
  • 网络pernod ricard;pernod-ricard;Pernod Ricard
  1. 法国香槟制造者酩悦(&Chandon)公司在这里生产起泡酒,烈性酒巨头保乐力加(PernodRicard)也投下巨额资金,为公司在当地的酒厂打造现代化设施。

    The French Champagne maker & Chandon makes sparkling wines there , while the spirits giant Pernod Ricard is spending heavily to modernize its local winery .

  2. 由于这里冬季严寒,保乐力加团队正考虑种植解百纳塞佛尼(cabernetseverny),一种结合蒙古种山葡萄基因的俄罗斯赤霞珠。

    Because of the cold winters here , the Pernod Ricard team are considering planting Cabernet Severny that incorporates genes from the Mongolian species Vitis amurensis .

  3. 总部位于巴黎的芝华士(ChivasRegal)生产商保乐力加将于5月份在北京举行会议。

    Pernod Ricard , the Paris-headquartered maker of Chivas Regal , is holding a conference in Beijing in May .

  4. 生产绝对伏特加(absolutvodka)和巴黎之花香槟(perrier-jouet)的保乐力加集团(pernodricard),从欧洲的出口要大于进口。

    Pernod Ricard , the maker of absolut vodka and perrier-jouet champagne , exports more from Europe than it imports into the continent .

  5. 这家总部位于伦敦的集团也生产皇冠(Smirnoff)伏特加和健力士(Guinness)啤酒。该公司进入中国市场较晚,目前正在追赶法国的保乐力加(PernodRicard)。

    The London-based group , which also makes Smirnoff vodka and Guinness , was a late entrant into China where it is playing catch-up to France 's Pernod Ricard .

  6. 在人头马君度发布业绩之前一个月,法国烈酒生产商保乐力加(PernodRicard)曾指出,中国需求下降对今年的利润增长会产生负面影响。

    The company reported results a month after French spirits producer Pernod Ricard said that reduced demand in China would have a negative impact on profit growth this year .

  7. 尊尼获加拥有34%的中国威士忌市场,使其成为第二大热门品牌,仅次于法国保乐力加(PernodRicard)旗下的芝华士(ChivasRegal)。芝华士占有50%的市场份额。

    Johnnie Walker has 34 per cent of the Chinese whisky market , making it the second most popular brand behind Pernod Ricard 's Chivas Regal , which has a 50 per cent share .

  8. 保乐力加(PernodRicard)周四披露,2014年下半年该公司在中国的葡萄酒和烈酒的同店销售同比下降6%。

    Pernod Ricard revealed yesterday that like-for-like sales of wines and spirits in China in the second half of 2014 fell 6 per cent , compared with the same period a year earlier .

  9. 新西兰人迈克·英斯利(MikeInsley)最近来到了中国,帮助改良保乐力加公司(PernodRicard)在中国的葡萄园。他说这个地方让他想起20世纪80年代末的新西兰马尔堡(Marlborough),那里是新西兰葡萄酒产业的中心。

    Mike Insley , a New Zealander who recently arrived to upgrade Pernod Ricard 's vineyards , says the area reminds him of Marlborough - the center of his country 's wine industry - in the late 1980s .

  10. 法国酿酒巨头保乐力加(PernodRicard)的管理层上周向《华尔街日报》表示,他们面向亚洲富裕消费者推出了零售价2000美元一瓶的RoyalSalute62GunSalute等产品,销售地点有酒吧、会所,也有机场免税店。

    Executives at French drinks giant Pernod Ricard RI.FR 0.00 % told the Journal this week they are targeting affluent Asian buyers , whether at bars and clubs or at airport duty-free counters , with products like the Royal Salute 62 Gun Salute , which retails at $ 2000 a bottle .

  11. 在连续数年取得增长后,全球第二大酿酒厂保乐力加(PernodRicard)的苏格兰威士忌在华年销售额将首次出现下跌。这似乎表明中国人的节俭正在削弱英国的出口成功之一。

    Pernod Ricard , the second biggest distiller , is set to report an annual fall in Scotch sales in China after years of growth , suggesting Chinese frugality is undermining one of the UK 's export successes , writes Louise Lucas .

  12. 而且,他们的业绩很出色:去年长城的营收增长了五分之一,尽管销量持平;而张裕的毛利率高达75%,比法国保乐力加集团(pernodricard)还高13个百分点。

    And they are doing quite nicely , thanks : revenues at Great Wall rose a fifth last year despite flat volumes , while gross margins at Changyu of 75 per cent are 13 percentage points higher than at French drinks group Pernod Ricard .

  13. 周四,保乐力加股价收于每股91.92欧元,下降1.35%。

    Shares in Pernod Ricard closed down 1.35 per cent at € 91.92 on Thursday .

  14. 中国占保乐力加全球销售额的14%,占全球利润的比例则更高。

    China contributes 14 per cent of sales and a far bigger slice of profits .

  15. 像保乐力加一样,帝亚吉欧的策略是针对私人饮宴而不是豪华国宴推出较低价产品。

    Like Pernod Ricard , Diageo 's strategy is lower-price versions aimed at private dinners rather than lavish state banquets .

  16. 我们将与保乐力加集团一起抓住这个机遇,因为他们拥有强大的实力。

    We are going to be positioned with Pernod Ricard to take advantage of that because of the muscle that they have .

  17. 保乐力加来自中国市场的销售额和利润占比分别达到12%和15%,中国是该公司紧随美国之后的第二大市场。

    The latter makes 12 per cent of sales and 15 per cent of profit in China - its biggest market after the US .

  18. 同时,迪阿吉奥和保乐力加等饮料巨头表示,中国政府大力推动的反奢侈浪费运动已经让中国白酒市场遭受重创。

    Meanwhile , beverage giants including Diageo and Pernod Ricard have said an anti-extravagance campaign backed by the government that has hurt the liquor industry .

  19. 保乐力加发布预警称,中国市场销售额下降将对该公司未来利润构成更严重的拖累,预计短期内不太可能回升。

    Pernod Ricard warned a sales decline in China would weigh more heavily on the group 's profits going forward , saying the company expects no pickup in the near future .

  20. 然而,由于进入中国后,帝亚吉欧在中国市场的占有率比马爹利,芝华士,皇家礼炮和其他品牌的老对手要低得多-法国保乐力加集团。

    However , due to enter China later , Diageo 's market share in China has a much lower than Martell , Chivas Regal , Royal Salute and other brands of old rival-the French group Pernod Ricard .

  21. 保乐力加上周表示,其在华销售量在中国春节期间表现与去年持平。干邑销售量同比上升,但苏格兰威士忌销售量出现两位数跌幅。

    Last week Pernod Ricard said volume sales in China were flat over the Chinese New Year period , when it sold more Cognac but saw Scotch sales fall by double digits in percentage terms year on year .

  22. 保乐力加周四表示,截至12月31日的三个月,该公司销售额进一步下滑18%,这使得其对中国消费者将在未来几个月重返奢侈品店和高档餐厅的希望破灭。

    On Thursday , Pernod Ricard crushed hopes that Chinese consumers would rush back to luxury stores and fancy restaurants in the months to come as sales dropped a further 18 % in the three months ended Dec. 31 .