案简洁,知识产权清晰。

    AVS has low implementation complexity and clear intellectual property .

  2. 产权清晰、无权利负担的安置用房证明。

    The certificate of resettlement houses with clear property ownership and free of encumbrances .

  3. 产权清晰是市场有效竞争的前提条件。

    Clear private property rights are the prerequisite of efficient competition of electricity market .

  4. 产权清晰是现代企业制度的首要特征。

    Clearly defined property right is the primary feature of the modern enterprise system .

  5. 人力资本只有在产权清晰的前提下才能最大限度地发挥其效能。

    The human capital could be most effective on the conditon of a clear right-in-property .

  6. 一是要按照产权清晰的原则,重新界定产权;

    First , clear the property right ;

  7. 房产产权清晰,尽量回避银行抵押物业。

    The property right need to be very clearly and blench of the pawn of bank .

  8. 知识产权清晰-IP网络,包括互联网提供更高的带宽以较低的成本比传统的电话网络。

    IP Clarity-IP networks including the Internet offer higher bandwidths at lower costs than traditional telephone networks .

  9. 在经验品市场上,消费者对产品质量具有不完全信息,一个产权清晰的中介组织对产品质量的有效评定则是传递质量信号的有效手段之一。

    In the market of experience goods , there is asymmetric quality information between consumers and manufacturers .

  10. 产权清晰是合作利益机制乃至合作成功的基石;

    Second , clear property right is the base of good benefit mechanism and a successful cooperation ;

  11. 产权清晰化问题辨析

    Analysis of Property Clarity

  12. 界定了公立大学产权清晰的含义,提出了公立大学产权清晰的标准和意义。

    The public university property definition was made clearly , In addition , its standard and meaning were proposed .

  13. 产权清晰的提法不够准确,对国有企业改革产生了误导。

    The wording of clarifying property rights is not accurate , and it has misled the reform of state-owned enterprises .

  14. 产权清晰是市场交易的前提,为此需要对产权进行界定和保护。

    Clear property right is the premise for market transaction , and it is necessary to define and protect property rights .

  15. 而产权清晰和合理产权制度的设计将为农业技术创新主体提供内生的激励机制和外部环境。

    Clear property rights and reasonable design of the property rights system provide the incentive mechanism of endogenous and external environment for agricultural technology innovation .

  16. 建立现代企业制度要求达到产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、科学管理。

    To establish a modern enterprise system requires clear property right , exact rights and responsibilities , separation of government and business , and scientific management .

  17. 产权清晰、市场体系完善、法规健全是市场有效供给竞技体育服务产品的条件。

    Clear property rights , perfected market systems as well as complete laws and regulations are the conditions for the market to effectively supply competitive sports service products .

  18. 新制度经济学认为,产权清晰有效是市场经济的基本要求,也是市场经济有效运行的基本前提。

    According to new institutional economics , clear and effective property rights are the basic requirement of market economy and basic prerequisite of the effective operation of market economy .

  19. 现代企业制度是以适应市场经济要求,产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,管理科学为特征的企业制度。

    The feature of the modern enterprise system is to meet market economic requirement , with distinct property and duty right , politics and enterprise parted , scientific management .

  20. 产权清晰不仅是建立现代企业制度的前提和基础,也是进一步完善企业法人制度的关键所在。

    The perspicuity of property rights is not only the premise and base of founding modern enterprise system , but also the key of further developing business corporation system .

  21. 通过企业制度的改革,使企业实现产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学,从而更加有利于我国社会主义市场经济的发展。

    The enterprise reform causes the clear property rights , well-defined right , separation , scientific management , which is more advantageous to the development of the Socialist Market Economy .

  22. 因此,在产权清晰的基础上,建立国有资产中央与地方新的委托代理关系是完全必要的。

    Therefore , on the base of the clear property rights , it is necessary to build up the new agent relation of State-owned assets between the central and local government .

  23. 军政府接管了(国家).产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,管理科学

    A military government took control ( of the country ) . " Clearly defining property rights , specifying rights and responsibilities , separating ownership from daily management and adopting scientific management "

  24. 从而达到使高科技企业产权清晰,并使技术、管理等智力因素入股和参与分配,有效激励高科技企业的人力资本的目的,最终促进高科技企业发展壮大。

    This will make property clear , enable intellectual elements of technology and management to transform into shares , inspires personal capital in High-tech and promotes the development of high-tech in the end .

  25. 内部控制制度也存在一定的局限性,企业应按现代企业制度的要求,通过建立产权清晰的经济实体、有效的公司治理结构、健全的内部会计控制制度系统来建立内部控制制度。

    Internal controlling institution also has some limitations . The related company should establish the system through clearly defined property rights , effective corporation structure and completely accounting system based on the modern enterprises system .

  26. 借助科斯定理,进一步证明了,当产权清晰,并且配置成本为零时,市场自发的力量可以引导资本配置从当前状态进入最优状态。

    By applying Coase theorem , the author further proved that if property rights are unambiguously defined , and allocation cost equals zero , the forces of market will drive capital allocation to the optimal state .

  27. 也只有使国有企业改革取得突破性进展,才能沿着产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的改革方向发展。

    Only make the SOE reform make a breakthrough , it could develop along the reform direction with clear property right , defined power and responsibility , separating government function from enterprise management , management science .

  28. 产权清晰化的主要途径是尽快摘帽、自然人之间产权的清晰化和自然人与法人之间产权的清晰化。

    The main way of clearly defining the property right is puts off hat as soon as possible , defining the property right between the natural persons and between the natural person and the legal person .

  29. 通过对产权清晰的概念辨析,提出了反对产权神化的观点;指出企业产权交易市场建立的必要性与重要性。

    By differentiating the concept of property rights , this paper points out the view to oppose the deification of the property rights and the necessary for the building of the enterprise property rights transaction market ( EPRTM ) .

  30. 权力分散在地方政权中分散(中央政权)的管理职能或权力产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,管理科学

    To distribute the administrative functions or powers of ( a central authority ) among several local authorities . " Clearly defining property rights , specifying rights and responsibilities , separating ownership from daily management and adopting scientific management "