
shōu jí xiào lǜ
  • collection efficiency
  1. a-Si(H)太阳电池内电场及收集效率的计算

    Calculation of internal electric field and collection efficiency in a-si : h solar cells

  2. 本文论述了LED光源的设计理论与设计原则,归纳出收集效率、光学扩展量、发散角以及均匀性等技术指标,阐述了投影光源的设计方法和设计步骤。

    In this thesis , the theories and principles of optical design are discussed . The qualification is generalized into several aspects as collection efficiency , etendue , beam angle and uniformity .

  3. 为提高透射光栅谱仪对激光等离子体X光源的收集效率和光谱分辩率,研制了高效高分辨率大面积透射光栅光谱仪。

    A newly developed high efficiency high resolution , large size transmission grating spectrograph for higher collection efficiency and higher spectral resolution used in laser pro - duced plasma diagnosis is reported .

  4. 文章指出获得具有好的光收集效率、快速的电荷传输以及优越的抑制电荷复合性能的多孔膜将是未来TiO2光阳极研究的方向。

    Fabricating the TiO_2 porous films with excellent light harvesting , quick charge transport and efficient suppression of charge recombination is the purpose of further development .

  5. 用冷喷Al2O3粉末、石墨粉末、Al粉末以及热喷涂的方式对收集器的收集效率进行了测试。

    The collection efficiency of flat static recipients are tested using cold spraying Al_2O_3 powders , graphite powders , and Al powders as well as the thermal spray .

  6. 换句话说,统计数据advisor工具能帮助提高统计数据质量并提高统计数据收集效率。

    In other words , the statistics advisor can help improve statistics quality as well as improve the efficiency of statistics data collection .

  7. 通过实验测量和理论分析,从载流子动力学角度研究了用于脉冲辐射探测的CVD金刚石薄膜探测器的适用结构、电荷收集效率和时间响应性能。

    The dark current , charge collection efficiency and time response properties of CVD diamond film detectors are studied based on experiments and their theoretic analysis .

  8. 本文主要讨论了在面流速为0.55m/s下,单层和双层NF聚丙烯滤材的收集效率及其压力降值随沉积量的变化。

    The collection efficiency of single-layer and double-layer NF organic fibrous filters at face velocity of 0.55 s-1 and the variety of pressure drop after loading standard dust were discussed .

  9. CdSe探测器具有较低的漏电流,探测效率高,电荷收集效率也高,且没有极化效应,工作稳定性好。

    It also shows that CdSe detector has relatively low leakage current , high detecting and charge collecting efficiency , good working stability , and no polarization effect as well .

  10. 介绍用于雷达的高速半导体激光器和探测器的特性,综述了这类器件的研究进展,重点讨论具有高的调制带宽的高速量子阱激光器和具有高的收集效率的高速PIN光电探测器。

    This paper describes high-speed semiconductor lasers and detectors for radar applications , as well as their advances . The emphasis is put on high-speed quantum well lasers with wide modulation bandwidth , and high-speed PIN photodetectors with high collection efficiency .

  11. X射线和α粒子辐照下的平均电荷收集效率分别为45%和19%,并由Hecht理论计算得到对应的电荷收集距离为11.25μm和4.75μm。

    The charge collection efficiency was 45 % ( X-rays ) and 19 % (α particles ), corresponding to the charge collection distance of 11.25 μ m and 4.75 μ m by calculating according to Hecht theory .

  12. 在硅基薄膜太阳能电池中,常使用透明导电氧化物(TCO)与金属组成的复合背反射电极,以增加对太阳光的收集效率,从而提高太阳能电池的转化效率。

    People often apply multi-layer back reflectors including transparent conducting oxides and metal to a-Si solar cells , which helps in collecting more sunlight and increasing the conversion efficiency of the solar cells .

  13. 利用离子注入技术在电池表面层形成密集的垂直PN结,缩短光生载流子到达PN结的距离,提高PN结的收集效率,从而研制成一种新型的抗辐照太阳电池。

    Junction in the surface layer of a solar cell by ion implantation . After the processing the distance from the light-generated carrier to the PN junction is shortened and the collection efficiency of the cell is improved . A new type anti-irradiation solar cell has been developed .

  14. 该电离室的灵敏体积约为271cm3,在极化电压为300V时,电离室的离子收集效率约为99.96%,总位置灵敏度变化小于0.3%。

    The chamber has a sensitive volume of about 271 cm3 with 99.96 % efficiency of ions collection at 300 V chamber bias , and the variation of source move sensitivity is less than ± 0.3 % for source position .

  15. 实验结果表明,在同一扫描区域内,材料的电荷收集效率具有不均匀特性,而且氦离子激发产生的IBIC显微图谱的对比度比质子要强。

    The result shows , the material has inhomogeneous property in charge collection efficiency within the scanning area and the contrast of IBIC image by using He ion is higher than by using proton .

  16. 几种典型除尘器收集效率的扩散模型研究

    Efficiency formula for three typical particle collection devices by diffusion theory

  17. 大,收集效率低;

    If ξ is large , collection efficiency will be low .

  18. 微米级气溶胶粒子在滤层中的收集效率研究

    Study on Filtrating Efficiency of Micron Aerosol Particles by Granular Bed Filter

  19. 化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜探测器对α粒子的电荷收集效率

    Charge collection efficiency of chemical vapor deposition diamond film detector to alpha-particles

  20. 纤维滤材对纳米气溶胶粒子收集效率的初步探索

    Primary Exploration of Collection Efficiency for Fibrous Filters to Nanometer Aerosol Particles

  21. 以收集效率为基础,部分实验验证了这一结论。

    Some experiments of collecting efficiency demonstrate these results .

  22. 过滤除尘器收集效率的研究

    Study on the collection efficiency of filters

  23. 用双层增透膜提高半导体单光子发射器的收集效率

    Improving the Collecting Efficiency of Light by a Semiconductor Single-Photon Emitter Using Double Antireflection Film

  24. 大面积闪烁计数器的光收集效率和非均匀性

    The collective efficiency of scintillation light and uniformity for the large area plastic scintillation counters

  25. 优化纳米线顶端结构,提高光子收集效率。

    Optimization the top structure of the nanowire for improving the efficient of the photon collection .

  26. 对钨酸铅晶体光收集效率及其均匀性的蒙特卡洛模拟

    Study on light collection and its uniformity of long lead tungstate crystal by Monte Carlo method

  27. 提高高安屯卫生填埋场填埋气体收集效率的措施

    Measures for Improving Collection Efficiency of Landfill Gas from Gao ' antun Waste Sanitary Landfill Site

  28. 长方闪烁体镜反射光收集效率的解析计算

    An Analytical Model of the Collection of Scintillation Light from a Rectangular Scintillator with the Specular Reflector

  29. 在实验的基础上,得到了计算单个颗粒惯性碰撞收集效率的经验方程式。

    The empirical equation of single granule collection efficiency by impaction was established based on the experiments .

  30. 光电倍增管的收集效率

    Collection efficiency of photomultiplier tube