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  • smelt;smelt metal
冶炼 [yě liàn]
  • [smelt metal]用焙烧、熔炼、电解以及使用化学药剂等方法把矿石中的金属提取出来;减少金属中所含的杂质或增加金属中某种成分,炼成所需要的金属

冶炼[yě liàn]
  1. 试验表明,以MgO替代CaO作熔剂更有利于锰硅合金的冶炼。

    The tests show that being the flux , MgO is more beneficial to smelt MuSi alloy than CaO .

  2. 该方案使RH系统达到了设计要求,完全满足了冶炼以IF钢为代表的诸多高技术含量的超低碳钢。

    It is the achievement that RH system can reach design goal , appease to smelt high-technology grade steel such as IF and ultra low carbon steel competently .

  3. 例如,回收塑料和铝所消耗的能量只有生产新塑料或冶炼铝的5%到10%。

    Recycling plastics and aluminum , for instance , uses only 5 % to l0 % as much energy as producing new plastic or smelting aluminum .

  4. 利用CAD绘图软件模拟计算冶炼设备倾动力矩

    CAD Analogous Calculation of Tilting Moment for Melting Equipments

  5. LD型电除尘器在北方铜业公司冶炼厂的应用

    Operation of LD electrostatic precipitator in Northern Copper Company Smelter

  6. 小冶炼地区PAHs污染及其风险评价

    Assessment on the contamination and risk of PAHs in a metal smelting area

  7. 用白钨矿、氧化钼和钒渣冶炼M2钢的脱磷研究

    Research on Dephosphorization during Smelting M2 Steel with Scheelite , Molybdenum Oxide and Vanadium Slag

  8. 介绍在铜冶炼厂由PLC和上位机组成的两级精矿自动计量和取样计算机控制系统的设计和应用情况。

    Design and application of two level computer control system that consists of PLC and process computer for concentrate measuring and sampling in copper melting plant are described .

  9. 含钛高炉渣,是冶炼钒钛磁铁矿产生的高炉渣。TiO2约占23-25%,主要分布于钙钛矿、富钛透辉石和攀钛透辉石中。

    The blast furnace slag containing about 25 % TiC > 2 are produced by smelting V-Ti bearing magnetite .

  10. AOD炉在铁合金冶炼过程中,经常发生喷溅。

    The frequent splashes take place in an AOD furnace in the ferroalloy smelting process .

  11. 低Si冶炼取得了突破,1992年1号高炉〔Si〕年均0.38%,最低月均〔Si〕达0.31%。

    Due to the breakthrough in low-sillicon ironmaking , the annual average sillicon content in 1992 was 0 . 38 % and the lowest monthly average was 0 . 31 % .

  12. 20t复吹转炉冶炼不锈钢碳铬氧化动力学

    Carbon and Chromium Oxidation Kinetics daring stainless Steel Making in 20t Combined-Blown Converter

  13. 介绍了国外SRC法即铬矿预还原球团的生产工艺和使用该球团冶炼炉料级铬铁的概况。

    This paper introduces the general situation of SRC process and the produced pellets being used for the production of charge chrome at overseas .

  14. 结果表明:冶炼中补加合适的Al量并采取合理的退火制度,可改变合金的相结构,提高骨架镍的催化活性。

    The results indicate that if Al addition is selected properly in combination with reasonable annealing regime taken up , the phase structure may be improved so as to enhance the catalysis activity of nickel framework .

  15. Welten60R钢的电炉冶炼模铸工艺技术分析

    Analysis of Arc Furnace Melting-Mould Casting Process Technology for Wel-ten 60R Steel

  16. 采用电炉冶炼含镍铝催化剂废料制备NiB合金,合金中的硼来源于硼酐。

    Ni B alloy was prepared by electrical refining in induction furnace from waste Ni Al catalyst and boron oxide .

  17. 通过SWOT分析可以看出:我国铅锌冶炼行业的发展,机会与威胁并存,优势与劣势并存。节电器在有色冶炼行业的应用

    After analyzing its SWOT , it can be found that the opportunities and threats coexist , the strengths and weaknesses coexist . The Application of Power Saver in Nonferrous Metallurgical Trade

  18. 太钢开发了AOD炉顶底复合吹炼工艺,成功地进行了42炉冶炼不锈钢的工业性试验。

    The AOD refining process with top-blowing has been developed at Taiyuan Steel , by which 42 heats of stainless steel were made successfully .

  19. 16t转炉冶炼中碳含量钢的工艺研究

    Research on Technology of Carbon Steel in the Smelting Furnace

  20. 介绍了《云南冶炼厂铜吹炼转炉分布式监控管理系统》的构成,并以此为基础,讨论了专家系统、多媒体技术、通信技术、PLC技术等在实际工业过程中的应用。

    This paper introduce , The Distributed Control System of the Copper Smelt Process in Yunnan Smelting Factory and discuss how expert control system , multimedia technology , communication Technology , PLC Technology be used in the industrial processes controlling .

  21. 美国ElPaso冶炼厂自1993年开始应用该技术,生产实践证明Contop工艺已经成熟。

    The process has been utilized in El Paso USA since 1993 and is verified that it comes to mature .

  22. 该工艺已用于FCCU烟气、克劳斯装置尾气、冶炼厂烟气、电厂烟气、硫酸厂尾气等脱硫,脱硫效率高,经济效益好。

    The technology has been used for desulphurization of FCCU gas , Claus tail gas , metallurgical off-gas and power station flue gas with high efficiency and good benefits .

  23. 艾萨熔炼法是芒特艾萨矿业有限公司(MIM)和澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究机构(CSIRO)联合开发的浸没式喷枪顶吹熔炼技术,是一种高强度有色金属冶炼方法。

    The Isa smelting process , a submerged lance top-blown smelting technology jointly developed by MIM and CSIRO is a high-intensity nonferrous smelting process .

  24. 设计、研制成功了具有多炉芯结构的新型SiC冶炼炉,实验对比了在各种条件一致的情况下,传统的Acheson法与多炉芯加热法冶炼SiC的单产能耗和产品类型。

    A new type of SiC furnace with multi-cores was designed and developed . The specific power consumption of multi-cores heat technology was compared with traditional mono-core heat Acheson technique under the same condition .

  25. 碱性氧化物含量低、SiO2含量高的酸性镍冶炼水淬渣,欲获得较高的活性,须磨到足够大的比表面积和选用适宜的活化剂。

    Ground to fine enough so with large specific surface and using adequate activator are the necessary measures to gain high reactivity for pulverized slag of nickel smelting with low caustic oxide content and high SiO_2 .

  26. 通过调查研究和配料计算,提出珠钢150t电弧炉冶炼在保证钢水质量前提下的炉料模型。

    After investigating , studying and calculating , the burden model on liquid steel quality of Zhu jiang Steel 150t EAF is put forward .

  27. 本文叙述韦尔瓦冶炼厂扩建项目(HEP)的技术状况及发展、投产情况,韦尔瓦冶炼厂以前和现在的生产情况。

    This paper describes the Huelva Expansion Project ( HEP ), its technical aspects and development , commissioning , and previous and current operational experience at the Huelva Plant .

  28. 本文还介绍了金昌冶炼厂自主开发的硫酸生产数据采集系统中的通信结构,从实践的角度出发,得出基于IPX的实时通信完全可靠的结论。

    Through analysing an implemented communication system , the conclusion that the real-time communication based on the protocal of IPX is completely reliable is reached .

  29. 通过实验室研究,得出了实验室冶炼条件下,最佳加钙量应为:0.7721g/kg钢,CaFe合金的最佳配比为:18%Ca82%Fe。

    Through the laboratorial research , we have found the best add amount of the Ca alloy was 0.7721g/kg steel and the best composition of it in laboratory was 18 % Ca & 82 % Fe .

  30. 介绍了Ba-Ca-Si、Ca-Si系列合金在冶炼时对各种杂质C、S、P、Al、夹杂、夹渣的控制及Ba-Ca-Si、Ca-Si合金的炉外精炼的原理、精炼方法、操作、效果介绍。

    It introduces impurities control of carbon , sulphur , phosphorus , aluminium and inclusion in Ca-Si and Ba-Ca-Si series alloys as well as secondary refinement principle , methods , operations , results of .