
  1. IPTV产业的形成需要价值链上各方的参与,其中内容运营商和网络运营商是价值链上最重要的两个环节;

    The IPTV industry formation needs on all partners'participation of the value-chain , among which the content operator and network operator are the most important two partners .

  2. 有线电视网络内容运营模式探讨

    The Study of CATV Network Content Operation Mode

  3. 移动运营商数据业务的演进:从业务管理走向内容运营

    Data Service of Mobile Communication Operators : From Management on Service to Operator on Content

  4. 不遵守规定可能会被吊销互联网内容供应商运营牌照和其他牌照,相关网站也将被关闭。

    Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the revocation of licenses to provide internet content and other licenses and the closure of the concerned websites .

  5. 论文主体部分共分为六章:第一、二章从文章的构思、内容和运营管理相关理论上进行了介绍。

    The main part of the thesis is divided into six chapters : The first and second chapter of article reading about ideas , content and operations management-related theories , are introduced .

  6. 电视媒体不能按照原有的传播模式与传播内容进行运营,应在新的环境下呈现出新的特点以适应新媒体的到来。

    Unable to operate in the old transmission mode and by its transmission content , TV media , in the new circumstance , has to adapt to the arrival of new media by presenting new features .

  7. 介绍珈伟公司的基本情况、运营组织结构、运营分析方法构成、内容构成及运营分析步骤。

    Introduced the basic situation of JiaWei company , operation organization structure , operation analysis method structure , content structure and operation analysis steps . 3 .

  8. 我们将与数字家庭内容商、运营商、平台设备商、终端设备商合作,共同引领人类步入数字家庭时代。

    We , with digital family 's content trader , operator , platform equipment trader , terminal device trade cooperation , lead the mankind to step into digital family era together .

  9. 资本运营的内容包括实业资本运营、产权资本运营、金融资本运营和无形资本运营。

    It consists of operating of industry and commerce capital , property right , financial capital and invisible capital .

  10. 最后,美术作品及其支持内容被返回到运营产品生命周期管理系统中。

    Finally , the artwork and supporting content is provided back into the operational product life cycle management system .

  11. 问题在于,应不应该大幅提高收费,以反映康卡斯特为投送这些内容而产生的运营和资金成本?

    The question then is whether that fee should jump to reflect the operating and capital costs Comcast incurs to deliver that content .

  12. 从生产运作角度探讨了数字内容企业内部的运营和管理问题。

    This paper does the research on the operation and management of Digital Information Firm with reference of manufacturing operation for the first time .

  13. 在这个全新的传播平台上,内容提供商、节目运营商及终端运营商等各方资源将进行深度整合。

    In this new communication platform , all resources such as the content providers , content integrator , programs and terminal operator will Integrate deeply .

  14. 主要电视网制作的主流节目是互联网上最受欢迎的内容,而有线运营商现在正以流媒体形式提供可在电脑和平板电脑上播放的节目。

    Mainstream shows produced by the major networks are the most popular content online , and the cable operators are now streaming shows to computers and tablets .

  15. 内容包括电子商务运营的目标、电子商务营销规划、订单处理、供应链整合规划和网站管理共五部分。

    The content include the goal of E-commerce , the E-commerce marketing , order process , the plan of supply chain conformity and the management of website .

  16. 电视的数字化与产业化,造就了由内容提供商、平台运营商、各地网络接入商、设备生产商及终端用户构成的新的产业价值链。

    The television 's digital and industry formed an industry value chain , including program provider , program-integrated flat , everyplace network-service , equipment producer and the end users .

  17. 根据内容提供商、网络运营商、其它服务提供商和用户所处位置的不同,定义了两种网络性能参数的采集方法。

    Secondly , two collecting methods of network performance parameters are defined according to ICP ( Internet Contents Provider ), ISP ( Internet Service Provider ), other service providers and users .

  18. 第三部分对涉及手机出版产业链的手机出版内容提供商、移动运营商、手机终端制造商等不同环节进行了分析,简单阐述了手机阅读、手机应用商店、手机游戏的产业链结构。

    The third part has analysed mobile publishing content providers , mobile operators , mobile phone terminal manufacturer and other segments in the Mobile Publishing industrial chain , and simply outlined the industry chain structure of mobile phone reading , mobile applicational shop and mobile phone game .

  19. 然后,针对问题提出了沈阳市电子政务一体化平台规划的具体内容,包括指导思想、建设原则、具体建设内容以及运营管理的方式,该部分为本文的核心内容。

    Thirdly , the specific program is proposed to solve those problems . It involves instructional ideas , constructive rules , specific contents and operational method . This part is the core of the whole article .