
  • 网络internal labor market;ILM
  1. 本文的目标是运用内部劳动力市场理论(Internallabormarkettheory)研究我国企业内部的劳动就业问题。

    The purpose of this article is to research the labor employment question in chinese enterprises by using the internal labor market theory . The internal labor market theory is a new domain of modern Labor Economics .

  2. 就业体制改革不应忽视内部劳动力市场

    The Employment Institution Reformation Should not Ignore the Internal Labor Market

  3. 内部劳动力市场前沿问题理论综述

    The theoretical summary of some forefront issues in internal labor markets

  4. 企业内部劳动力市场建设刍议

    On the construction of internal labor market in a firm

  5. 企业的变化必然会对企业内部劳动力市场产生影响。

    The enterprises ' changes have some influence on internal labor market .

  6. 内部劳动力市场可以通过自身所具备的优势,有效的解决外部劳动力市场的不足。

    Internal labor market can efficiently overcome the shortcoming of external labor market .

  7. 他们还可以开发内部劳动力市场。

    They can also develop an internal labour market .

  8. 提高劳动力的社会保险能力,建立用人单位内部劳动力市场;

    The construction of labour force market should suit measures to local conditions .

  9. 同样,笔者认为两者也都要面临内部劳动力市场。

    So the author thought that both also must face the internal labor market .

  10. 实际上,劳动力配置大部分是在企业内部劳动力市场上进行的。

    In fact , labor assignment is mainly completed in the internal labor market .

  11. 企业内部劳动力市场研究

    A Study on Internal Labor Market in Enterprises

  12. 军队内部劳动力市场初探

    Briefly on troops internal labor markets

  13. 通过就业再选择使企业内部劳动力市场与外部劳动力市场连接在一起而成为一个整体。

    It is the reemployment choice that joints together the labor markets inside and outside an enterprise .

  14. 在内部劳动力市场上,雇佣双方存在着没有明文规定的心理契约,只要员工努力工作并具有敬业精神,企业一般会保证员工的就业与收入的稳定性,反之亦然。

    In internal labor market , there is a mental contract without letter between employee and employer .

  15. 内部劳动力市场在企业人力资源管理中扮演着极其重要的角色。

    The internal labour market plays a very important role in the management of enterprises ' manpower resources .

  16. 从长期来看,内部劳动力市场理论也为民营企业的发展指明了方向。

    Based on long-term , internal labor market theory also has indicated a developing direction for civilian-operated enterprises .

  17. 另一方面内部劳动力市场特有的激励功能也未能有效地发挥降低替代成本的作用。

    On the other hand , the intrinsic incentive function of ILM cannot reduce the substitution cost efficiently either .

  18. 内部劳动力市场、就业惯性与农业贡献弱化&对民工荒的一个解释

    Internal Labor Market , Work Customs and Agriculture 's Weakening & An Explanation on the " Labor Shortage "

  19. 但内部劳动力市场的建立和实施,需要具备制度性等条件。

    Nevertheless , the establishment and enforcement of the internal labor market require such conditions as a regular system , etc.

  20. 内部劳动力市场是二战后形成的一种雇用制度,在发达的市场经济国家具有一定的普遍性。

    The employment relationship of the internal labor market is of the protracted nature and that of the recessive contract .

  21. 无论是运作方式、合约期限、职位安排还是工资决定上,内部劳动力市场都有自己的特点。

    Whether the operation , contract , or pay for the position to decide , the labor market has its own characteristics .

  22. 这一发现是有道理的,因为内部劳动力市场以及雇员之间更密切的社会交往,比市场安排更易于减少员工的收入差异。

    This makes sense because internal labor markets and the greater social contact among employees reduces variation in wages much more so than in market-like arrangements .

  23. 第一,虽然由于经济和社会环境的变化,使得内部劳动力市场这种就业制度安排受到了挑战,但是,内部劳动力市场仍然不失为一种具有经济效率的就业制度安排。

    Firstly , ILM is still an employment institution with economic efficiency , despite ILM facing the challenges from the changing of economic and social environment .

  24. 内部劳动力市场理论是近三十多年来经济学理论获得的最新进展之一,同时也是劳动经济学最新的组成部分。

    Internal Labor Markets ( ILM ) theory is one of the newest economic theories in lately thirty years , and the newest component of Labor Economics .

  25. 内部劳动力市场有着不同于外部劳动力市场的一系列运行特征,其中,长期雇佣、报酬后置和内部晋升是内部劳动力市场的明显特征。

    The internal labor market has a series of characteristics different with external labor market , which are long-term employment , the delayed payment and interior promotion .

  26. 从雇佣关系中存在的专用性人力资本投资、非对称信息方面研究内部劳动力市场的契约特征,得出内部劳动力市场契约是建立在激励相容基础上的长期契约关系。

    It argues that under the condition of firm-specific human capital and asymmetric information , the ILM contracts are characterized by the long-term contracts based on incentive compatibility .

  27. 最终使内部劳动力市场的各种机制互相协调,确定了企业与员工之间的长期信任和主动合作关系。

    At last , the employees and the company set up a long-term confidence and active partnership . Finally , the improvement measures for internal labor market have been studied .

  28. 可行的出路在于打通内外部劳动力市场,修复内部劳动力市场的调节功能,建立有助于提高企业绩效的激励机制。

    The practical solution is to well connect the inside and outside labor markets , in order to set up an incentive mechanism that can help to enhance corporate performance .

  29. 本文正是从这几方面特征出发分析了内部劳动力市场存在的经济理性,并论述了内部劳动力市场对人力资本价值提升的重要作用。

    On the basis of these features , the author analyzes the economic rationality of internal labor markets , and discusses its effect on upgrading the value of human capital .

  30. 特殊技能、在职培训、习惯和习俗、信息不对称、工会的力量等,这些因素是企业内部劳动力市场存在的重要原因。

    Skills specific for firm , the on-the-job training , the customary law , the non-symmetry information and trade-union 's strength are important reasons for the existence of the internal labor market .