
  1. 各地方、各部门都要认真执行听证制度、调查取证与处罚决定分开制度、罚款决定与罚款收缴分离制度。

    All localities and departments shall seriously implement the system of hearing , separation of investigation for evidence and decision of punishment , and separation of decision and collection of fines .

  2. 加强票据管理,严格执行罚款决定与罚款收缴相分离的规定。

    Stengthening the Control of Invoices and Strictly Enforcing Provisions for Separating Penalty Decision from Penalty Payment .

  3. 凡国家规定罚款决定与罚款收缴相分离的,要由当事人持行政处罚决定书到财政部门委托的代收机构缴纳罚款;

    In cases where penalty decision should be separated from penalty payment as required by state provisions , the party involved must pay fines at the agencies authorized by the financial department by presenting the written decision on administrative penalty .

  4. 要把行政处罚的设定权、实施行政处罚的主体资格、当场处罚、罚款决定与罚款收缴的分离等制度的执行情况作为重点进行检查。

    The inspection shall lay emphasis on inspecting the situation of the implementation of systems as regarding the power of setting administrative punishments , qualifications for implementing administrative punishments , on-the-spot punishments and separation of decision and collection of fines , etc.