
The paper combines and upswings New Classical Economic Model , Effective Labor Model and Human Capital Externality Model .
Analysis has proved the specific function of population urbanization on promoting manpower capital and material capital to play their roles in economic development .
Latterly in this paper , some endogenous economics growth model that included effective Labor models and human capital externalities models were served as empirical tool for further empirical analysis .
Through the analysis to human capital model , it is discovered that in the elements which can Promote the Hebei ' economic growth the contribution rate of material capital is still the highest , and the contribution rate of human capital should be improved .
The Relationship between Externalities of Human Capital and Industrial Income Difference
Exterior of Human Capital and Charge of China ′ s Higher Education
Externality of human capital gives rise to government-dominant public investment and accumulation in human capital .
Based on the new economic geography , this paper constructs an endogenous model about the heterogeneous labor migration , agglomeration and regional income disparity .
Endogenous growth theory make economic growth endogenous through overcoming the decreasing returns nature of factor of production that can be accumulated , and through fiscal policy solve such problems as externality of manpower capital accumulation , technological and knowledge , etc.
The Value , Externality and Property Right of Human Capital
The main findings in this paper are : First , human capital has remarkable external effects , namely , the higher the average educational achievement of employees in an industry , the higher the industry 's income premium is .
In the times of knowledge economy , human capital has fundamental significance to the development of society and economy .
This is mainly due to that the human capital could effectively improve the production efficiency of laborer , and the externality of human capital also can improve the production efficiency of other factors .