
  1. 同时,企业家族式管理也使得其内部财务管理体制不健全、不规范。

    At the same time , their internal financial management system was neither sound nor standardized .

  2. 高等学校内部财务管理体制,就是处理高校内部各级各单位之间财务关系的管理形式。

    The financial management system deals with financial relationship among departments within an institution of higher education .

  3. 完善高校内部的财务管理体制,对提高高校财务管理水平,进一步深化和加强财务管理改革,更好地为学校的教学、科研和后勤保障服务将起到积极作用

    It has to be perfected so as to improve art of financial management , deepen reforms in financial management and play an active role in serving teaching , research and logistics