
  1. 人力资本配置制度是一个有机的系统,其整体功能的发挥依赖于各项基本制度安排的完善与发展。

    Deployment institutions of human capital are an organic system , and its function rely on the perfection and development of every basic institution .

  2. 人力资本配置及其制度研究

    Deployment of Human Capital and the Research on Deployment Institution

  3. 在述评一般制度变迁理论的基础上,着眼于劳动分工,从人力资本产权的视角,建立人力资本配置诱致性制度变迁的模型,并对模型的应用进行讨论。

    Remarking the ordinary theory of institutional change , keeping the division in mind , and taking hold of property rights of human capital , the penman builds mechanical model of tempted institutional change . At last , there is the discussion and application of the model .