
  1. 而对于每一个企业竞争者,或者仅仅是置身其中的一员。

    For each and every enterprise competitors , or just outside one of them .

  2. 尤其是在重组信息丰富的地方,合理应用IT可以使企业比竞争者具备更大的优势,成功地实施BPR。

    Especially in the place of abundance of reengineering information , the enterprise utilized IT suitably can have hugeness preponderance than competitor and executed BPR successfully .

  3. 全球化使世界上各个企业与其竞争者的效率能够被轻易地作出比较。

    Globalization puts enterprises in a position where their efficiency can be compared easily with competitors around the world .

  4. 重点分析企业的竞争者及对企业所在的行业进行分析

    Focuses on the analysis of firms ' competitors and the industries within which the firm and its competitors operate

  5. 在以竞争为基础的定价中,企业采用竞争者的价格而不是以需求或成本作为其首要的定价基础。

    In competition-based pricing , a firm uses competitor 's prices rather than demand or cost considerations as its primary pricing guideposts .

  6. 目前,我国企业在竞争者识别方面仍存在较大的随意性,缺乏系统的思路和科学的方法,容易造成竞争策略失误,在竞争中处于被动与落后。

    However , some Chinese enterprises still do it at a venture , without the systemic process and scientific method , which often leads to the improper competitive tactics and passive competitive position .

  7. 限制企业劳动者向竞争者企业泄露商业秘密。

    Prevent enterprise worker from revealing the commercial secret to the competing enterprise .

  8. 作为一家生产性公司,它对业已创立的企业构成了竞争者,因此不会被接受为许可人。

    As a producing company it became a competitor to the established industry and therefore was not accepted as licensor .

  9. 当天晚些时候,这个想法明显获得了法国政府的支持。在本国企业成为国际竞争者的收购目标时,法国政府常常会插手干预。

    Later in the day , the idea received an apparent nod of support from the French government , which has often intervened when local companies have become takeover targets for international competitors .

  10. 面对变幻莫测、竞争日渐激烈的市场,如何发现、吸引、留住客户,让自己的企业在众多竞争者中脱颖而出,成为企业经营者重点探索的问题。

    Being face with unpredictable , increasingly competitive market , how to identify , attract , retain customers , to make their enterprises in a number of competitors , a focus on enterprise managers to explore the issue .

  11. 核心竞争力,是企业能从众多竞争者中脱颖而出的力量源泉。

    Core competencies , is the power source which make the enterprise out of competitors .

  12. 影响超市商圈的因素主要有四个方面,即外部环境因素、消费者因素、企业本身因素和竞争者因素。

    Four factors affect the supermarket enterprise : external environment , consumers , internal strength , competitors .

  13. 俗话说“不进则退”,制卡和会员卡制作企业要想在竞争者中脱颖而出,就需要付出更多的努力。

    We all say " go ", Business card printing and membership card production enterprise in apart , you need to do more .

  14. 传统营销的研究焦点是由企业、顾客与竞争者构成的所谓的“魔术三角”。

    The principal focus dealt with by the traditional market business is the so-called magic triangle which consists of enterprise , customer and competitor .

  15. 本文基于两项独立的调查研究和档案研究,结果表明:企业可能通过与竞争者联盟而获得财务上的利益。

    Based on a combination of both survey and archival data across two independent studies , the results indicate that firms may financially benefit from forming alliances with their rivals .

  16. 进而分析了网络教育企业所面临的竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代者、供应方、消费者等五种竞争因素,为企业开展网络教育业务提供了思路和准备。

    Then it analyzes the five competitive factors faced by network education enterprises such as competitors , latent competitors , replacers , suppliers , consumers and so on , so that it provides ideas and preparations for enterprises to develop network education operations .

  17. 在中国经济日益融入世界经济体系的过程中,竞争政策不应作为保护和扶持国内企业,限制国外竞争者的工具,竞争政策不是产业政策的替代品。

    In the process of China 's economy becoming daily in harmony with the world economic system , our competition policy should not act as a tool that protects and supports domestic enterprises and that restricts foreign competitors ; the competition policy is not a substitute for the industrial policy .

  18. 在竞争者识别的基础上,本论文根据企业生态位重叠度和强度对企业竞争者进行分类。从时间、空间和目标市场等三个维度,提出了企业生态位分离策略;

    On the basis of the result of identification , the paper divides the competitors according to the niche overlap and niche intensity , and put forward the business niche separation tactics , including three dimensions of time , space and target market ;

  19. 摘要随着世界经济发展的不断深入,企业间的竞争环境已经发生了巨大的变化,企业、竞争者、竞争环境之间存在着彼此交错的相互关系。

    With the constant deepening of the development of the world economy , the competitive environment has undergone tremendous changes , because the relationship between enterprises , competitors , and competitive environment has became intertwined .

  20. 而企业竞争又总是在一个三维空间中进行的,即企业、竞争者及客户。

    However , competition among enterprises is always conducted in three-dimensional space , i.e. enterprises , competitors and customers .

  21. 同时,由于小企业自身条件的限制和我国特定的知识产权保护现状,这类企业面临着潜在竞争者的进入威胁和无差异化的价格竞争。

    At the same time , however , this kind of small business face the entrant threat from the potential competitor due to the low entrant barrier or mobility barrier .