
  • 网络Conference sales;Conference Sales Executive
  1. 此外,酒店葱翠宽敞的花园为举办浪漫婚礼、户外派对和企业团队培训提供了最理想的场所,我们的宴会及会议销售团队非常期待为您服务。

    The hotel 's lush gardens are also ideal for outdoor weddings , garden parties and team building activities , a dedicated Catering and Meeting Service team to ensure that you have a spectacular event .

  2. 人们使用交互式在线会议进行销售演示、展示应用程序、在线检查合同。

    People use interactive online meetings to make a sales presentation , demonstrate applications , and review contracts online .

  3. 而会见管理层则是研究投资最重要的因素,其次是会议和销售方面的研究。

    Meeting with management is the most important factor when researching investments , followed by conferences and sell-side research , which is still considered important .

  4. 这次会议将由销售经理来主持。

    The meeting will be conducted by the sales manager .

  5. 邦瑞在一个周末定下了一家宾馆的会议室举行销售活动。

    Barratt set up shop in a hotel conference room for a weekend .

  6. 他得为即将召开的会议准备一份销售图表。

    He has to prepare a sales chart for the coming meeting .

  7. 在SEC还原的电话会议记录中,销售人员向潜在投资者承诺每年最高可达40%的回报,还可以在即将进行的公开发售中获得股份。

    The SEC recovered transcripts of conference calls in which salesmen promised prospective investors annual returns of up to40 % , plus a stake in an upcoming public offering .

  8. 约翰•费兰(JohnPhelan)是一家制造公司主管国际销售的副总裁,他在一次会议中盛情邀请销售人员乘坐他的滑翔机。

    John Phelan , who was vice president of international sales at a manufacturing company , warmly invited the sales force to ride in his glider during a conference .

  9. 给明天会议准备的所有销售数据都是最新的。

    All the sales numbers for the meeting tomorrow are up to date .

  10. 这次会议在生产和销售方面为纺织服装企业迈向成功的合作模式建立起了蓝图。

    The summit will establish a blue print for a successful partnership model in textile and clothing business , both in production and marketing .