
xìn xīn bǎi bèi
  • be full of confidence;brim with confidence;with unbounded confidence;One's confidence in... is multiplied a hundredfold
信心百倍[xìn xīn bǎi bèi]
  1. 他们要是信心百倍的话,也就不会叫我了。

    If they were blooming with confidence they wouldn 't need me

  2. 她从信心百倍变得自怜自哀。

    From bouncing confidence she had retreated into self-pity .

  3. 他信心百倍地声称他的产品是市场上最物有所值的。

    He confidently proclaims that he is offering the best value in the market .

  4. 科尔将在本周日红军做客老厕所的比赛中复出&开场27秒闪击布加勒斯特星队的进球让他在沿M62公路东进曼彻斯特的征途上信心百倍。

    He is now available for Sunday 's battle at Old Trafford-and heads down the M62 full of confidence after his27-second goal versus Steaua Bucharest .

  5. 尽管新药的研发周期可能长达数年,但Kolattukudy在他研究成果的鼓舞下信心百倍。

    The development of new drugs that can block or slow down the formation of MCPIP likely would take several years . However , Kolattukudy is encouraged by the results of his research to date .

  6. 面对未来,随丰人信心百倍。

    In the future , we have full of confidence .

  7. 展望未来,林一人信心百倍。

    In viewing the future , LingYi People are full of confidence .

  8. 数学家满怀喜悦和信心百倍地着手运用新的代数。

    The mathematicians proceeded blithely and confidently to employ the new algebra .

  9. 情绪高涨的内心让他们远离恐惧,满怀希望的气质让他们信心百倍;

    the hot temper prevents fear , and the hopeful disposition creates confidence ;

  10. 我将信心百倍,迎接新的太阳。

    I will greet the new sun with confidence .

  11. 这是一份令我感兴趣和信心百倍的工作。

    It is an interesting and confiding job .

  12. 回顾过去,我们无比自豪;展望未来,我们信心百倍。

    We feel profoundly proud of the past and immensely confident about the future .

  13. 以全心的姿态和面貌,信心百倍的朝着更高的目标迈进。

    A wholehearted attitude and outlook , brimming with confidence towards a higher goal .

  14. 他在肩头挑上两只鱼篓,信心百倍地奔向大海。

    He took on his shoulders two creels and headed the sea with full confidence .

  15. 秋天是一个收获的季节,展望未来,我们信心百倍。

    Autumn is a season of harvest in the future , we are full of confidence .

  16. 足够的知识让您信心百倍地将十行代码压缩进一行代码内。

    If you know enough , you can cram ten lines of code into one line .

  17. 它随风而去。我信心百倍,迎接新的太阳,相信“今天是此生最好的一天。”

    Is gone , whether they were good or bad , and greet the new sun with confidence

  18. 平常,无论从他的外表行动,还是衣着上,都看得出来的那种扬扬自得和信心百倍的气派,现在都消逝不见了。

    The assurance and jauntiness which generally marked his demeanour and dress were , however , wanting .

  19. 摄影机从来没有让我胆怯过。在它面前我总是信心百倍。

    The camera never gave me cold feet . I have always felt comfortable in front of it .

  20. 确定新目标之初,你可能激动不已,信心百倍。

    Motivation at the start is easy as you are probably filled with excitement about your new goal .

  21. 这类信心百倍的断言,源自广泛而强大的同行群体中普遍存在的一个文化共识。

    These are hugely confident assertions , rooted in a cultural consensus across a broad and powerful peer group .

  22. 失败并不代表你很愚蠢,它只表明你信心百倍。

    Failure doesn t mean you have been a fool , It does mean you had a lot of faith .

  23. 回顾过去,唐山丰南人民豪情满怀,展望未来,丰南人民信心百倍。

    Looking back , the people of Tangshan Fengnan with pride and look forward to the future with confidence Fengnan people .

  24. 展未来任重道远,十五年的创业,今胜夕,回首过去,感慨万千,展望未来,信心百倍。

    Looking to the future , a long way to go , ten years of pioneering , Now is better than the past .

  25. 您很快就能够信心百倍地陈述您的项目团队中哪些执行了过程,哪些没有执行过程。

    It won 't be long before you can state with confidence what works and what doesn 't work for your project teams .

  26. 只见灯光刹那间暗下来,隐隐约约可以看见演员们昂首挺胸、信心百倍地走上舞台。

    Saw a flash light down the dark , vague actors can see heads held high , stepped onto the stage with confidence .

  27. 由你来选择球员并与他们共事,我相信对于做好工作我是信心百倍。

    You choose the players and you work with the players , and I believe I have a lot of confidence to do this .

  28. 云铜十年辉煌,我们豪情满怀,永葆云铜青春,我们信心百倍。

    Yunnan Copper glorious decade , we are filled with pride and enthusiasm , maintain Yunnan Copper youth , we are full of confidence .

  29. 展望未来,我们信心百倍,同时愿与海内外的客户精诚合作,携手共创明天的辉煌。

    Looking forward to the future , we have great confidence in cooperating with the customers both at home abroad and creating a bright future .

  30. 我们正处在一个新的世纪起点上,中华民族正信心百倍地实现新世纪里的伟大复兴。

    With the advent of the new century , the Chinese people are full of confidence to carry out great prosperity in this new century .