
  1. 封离型CO2激光器放电管内金催化剂膜镀制研究

    Studies of Catalyst Gold Films Plating in Discharge Capillary of Sealed - off CO_2 Lasers

  2. 统计分析表明,肝癌细胞金颗粒明显多于非癌肝细胞内金颗粒(P<0.05)。

    The statistics indicate that the number of gold granules in cancer cells is greater than that in non - cancerous liver cells ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 三级储矿构造主要发育于二级运矿构造两侧150m范围内,并控制了区内金矿脉的分布。

    The gold-bearing quartz veins are controlled by the third level structures which distributed in 150m width scale both sides of the carrying ore structures .

  4. 9种含碘消毒剂均以原液对悬液内金黄色葡萄球菌作用1min,只有6种能达到消毒合格要求。

    When the stock solutions of the 9 iodine-containing disinfectants disinfected the suspension of Staphylococcus aureus for 1 min , only 6 disinfectants could fulfill the requirement of eligible disinfection .

  5. 本文依据地质构造特征、地球化学和数学地质等多方面研究成果,提出了该区带范围内金的成矿作用特征和区域评价准则。

    According to the multiple researched results on geological structure , geochemistry and mathematical geology , the paper proposed the gold mineralization features and the regional evaluation criterion in the researched area .

  6. 模型指出,大陆边缘活动带、古元古宙基底、以北东向为主导的断裂构造系统,以及火山岩-侵入岩是区内金、银、铜矿成矿系统形成的有利大地构造环境和成矿地质背景。

    This model indicates that the mobile belt of continental margin , the basement of Proterozoic group , and the NE fracture system are the favorable tectonic environment and metallogenic geological setting for the ore forming system of gold silver copper in this area .