
  • 网络human resource consulting;Human Resource Consultant;HR Consulting;Mercer Human Resource Consult
  1. 曾在纽约从事律师工作的切尔卡斯基表示,作为该集团的子公司之一,尽管美世人力资源咨询公司(mercerhumanresourceconsulting)在华业务基础较小,但发展尤为迅速。

    The former New York lawyer said business at Mercer Human Resource Consulting , one of its subsidiaries , has been growing especially fast in China , albeit from a small base .

  2. 根据默瑟人力资源咨询公司公布的调查,莫斯科挤到了第二位,东京则位居第三。

    Moscow muscles in at second place in the survey , released by Mercer Human Resource Consulting , with Tokyo third .

  3. 人力资源咨询公司翰威特(HewittAssociates)称,10%-12%的美国大公司为员工提供这种选择。

    According to HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates , 10-12 per cent of large American employers offer staff this option .

  4. 人力资源咨询公司Hudson在2006年对一万名美国员工做过调查,结果发现只有半数以下的人将金钱作为自己最大的考虑。

    In a2006 survey of10,000 U.S.workers , human resources consulting firm Hudson found that slightly less than half considered money their biggest consideration .

  5. 例如,人力资源咨询公司韬睿(towersperrin)一年两次的研究发现,在整个欧洲,员工敬业水平没有持续上升。

    Biannual research by the human resources consultancy Towers Perrin , for example , has found no sustained rise in employee engagement levels across Europe .

  6. 总部位于威斯康星州布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)的人力资源咨询公司PsychologyForBusiness的心理学家约翰•韦弗(JohnWeaver)说,专注于一个比自我提升更高的目标能够帮助员工管理压力水平。

    Commitment to a goal beyond self-promotion can help a worker manage stress levels , says John Weaver , a psychologist at Psychology For Business , a Brookfield , Wis . - based employment consultancy .

  7. 回答员工的问题,帮助他们面对不确定性,人力资源咨询公司Penna的贝弗利怀特说。

    Answer questions and help people with the uncertainty , says Beverley White at HR consultancy Penna .

  8. 人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)今年3月对600多家公司的调查显示,企业在招聘计划方面放缓了脚步。

    A survey of more than 600 firms conducted in March by human resources consulting firm Mercer also pointed to a slowdown in hiring plans .

  9. 匹兹堡HowlandPetersonConsulting公司的人力资源咨询师吉莲•佛罗伦汀(GillianFlorentine)说,工作团队有时候可以帮助员工提高这方面的意识。

    Work teams can sometimes help raise an employee 's awareness , says Gillian Florentine , a human-resource consultant with Howland Peterson Consulting in Pittsburgh .

  10. 人力资源咨询公司penna的欧文摩根(owenmorgan)报告称,经济衰退意味着,报纸上一个招聘广告能吸引多至700名申请者。

    The recession means that one job advertisement in a broadsheet newspaper can attract up to 700 applicants , reports Owen Morgan of Penna , a human resources consultancy .

  11. 这可能导致固定工资的显著提高。普华永道(PwC)人力资源咨询全球负责人乔恩特里(JonTerry)表示,这对行业的灵活性有相当大的影响。

    It could result in significant increases in fixed pay , said Jon Terry , global head of human resources consulting at PwC . It substantially affects the flexibility of the business .

  12. 人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)近期的一份调查发现,今年,公司为最佳员工涨薪的平均幅度高达4.6%。

    A recent study by human resources consulting firm Mercer found that on average , companies will increase their best employees ' salaries by 4.6 % this year .

  13. 人力资源咨询公司Fairplace顾问克尔温?哈克(KerwinHack)从而建议,从招聘广告中摘取语句来点缀简历。

    Kerwin Hack , a counsellor at HR consultancy Fairplace , therefore suggests larding CVs with phrases extracted from the job ad.

  14. 2011年以来,香港豪宅租赁价格已经上涨15%。人力资源咨询公司ECAInternational说,现在要在某个令人满意的社区里租一套不含家具的三居室公寓,租金已经超过11800美元。

    Since 2011 , the cost of renting luxury housing has jumped 15 % in Hong Kong , where it now costs over $ 11,800 to rent an unfurnished , three-bedroom apartment in a desirable neighborhood , according to human-resources consulting firm ECA International .

  15. 人力资源咨询公司Hudson银行和金融服务负责人詹姆斯•卡斯(JamesCarss)表示:几乎和我打过交道的所有银行都存在租赁面积的问题。

    James Carss , director of banking and financial services for Hudson , a human resources consultancy , says : Pretty much every bank I 've dealt with has space problems .

  16. 在人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)2016年的《女性成长,则百业俱兴》报告中,拉美是唯一一个有望到2025年在专业职位或较高职位实现性别平等的地区。

    In the 2016 When Women Thrive report fromMercer , the human resources consultancy , Latin America is the only region ontrack to achieve gender parity in professional-level positions and higher by2025 .

  17. 国际人力资源咨询公司SHL的一项调查显示,中国近一半的雇主在招聘新人时喜欢到网上查看求职者照片。

    Nearly half of all employers in China like to check out online photos of potential candidates when hiring new team members , says a survey by global HR consultancy SHL .

  18. 据人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)的最新调查显示,去年有更多行业领先公司在奖励高管时,发放了绩效奖励,而非需要股票期权。

    When it came time to reward top executives last year , more leading companies handed out performance-based awards instead of time-vesting stock options , according to a new study from human resources consulting firm Mercer .

  19. 人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)健康和福利业务的首席精算师布鲁斯•理查兹预计,企业会着手调整其涵盖的治疗种类,由全体员工、而不仅仅只是高龄员工来为支付这笔费用承担更多的责任。

    Bruce Richards , chief actuary in the health and benefits business at Mercer , a human resources consultancy , predicts that companies will look to alter the kinds of treatments they will cover and put more responsibility for payment on all their employees & not just older workers .

  20. 宾夕法尼亚州英戈马市(Ingomar)的人力资源咨询师菲莉丝•哈特曼(PhyllisHartman)说:“人们可能很想说‘你闭上嘴巴行不行啊?’但他们不想伤人,所以不谈这个问题。”

    People may be tempted to say , ' Would you shut up ? ' But they dance around the issue because they don 't want to hurt somebody 's feelings , ' says Phyllis Hartman , an Ingomar , Pa. , human-resources consultant .

  21. 但是,人力资源咨询公司HRConnected的总裁芭芭拉?

    But you can recover if you are'willing to self-assess and be open-minded to what is being told'to you , says Barbara Mohl , president of HRConnected , a human resources consulting firm .

  22. 根据全球性人力资源咨询公司SHL的一份调查,中国约一半的雇主喜欢在雇用新职员时在网上查看求职者的照片,而世界范围内只有26%的受调查者会这样做。

    Nearly half of all employers in China like to check out online photos of potential candidates when hiring new team members , says a survey by global HR consultancy SHL . By contrast globally , just 26 % of respondents around the world say they do the same .

  23. 具有长期在人力资源咨询行业发展的意愿;

    Strong motivation to make long-term development in human resource field ;

  24. 这家全球人力资源咨询公司不搞绩效评估,而是与经理人进行职业投资的探讨。

    Rather than performance reviews , employees of this global HR consulting firm have career investment discussions with managers .

  25. 作为苏格兰皇家银行的高级人力资源咨询师,她开始感到没有了挑战,自己的工作逐渐成为例行公事。

    As an RBS senior human resources consultant , she began to feel unchallenged and that her job was becoming routine .

  26. 但根据人力资源咨询公司麦可思的一项调查显示,2010年有约半数的毕业生在私企供职。

    But according to the annual graduate survey by employment research company MyCOS , about half of all graduates will end up working for privately-owned enterprises in2010 .

  27. 好的,这项调查是由人力资源咨询公司进行的,他们采访了1000多名员工,并列出了使人们在工作中感到快乐的十大因素。

    M : Well , this was done by a human resources consultancy , who interviewed more than 1000 workers , and established a top ten of the factors , which make people happy at work .

  28. 美世人力资源咨询公司并不从事猎头工作,而是帮助一系列在华企业制定招聘、薪酬及培训战略。切尔卡斯基估计,这个子公司正以每年50%的速度增长。

    The human resources arm , which Mr Cherkasky estimated is growing by 50 per cent a year , does not do headhunting but helps an array of China-based corporations conceive recruiting , compensation and training strategies .

  29. 由美国智睿人力资源咨询公司开展的调查揭示,三分之一的员工认为自己的上司做事没效率,近半数员工认为如果让他们做上司的工作,会比上司做得更好。

    A study by talent management expert DDI revealed that one in three employees don 't consider their boss to be doing an effective job , while nearly half of workers think they could do their boss 's job better than them .

  30. 为此,本文首先对人力资源咨询服务人员的资质现状进行全面系统的了解,对咨询服务对象进行访问调查,提出对咨询服务人员资质分析和开发的新需求。

    So , this paper , by learning fully and systematically about competence situation of human resources consulting staff to conduct , visits and surveys to advisory services customers , put new demands to the analysis and the development study of the competence of consulting staffs .