
  • 网络information transparency
  1. 信息透明度对B2B交易场作用的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Impact of Information Transparency on B2B Exchange

  2. 丰富和拓展了会计信息透明度和会计准则方面的研究内容。

    Enrich the research about accounting information transparency and accounting principles .

  3. 实证检验表明,财务杠杆(LEV)与会计信息透明度显著正相关,ST/PT的公司会计信息透明度较低。

    Empirical tests show that financial leverage ( LEV ) and the transparency of accounting information was a significant positive correlation , ST / PT firms has less transparent accounting information .

  4. 上市公司信息透明度与经营绩效相关性研究

    The Correlation Study of Transparency and Operation Performance of Listed Companies

  5. 第二章为会计信息透明度的相关文献简述。

    Chapter II review the relevant literature for accounting transparency .

  6. 信息透明度与控股股东私有收益的关系研究

    Transparency of Information and the Controlling Shareholder of Private Benefits of Relationship

  7. 信息透明度与经理薪酬契约有效性:来自中国证券市场的经验证据

    Information Transparency and Executive Compensation Contract : Evidence from Chinese Security Market

  8. 会计信息透明度&一种理论分析模式

    The Transparency of Accounting Information of Limited Company : A New Theory analysis

  9. 提高信息透明度的目的,是希望加深医患之间的信任和沟通。

    The hope is that this transparency will improve therapeutic trust and communication .

  10. 从不同方面对信息透明度进行度量。

    Measure the accounting information transparency from different aspects .

  11. 信息透明度对企业诚信行为影响的博弈分析

    A Game Analysis on Effect of Information Availability to Enterprises ' Credit Behavior

  12. 会计信息透明度动态与静态分析模式

    The Transparency of Accounting Information : A Mode of Static and Dynamic Analysis

  13. 安然事件后,人们开始关注一个名词信息透明度。

    After Enron , People began to pay attention on Transparency of information .

  14. 家族企业董事会治理、信息透明度与企业价值

    Directorate Governance , Information Transparency and Family Firm Value

  15. 一些人关注的是恐怖主义,而其他人则对信息透明度更加感到担忧。

    While some fixated on terrorism , others were more concerned with transparency .

  16. 公司信息透明度的高低对权益成本产生了怎样的影响引起我们的关注。

    We focus on how the information transparency impacts on the cost of equity .

  17. 第六章提出改善会计信息透明度的建议。

    Chapter 6 puts forward to improve the transparency of the accounting information advice .

  18. 上市公司信息透明度水平不高是会计信息披露问题一个具体表现。

    Low transparency level of fisted-company is a question of the information discloses system .

  19. 信息透明度投资者和发展商的理解一样吗?

    Transparency-are investors and developers on same page ?

  20. 审计委员会特征与会计信息透明度相关性研究

    The Research on the Relations of Audit Committee Features and Transparency of Accounting Information

  21. 潜在错报风险、信息透明度与审计定价&基于中国证券市场的经验数据

    Latent Misstatement Risk , Information Transparency and Audit Pricing & Evidence From Chinese Securities Market

  22. 通过以上措施提高上市公司信息透明度。

    Through the above measures , the information transparency of listed companies will be improved .

  23. 公司信息透明度与大股东资金占用研究

    Corporate Transparency and Expropriation by Large Shareholders

  24. 会计信息透明度是对会计信息披露质量的全面概括。

    The accounting information transparency is the comprehensive summary of the accounting information disclosure quality .

  25. 终极控制股东、超额控制与信息透明度

    Ultimate Controlling Shareholder , Excess Control and Information Transparency Evidence from Listed Companies in China

  26. 我国上市公司信息透明度对其资本成本影响的分析

    Information Transparency of Listed Companies in China for Its Analysis of the Impact of Capital Costs

  27. 它对于上市公司披露信息透明度的提高是一种挥之不去的威胁。

    It is the disclosure of information transparency of listed companies increased as a lingering threat .

  28. 我国上市公司会计信息透明度对股价同步性影响的实证研究

    Impact of Accounting Transparency 's on Stock Price Synchronicity Empirical Evidence from Chinese A Share Market

  29. 上市公司治理结构与会计信息透明度的关系研究

    Research on the Relation between Corporate Governance and Transparency of Accounting Information of China 's Listed Company

  30. 这意味着询价制的信息透明度并没有降低其它外部效应。

    This means that the transparent information of the BB method has not reduced other external effects .