
  • 网络Income principle;benefit principle;Profit Principle;Revenue Principle
  1. 企业价值评估的原则包括工作原则和经济性原则,经济性原则主要归纳为预期收益原则、供求原则、贡献原则、替代原则和估价日原则等。

    The enterprise valuation principle includes the work principle and the economic principle .

  2. 如果强制要求中小企业遵循相同的会计准则体系,势必会违反成本收益原则,对其造成严重的信息负担。

    Making a compulsory requirement will violate cost-benefit principle and put a serious information burden on SMEs .

  3. 确定我国财务会计的界,应贯彻可验证性原则、成本收益原则、安全运营原则和有用性原则。

    To definite the boundary , we should follow the testable principle , the cost-income principle , safe operation principle and applicability principle .

  4. 资产评估监管作为一种制度安排必须要遵循成本收益原则。

    To make regulation of asset appraisal efficiently , by means of cost-benefit analysis , this paper finds out the best theory point of regulation .

  5. 哥伦比亚河条约体制确立的公平分享下游收益原则,是公平和合理利用原则的体现,在其他条约中也得到确立和运用。

    The equitable sharing of downstream benefits established by Columbia River treaty system materializes the principle , which is also provided and used by other treaties .

  6. 本文的创新之处是:提出加强我国证券公司监管的基本原则:防范性原则、持续性原则、成本收益原则、透明度原则。

    First , present the basic principle of the securities company supervision , such as protection principle , enduring principle , cost-profit principle , limpid principle .

  7. 然而,迁都牵一发而动全身,企业必须冷静对待迁都热潮、要遵循比较成本收益原则慎重作出决策。

    However , it will confront with many difficulties , and enterprises should be discreet to make a decision by following the principle of comparative cost lucre .

  8. 最大社会收益原则要求估计公共决策每一方案的收益和成本,选择社会净收益最大的方案。

    Principle of maximum social income require to estimate the revenue and cost of each project of government decision , then choose the one that has maximum net revenue .

  9. 首先分析了宗地地价评估中应遵守的替代原则、预期收益原则、最有效使用原则、报酬递增递减原则、需求与供给原则、贡献原则和变动原则,为宗地地价评估指明方向;

    The common principal of land price appraisal include the Replacing Principal , the Income Principal , the Most Efficient Use Principal , the Demand and Supply Principal and so on .

  10. 选址原则分区域选址原则和位置选址原则,包括目标市场定位原则、易接近原则、可见度原则、投资收益原则、房产和房屋技术满足性原则。

    This principle includes district location finding and specific firm location , target market position principle , easy-to-approach principle , easy-to-spot principle , profit turnover principle , property and house technology satisfactory principle .

  11. 但管理者的信息披露数量是受成本收益原则限制的,边际收益与边际成本相等的点才是管理者最优的自愿披露均衡点。

    But managers ' information disclosed quantity is restricted by the cost income principle , the spot at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost is the managers ' most superior disclosure equilibrium point .

  12. 劳动力转移服从成本&收益原则,劳动力跨区域转移遵循的基本法则是迁入地收益应大于迁出地收益和迁移成本之和。

    Obeying the cost-income principle , the inter-regional shifting of labor force follows the basic principle that the income at ingoing place should be greater than the sum of income at outgoing place plus the cost of moving .

  13. 扩大供给、抑制需求,理顺教育价格、按收益原则分担教育价格,整合劳动力(就业)市场、建立劳动力市场信息体系是本文给出的建议。

    The paper suggest that expanding the supply and suppress the demand , making the education price in order and sharing the educational price , Combining the labor market and establishing the system of labor market information is the way to realize rational consume .

  14. 公共品的新概念需要综合考虑供给与需求的联系,把收益原则与公平原则、动态演化与选择、分工与合作等结合起来,突出个人决策在公共品供给中的作用。

    The new concept of public goods should connect demand with supply , income principle with equity principle , evolution with choice , division with collaboration , and so on , in order to display the crucial impact of individual in the process of decision-making .

  15. 即:资金的时间价值原则、涉税零风险原则、整体考虑原则和成本收益分析原则。

    Zero risk of paying tax ; consideration of the whole body ; cost-benefit analysis .

  16. 完整的品牌价值测评应由两方面构成:按照收益法原则测评品牌的财务价值;

    Brand value evaluation includes two parts .

  17. 基于单位风险收益最大原则的贷款组合优化决策模型

    Decision-making Model of Loan ′ s Portfolio Optimization Based on Principle of Maximum Earnings Per Risk

  18. 保险资金运用原则随着金融业的发展而逐渐发展变化,但是资金的安全性和收益性原则是保险资金投资永恒的主题。具体包括贝利原则、佩格勒原则和现代保险资金运用原则等。

    The managing principles of insurance fund are diversifying with the development financial market , but security and profitability is the eternal principle .

  19. 根据风险收益对称原则,企业债券的收益率应该高于同一时期的无风险利率。

    Therefore , according to the risk-income symmetrical principle , the corporate bond 's returns ratio should be higher than the non-risk interest rate at the same time .

  20. 然而经济环境的变化和会计目标的改变使传统的收益确认原则&历史成本原则、实现配比原则和谨慎原则受到极大的冲击,人们开始从更广的意义上关注收益信息的披露。

    However the variation of economic environment made a tremendous impact on the traditional earnings acknowledgement principles , people began to take a broad sense the disclosure of income information .

  21. 这种组织形式一般是一个具有较强竞争力的跨所有制、跨地区、跨行业的法人联合实体,以资本为纽带,以投资风险收益为原则。

    The organization form , take capital as the link and take investment-risk-income as the principle , is generally one has a stronger competitive trans-regional , cross-ownership and cross-sector legal united entity .

  22. 为了保证保险机构在遵循安全性、流动性、收益性原则上进行投资,许多国家都已建立起完备的保险投资监管法律制度。

    In order to assure insurance organizations invest on the basis of following the principle of safety , liquidity and income , many counties have built complete law system of insurance investment supervision .

  23. 信贷退出要遵循两个基本原则:一是风险收益对称原则,二是成本收益均衡原则。

    There are two fundamental principles that should be observed when credit quit is conducted : the principle of symmetry between risk and profit and the principle of balance between cost and profit .

  24. 建立了基于单位风险收益最大原则的贷款组合优化决策模型,解决了不同收益、且不同风险的组合贷款决策优化问题。

    The thesis sets up decision model of loan portfolio optimization based on the principle of largest income per risk unit . It solves decision problem of loan portfolio optimization on different income and different risk .

  25. 并根据边界成本等于边际收益的原则,确定出油井增产措施的边际价格以及在现行价格体系下各项措施的取舍条件。

    According to the principle of marginal cost equivalent to marginal benefit , it puts forward the marginal price for stimulating mature oil wells and criteria for screening various measures of stimulation under the current pricing system .

  26. 发电商必须把握自己的设备状况、分析自己的成本结构,在现阶段华东电力市场,发电商必须在保证机组稳定的条件下按照边际成本等于边际收益的原则参与市场竞争。

    The power company has to be in line with its own equipment condition and may conduct analysis on consumption characteristics of the units by on-line system , then work out the marginal cost and study the cost structure .

  27. 本文认为:士地制度创新要遵循充分尊重农民利益的原则、制度创新的成本必须小于收益的原则、国家应该成为制度创新的主体的原则。

    So the article give three basic principals of system innovation : the peasants ' interests must be respected , the cost of system innovation must be less than benefit , the state should be the factor of institutional innovation .

  28. 在安全性、流动性、收益性原则的指导下,将其投入资本市场进行运营管理,对于维护社会公平稳定,促进国民经济发展有着重要意义。

    Under the instructive principles of security , liquidity and profitability , we should put and manage it in the capital market . Thus , it plays a vital role in maintaining the social stability and improving the national economic growth .

  29. 作为在资源开采这一源头进行征税的税种、以普遍征收、调节级差收益为原则设置的现行资源税,已无法适应目前经济形势的发展。

    As a tax conducted in the resource extraction , it is apparently unable to adapt to the development of the current economic situation for the resource tax , if it still takes the general taxing and differential gain regulation as the principles .

  30. 本文在对保险资金的来源进行分析的基础上,阐述了保险资金运用必须遵循安全性、流动性和收益性原则和运用证券组合理论以及免疫与资产负债匹配理论来指导保险资金运用实践。

    Firstly , based on the research of the source of the insurance fund , the principles and theories of the insurance investment , it can be safely concluded that the insurance investment should be subject to the principles of security , liquidity , and profitability .