
chǎn xiāo yī tǐ huà
  • integration of manufacturing andmarketing
  1. 近年来,越来越多的企业采用产销一体化和CIMS(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem)等先进技术,提高了企业的整体效率和市场竞争能力。

    In recent years , more and more many enterprises used the production and marketing integration and CIMS ( COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEM ) and so on .

  2. 叙述了钢铁企业信息化的目标、任务和四级功能结构,重点阐述了产销一体化系统ISPS和钢铁企业信息化的六类关键技术。

    Target , assignment and 4 levels function architecture of enterprise information system in iron and steel industry are described . Emphasis of discussion is put on ISPS ( Integrated System for Production & Sales ) system and 6 categories of key technique for iron and steel enterprise information system .

  3. 三要推进产销一体化经营;

    Thirdly , promoting integration management of production and marketing ;

  4. 产销一体化经营方式探析

    Analysis of the Business Pattern of Production-Marketing Integration

  5. 重钢产销一体化质量管理系统的研究及实现

    The Study and Actualize on Quality Manage System of Chongqing Iron Steel Company Limited

  6. 农产品产销一体化与日本食品业

    Production system of agricultural products in Japan

  7. 约束方法应用于产销一体化系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implement to Method of Constraints Applying in Production and Sales Unification System

  8. 本文以重庆钢铁股份有限公司《产销一体化系统》一期工程的公司主生产计划系统为研究对象,从企业信息系统规划的高度,提出了公司主生产计划系统的总体规划。

    , ITD . The overall plan of company main productive program system based on the enterprise information system plan is put forward .

  9. 日本农业供产销一体化经营的经验及其启示商业银行市场营销理论是市场营销原理与商业银行经营管理理论相结合的产物。

    Experiences and Enlightenment of Japanese Agriculture in Managing Produce-supply-sell Unionization ; Commercial bank marketing ( CBM ) is the combining of marketing theory and commercial bank management theory .

  10. 南平市淮山产业化开发的指导方针为:生产高度专业化;栽培加工机械化;技术服务社会化;产销一体化。

    The guideline for industrial development of Chinese yam in Nanping City is as follows : specialization in production ; mechanization in growing and processing ; socialization in providing technological services ; integrating production with marketing .

  11. 在我国,主体的汽车物流模式是供产销一体化的自营物流,即汽车产品原材料、零部件等的采购物流、汽车产品的生产物流和销售物流等物流活动均由汽车制造企业来完成。

    In our country , the main automobile logistics pattern is the incorporation of supply , production and distribution , which is that all logistics activities including purchasing logistics , the manufacture company itself completes production logistics and distribution logistics .

  12. 最后,本文从对现有农产品批发市场进行升级拓展、发展农产品流通合作组织和发展农产品产销一体化组织三个方面提出了优化我国农产品营销渠道的构想。

    Finally , this assay has make some proposition to optimize our produce marketing channel from the following four aspect : upgrade and expand on present wholesale produce market , develop the produce cooperative circulation organization , develop the integrated organization in produce production and marketing .

  13. 高浓高效复合与专用肥料的产销服务一体化开发

    Development and integration of production , marketing and service for high-concentration , high-efficiency special compound fertilizers