
  • 网络Employee Status;staff situation
  1. 东莞企业员工培训状况分析

    Analysis of Enterprise 's Employee - Training Word in Dongguan

  2. 科学家评估了1.2万名年龄在18岁到65岁之间的员工的状况。

    Scientists assessed 12000 employees aged between 18 and 65 .

  3. 中国企业员工福利状况分析

    The Analysis of Employees ' Welfare in Chinese Companies

  4. 黑龙江大学教职员工健康状况的研究

    Survey of Health Condition of Heilongjiang University Staff

  5. 长春市某企业员工健康状况及健康教育策略研究

    Strategic Research of the Health Status and Health Education of the Employees in Changchun Enterprise

  6. 双向文化适应过程中法企中国员工适应状况调查

    A Study of Influencing Factors and Status of Chinese Staff in Bi-acculturation Process in French Enterprises

  7. 首先,作者通过分析广东电信员工培训状况现状与企业培训理想发展阶段的差距,明确了广东电信员工培训体系的发展方向。

    Meanwhile , the author analyzed the current situation of staff training in Guangdong Telecom and the distance to its ideal goal .

  8. 通过案例研究,收集数据,对A公司员工竞争力状况进行模糊评判,评判结果为“优”,验证了该模型的可行性和科学性。

    It is a new method for the business managers . A case study is given to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method .

  9. 由于铁路系统内各局的技术员工培训状况基本相同,本文对于其他铁路局技术员工培训工作的开展具有一定的指导作用和借鉴意义。

    Due to the technical staff training situation of each railway administration is basically similar , this paper will provide the guidance and reference to the others .

  10. 一项研究显示,1960年至2000年之间,美国上市公司收入、盈利能力和员工聘用状况的波动性增加了一倍以上。

    According to one study , the volatility of revenues , profitability and employment of public companies in the us more than doubled between 1960 and 2000 .

  11. 在此基础上,通过中外企业员工培训状况的比较,指出了我国员工培训中存在的问题。

    Based-on the discuss above , the paper points out the problems in our employee training from the comparison of Chinese employee training and that of some foreign countries .

  12. 以BY公司员工培训状况为研究对象,通过公司员工的培训现状分析出BY公司培训中存在的主要问题,为建构BY公司有效的员工培训体系做好准备。

    This article analyzes the current situation and existing problems of BY company staff training by studying BY company staff training to preparing for the construction of BY company effective staff training system .

  13. 据哥伦比亚广播公司报道,凯业必达招聘网开展的这项调查表明,很多人制造虚假借口,去年就有28%的员工身体状况良好却打电话请了病假。

    The survey from Career Builder demonstrated that that plenty of people were faking it observing that 28 per cent of workers called in sick over the last year whenthey were feeling just fine , CBS reported .

  14. 造成这种现象主要是因为煤矿安全管制在执行中受多种因素的影响,如管制水平、就业水平、人均收入、员工教育状况等,管制效果在这些因素的影响下会呈现出复杂性。

    The process of safety regulation will be affected by lots of factors , such as level of regulation , employment , earnings , education , and so on . Because of these factors , the effect of regulation will show complex changes .

  15. 然后,结合SH企业员工满意度测评状况,研究了SH企业激励效果的影响因素,进一步探讨了SH企业激励管理存在的问题和原因。

    Then , combining with SH company employee satisfaction assessment situation , studied the factors influencing SH enterprise incentive effect , and further discussed the issues and reasons of SH enterprises incentive management .

  16. X钢铁企业作为国内最大的钢铁联合企业,这两年一直处于不断地兼并、重组与变革,尚未就企业的快速发展变革对员工的满意度状况进行过系统、全面、深入的调查。

    X steel enterprise , the largest steel joint enterprise , which has been in constant merger , reorganization and transformation in recent two years , have not investigated the staff satisfaction comprehensively and deeply in terms of the rapid development and transformation of the enterprise .

  17. 主要阐述了西安KT公司的现状,企业员工的收入状况,公司概况及公司战略,公司人力资源概况及人力资源战略,公司员工薪酬现状及问题分析。

    Mainly introduces the current situation of KT company Xi ' an , employee income status , company profiles , corporate strategy , human resource and human resource strategy , company employees compensation present situation and problem analysis .

  18. 禁烟政策的结果就是员工们健康状况的好转。

    The nonsmoking policy offers a payback of improved employee health .

  19. 民营企业员工心理和谐状况及和谐企业研究和谐,和解处于一处或和好的状况

    Employees of Private Enterprises Harmonious Psychological Condition Analyze and Research a Harmonious Enterprise

  20. 那么,企业年金制度下员工的满意度状况就成为本研究的主要内容。

    Thus , the paper mostly studies on the employees ' satisfaction condition under enterprise pension system .

  21. 本论文不仅考虑了不同工作环境的员工的薪酬状况,对于公路经营企业高层管理人员的薪酬管理进行了特别的阐述。

    The paper not only discusses the staff salary situation of different work surrounding , but also high-level management staff .

  22. 本研究从决策主体的角度对当前我国员工职业选择状况进行实证研究。

    The paper empirically studies the condition of our country 's employee career choice from the viewpoint of decision maker .

  23. 通过检索文献、咨询专家以及数据分析等,总体把握东软集团员工培训体系状况。

    Search through the literature , consulting experts and data analysis , the overall grasp the Neusoft Group of staff training system conditions .

  24. 研究人员发现员工的呼吸状况已经有了较大改善,包括爱尔兰酒吧吹牛的空气污染减少了83%。

    Researchers have found the respiratory health of staff has improved significantly , with Irish pubs boasting an83 % decrease in air pollution .

  25. 目的:了解企业员工心理压力状况,为企业培训和管理员工提供依据。

    Objective : To recognize the psychological stress of employees in enterprises for providing the basis for management and training of the employees .

  26. 为了提高效率和利润,有些企业甚至用上了数字技术来监控员工的幸福状况。

    In order to make themselves more productive and profitable , some businesses now use digital technology to monitor their workers " well-being .

  27. 在工作本身维度上有企业年金的员工的满意度状况明显好于没有企业年金制度的员工。

    On labor itself dimensionality , the employees ' satisfaction that have enterprise pension is distinctly superior to the employees ' that have none .

  28. 运用问卷调查法,收集来自各类企业的员工敬业度状况、工作价值观情况及组织氛围信息。

    Questionnaire : through the questionnaire survey to collect from all kinds of enterprise employee engagement situation , work values and organizational climate information .

  29. 员工的压力状况令人堪忧,38.4%的员工工作压力大,有36.8%的员工精神卫生异常。

    Work pressure on the staff was worrying , with 38.4 % of employees pressure high , and 36.8 percent of abnormal mental health . 5 .

  30. 当前世界性的经济危机正自美国蔓延至全球,制造型企业普遍出现开工不足、员工失业的状况。

    The global economic crisis is spreading from USA to the world . In manufacturing field , production under capacity and unemployment are ubiquitously happened all over the world .