
  • 网络RMB Fund
  1. 发挥人民币基金的结构性优势,选择最佳的投资退出方式。

    The fund will leverage the structural advantages of a RMB fund to create the best exit routes .

  2. 美国私人股本公司凯雷集团(carlylegroup)昨日公布了与中方合作伙伴达成的又一项协议,此次将推出重点投资小型企业的人民币基金。

    Carlyle Group , the US private equity firm , yesterday unveiled another agreement with a Chinese partner , this time to launch a local currency fund focused on smaller company investments .

  3. 包括着眼亚洲的券商里昂证券(clsa)在内的其它一些海外集团,也已与中国内地合作伙伴签署了设立人民币基金的初步协议。

    Other overseas groups , including CLSA , the Asian-focused brokerage , have also signed preliminary plans with mainland partners to set up renminbi funds .

  4. 总部位于上海的投资公司sigpartners,是几家已建立国内人民币基金的公司之一,以利用政府促进行业发展的举措。

    SIG partners , a Shanghai-based investment company , is among the handful of firms to have already set up a domestic renminbi fund to take advantage of government initiatives to boost the industry .

  5. 迈克尔奎恩(michaelqueen)于2009年接手3i,他说该集团计划在亚洲业务成就的基础上更进一步,加入忙于筹集人民币基金的越来越多西方私募股权集团的行列。

    Michael queen , who took over at 3I in early 2009 , said the group aimed to build on its track record in Asia by joining the growing number of western private equity groups rushing to raise renminbi funds .

  6. 在TPG加强中国团队之际,更多本土公司正在设立人民币基金,而国际集团可配置在中国的资金高达500亿美元。

    The move to fortify the China team comes as more local firms are establishing renminbi funds while international groups have as much as $ 50bn they can deploy in China .

  7. tpg已加入其它西方私人股本集团的队列,争相从中国投资者手中筹集资金,建立人民币基金,以便在中国各地作出人民币投资。

    TPG has joined the queue of western private equity groups rushing to raise renminbi-denominated funds from Chinese investors that will allow them to make local currency investments across the country .

  8. 不过,今年夏天tpg在中国遭受了打击:其在中国的头号交易撮合者单伟建从这家美国集团辞职,转而设立自己的人民币基金。

    This summer , however , TPG suffered a blow in China after Weijian Shan , its leading dealmaker in the country , quit the US group to set up his own local fund .

  9. 现在又有数十亿美元资金正在通过新成立的人民币基金募集。

    Billions more are being raised now in new renminbi funds .

  10. 自去年8月宣布筹建人民币基金以来,百仕通几乎没有取得任何进展。

    Since Blackstone announced its fund last August , little has moved forward .

  11. 六个月前,中国国务院通过了允许外资机构筹建人民币基金的法规。

    Six months ago the State Council passed legislation allowing foreigners to raise renminbi funds .

  12. 不过,罗宾逊表示,从另一方面看,人民币基金的法律架构较模糊,流动性和退出战略也不明晰。

    The flipside though according to Robinson is that RMB funds have unclear legal structures and unclear liquidity and exit strategies .

  13. 倡导使用人民币基金,增加了人民币不会流向海外而会在国内再投资的可能性。

    Promoting the use of Renminbi funds makes it more likely that currency will not be taken offshore and will be reinvested onshore .

  14. 在去年的中国私募投资市场中,人民币基金相关的项目占全年项目总数的65%以及全年投资总额的55%。

    RMB funds accounted for65 % of the number of deals and55 % of total investment amount in the China Private Equity market .

  15. 对想在中国长远布局、建立联系的全球私人股本投资公司来说,这些人民币基金正迅速成为一种不可或缺的途径。

    These renminbi funds are fast becoming a necessity for global private equity firms who want to advance their prospects and connections in China .

  16. 如此大笔的资金向国内私人资本业开闸,势将推动更多的中国收购交易商转向国内人民币基金。

    The huge pool of capital opened to the domestic private equity industry will encourage more Chinese deal makers to turn to onshore , yuan-denominated funds .

  17. 目前,各金融集团正竞相在中国建立人民币基金,原因是针对外币投资的监管规定更加严格。

    Financial groups are flocking to set up local currency funds in China because of the stricter regulatory hurdles that surround investments made in foreign currency .

  18. 但未来几年,要想获准在华进行投资,外国基金可能必须采取进一步措施,募集人民币基金。

    But over the next few years , foreign funds are likely to have to go further and raise renminbi funds if they want approvals for some investments .

  19. 所以在未来18到24个月,我们计划筹集一个欧洲私募股权基金、一个中国人民币基金以及第二个印度基础设施基金。

    So over the next 18 to 24 months we plan to raise a European private equity fund , a Chinese renminbi fund and a second Indian infrastructure fund .

  20. 中国国内基金公司仍在扩大投资,人民币基金交易量去年首次超过美元基金交易量。

    Domestic Chinese firms continued to expand their investing , with local currency renminbi funds for the first time accounting for more activity during the year than dollar funds .

  21. 因此,对于外国背景的新型人民币基金将得到什么样的税收待遇,以及这些基金是否将与真正的本土基金享有同样的法律地位,仍有不少问号。

    So there remain questions about how the new foreign-backed local currency funds will be taxed and whether they will be on an equal legal footing with truly local funds .

  22. 在中国,达成交易的环境最近变得更为复杂,原因是现在有数以百计的人民币基金,既有本土公司建立的,也有大型国际集团建立的。

    The environment in China for deals has recently become more complicated , due to the presence of hundreds of Renminbi funds raised both by local firms and the big international groups .

  23. 中国表现出了些许好客之情:上海已加速放宽了注册条件,减轻了海外私人股本公司与当地公司共建的合资公司的税负,还为设立人民币基金的合资公司打开了绿灯。

    There are pockets of hospitality : Shanghai has expedited looser registration requirements and lighter tax burdens for joint ventures with local firms , and has given the green light to JVs offering renminbi funds .

  24. 报告说,以中国为投资重心的基金2011年共募得320亿美元,高于上年的230亿美元,涨幅达39%,其中人民币基金占这类基金融资总额的68%。

    China-focused funds closed on $ 32 billion in new capital in 2011 , up 39 % from $ 23 billion the year before , with local currency funds totaling 68 % of China 's fund pool , the report said .

  25. 昨日,美国私人股本基金凯雷(carlyle),成为第二家宣布计划在中国募集一只人民币计价基金的外资公司。

    Yesterday Carlyle , the US-based private equity fund , became only the second foreign company to announce its plans to raise a renminbi-denominated fund in China .

  26. 其次,人民币计价基金也受到投资者推崇。

    Second , renminbi-denominated funds are also favoured by investors .

  27. 这为基金管理公司推出人民币计价基金铺平了道路。

    This paves the way for fund managers to introduce renminbi-denominated funds .

  28. 此外,瑞士银行还发行在开曼群岛注册的人民币债券基金。

    Swiss banks are meanwhile offering renminbi bond funds domiciled in the Cayman Islands .

  29. 人民币发行基金的调拨,应当按照中国人民银行的规定办理。

    RMB issuance funds shall be allocated as per regulations of the people 's Bank of china .

  30. 相比之下,目前我国的基金业仍显得非常弱小,基金数目不足40家,资产规模不足千亿元人民币,基金管理公司也不过十家。

    Up to now we have less than 40 closed-end funds , and only 10 fund management companies .