
  • 网络Internal and external balance;internal-external equilibrium
  1. 基于人民币篮子汇率制度的中国内外均衡政策搭配研究

    The Study of Internal-External Equilibrium Policy Coordination Based on the Exchange Rate Regime of Basket Currencies

  2. 因此,应在不超过升值压力幅度的范围内允许人民币名义汇率继续缓升,以消除货币低估,实现内外均衡。

    Therefore , in order to eliminate the devaluation and to realize internal-external equilibrium , it is necessary to keep the nominal exchange rate of RMB increasing slowly within the limits of appreciation pressure .

  3. 然后利用开放的AD-AS模型来分析内外均衡问题。

    Secondly , I discuss internal and external equilibrium of macro-economy making use of AD-AS s model .

  4. 首先利用IS-LM-BP模型来分析内外均衡问题。

    In the first instance , I analyze the internal and external equilibrium of macro-economy applying IS-LM-BP s model .

  5. 基于劳动生产率提升下的内外均衡

    Internal - External Balance Based on the Improvement of Labor Productivity

  6. 转变经济发展模式,协调内外均衡&浅析我国目前宏观经济运行中内外失衡并存的原因和对策

    To Transform Our Economic Developing Model , to Coordinate the Internal-External Equilibrium

  7. 内外均衡、结构调整和贸易摩擦

    The Equilibrium between the Internal and External , Restructuring , and Trade Frictions

  8. 人民币内外均衡汇率:1982~2010年

    The Internal and External Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB : 1982 ~ 2010

  9. 汇率目标区的经济效应有助于帮助内外均衡。

    Therefore , target zone helps the economy to achieve internal / external equilibrium .

  10. 利率政策和汇率政策的协调配合是实现内外均衡的前提。

    Interest rate policy and exchange rate policy coordination is the premise to achieve equilibrium .

  11. 随着贸易和资本流动全球化,一国经济和汇率受到外部因素的高度影响,如何协调内外均衡成为各国面临的共同挑战。

    With trade and capital flow globality , internal-external economic equilibrium becomes monetary authorities common challenge .

  12. 中国经济内外均衡与利率、汇率政策协调

    China 's External and Internal Economic Equilibrium and the Coordination of Interest Rates and Exchange Rates

  13. 内外均衡之间的冲突始终是开放经济面临的重大课题。

    The equilibrium conflict between inside and outside is the important issue which the open economy faces .

  14. 汇率制度是一国经济实现内外均衡的桥梁。

    The exchange rate system is a bridge to the realization of internal and external equilibrium to the economy .

  15. 某些微晶玻璃的内耗内外均衡、结构调整和贸易摩擦

    INTERNAL FRICTIONS OF SOME GLASS & CERAMICS The Equilibrium between the Internal and External , Restructuring , and Trade Frictions

  16. 根据作者的分析,汇率目标区的经济效应包括:动态锚定效应,预期引导效应和对冲效应。这些效应提供了经济运行的稳定环境,对于一国经济实现内外均衡具有重要意义。

    With its economic effect of dynamic anchoring , expectation leading and hedging , target zone will provide stable environment .

  17. 最早提出开放经济下内外均衡矛盾的是英国经济学家詹姆士·米德。

    James Meade is the first economist who proposed the contradictions of inward equilibrium and outward equilibrium under the Open Economy .

  18. 汇率政策的调整思路是寻求稳定汇率政策和弹性汇率政策的最佳结合,发挥汇率政策调节外部经济的职能,实现经济在内外均衡中持续增长。

    Exchange rate policy must be oriented to external economy , which helps China 's economic growth in internal and external equilibrium .

  19. 我国外汇储备应维持适当水平,才能促进经济内外均衡,良性发展。

    In our country , certain amount of FER should be maintained so as to promote the balance and stable development of economy .

  20. 如何实现开放经济的内外均衡发展目标,是宏观经济面临的重大挑战。

    How to achieve the goals of internal and external balance of an open economy is the major challenge that macroeconomic is facing .

  21. 如何同时实现内外均衡?它构成国际金融学形成、发展的主线索,依此可以将国际金融学的学科历史划分为三个阶段。

    How to achieve the internal and external equilibria simultaneously is the main thread running through the formation and development of international finance .

  22. 国民经济内外均衡涉及到如何处理经济增长和国际收支关系问题。

    National economic equilibrium of inside and outside refers to how to deal with the relationship between economic growth and balance of international payments .

  23. 从中国特定的经济金融环境来看,开放经济条件下内外均衡冲突制约着货币政策有效性。

    From the analysis of Chinese certain economic and financial environment , the internal and external equilibrium conflict restricts the effectiveness of monetary policy .

  24. 本章从实现经济内外均衡的角度,分析了开放经济下中国货币政策的独立性以及央行的外汇冲销操作。

    So we analyzed the independence of the Chinese monetary policy and the sterilization of foreign exchange by central bank under the open economy .

  25. 与传统的外贸发展战略模式不同,开放型内外均衡导向的外贸发展战略可以说是对传统的单纯追求经济增长发展观的超越。

    Different from traditional foreign trade developmental strategy patterns , the new one may surmount the old developmental view of pursuing pure economic growth .

  26. 不同的货币政策工具在实现内外均衡时的效率不同,不同的政策搭配也会产生不一样的效果。

    Different monetary policy tools vary in the efficiency of achieving internal and external equilibrium , and a different policy mix will produce different effects .

  27. 当一国经济实现了低通货膨胀下的经济持续、稳定增长,同时国际收支也达到了基本均衡,且汇率稳定,就可以说其经济处在内外均衡的状态,此时的外汇储备规模就是适度规模。

    The scale under the situation of sustained and stable economy , low inflection and basic international payment balance can be taken as a suitable one .

  28. 国际金融学是从货币金融角度研究开放经济下内外均衡同时实现问题的一门独立学科。

    Being an independent subject , international finance studies the simultaneous achievement of internal equilibrium and external equilibrium in an open economy from the monetary view .

  29. 鉴于外部因素对中国经济的重大影响,中国内外均衡的实现离不开国际经济政策协调与合作。

    Due to the significant effect of the external factors to the economic unbalance , the fundamental method is the coordination of the international economic policies .

  30. 外商直接投资已经成为世界经济互相联系、互相依赖的基本途径和开放宏观经济内外均衡发展的重要组成部分。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has developed into a basic method of global economic communication and functions an important role in balancing national economy .