
bǎo jiàn
  • health protection;health care;health
保健 [bǎo jiàn]
  • [health care;health protection] 保护健康。亦指为保护和增进人体健康、防治疾病,医疗机构所采取的综合性措施

  • 妇幼保健

保健[bǎo jiàn]
  1. HG-AFS法测定保健食品中的痕量硒

    Determination of trace selenium in health protection foods by HG-AFS

  2. 发酵液中10-HDA的药理保健作用及分析确定

    Pharmaceutical Health Protection of 10-HDA in Broth and Analysis Determination

  3. 选民在会上提出了对卫生保健状况的担忧。

    In the meeting , voters raised concerns about health care .

  4. 医疗保健在实际提供点仍然是免费的。

    Medical care is still free at the point of use .

  5. 政府承诺为医疗保健再拨款10亿英镑。

    The government has promised an extra £ 1 billion for health care .

  6. 保健问题不应该成为被踢来踢去的政治皮球。

    Health care should not become a political football .

  7. 医疗保健机构必须为所有需要者提供服务。

    Health care must be at the service of all who need it .

  8. 与40年前相比,卫生保健的水平得到了极大提高。

    Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago .

  9. 卫生保健方面的开销比1998年增长了一半。

    Spending on health is half as much again as it was in 1998 .

  10. 保健已经成为大生意。

    Health and fitness have become big business .

  11. 尽管支出在增加,但国民医疗保健服务的质量却明显下降了。

    The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated , despite increased spending

  12. 老年保健医学的前景还是一个问号。

    There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care

  13. 保守党能否继续实行国民医疗保健制度?

    Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party ?

  14. 在国民医疗保健系统的救助下,他免于致残。

    The national health system saved him from becoming a cripple .

  15. 燕麦麸在去年成为保健狂人的最爱。

    Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year .

  16. 公共保健医生说还有其他危险因素存在。

    Public health physicians say there are other dangers , too .

  17. 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。

    Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness

  18. 我希望议会能很快接管国民医疗保健系统。

    I hope that Parliament will soon take the NHS in hand

  19. 那会使穷人得不到他们所需要的医疗保健。

    It could inhibit the poor from getting the medical care they need

  20. 有线电视和保健业正在遭受政府的严厉批评。

    The cable-TV and health-care industries are both being mauled by government .

  21. 保险业提出了自己的全民医疗保健方案。

    The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care

  22. 从事初级保健护理工作的几乎都是女性。

    It is nearly always women who are the primary care givers .

  23. 很难为国民医疗保健系统的实验室招募到资历合适的高级科研人员。

    There are problems in recruiting suitably qualified scientific officers for NHS laboratories

  24. 在荷兰,政府会制定医疗保健部门的年度预算。

    In Holland , the government sets a yearly budget for health care .

  25. 这种干药草能在保健店里买到。

    The dried herb is obtainable from health shops .

  26. 他最近辞去了国民保健署人事主管一职。

    He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director

  27. 我是国民医疗保健制度的坚定支持者。

    I am a strong supporter of the NHS

  28. 这些改革已成为英国国民保健制度史上影响深远的一件大事。

    The reforms have been a seminal event in the history of the NHS .

  29. 这种疫苗的问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。

    The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare

  30. 每条大街上都冒出很多素食餐馆和保健食品店。

    Vegetarian restaurants and health food shops are springing up in every high street .