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  • a sensor;induction machine
  1. 油表靠油箱里的感应器来显示燃料的液位。

    The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level .

  2. 你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。

    If you buy a drier , look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry .

  3. 鸟类也有天生的时间感应器指导它们秋春迁移

    Birds also have built-in timepieces which send them off on fall and spring migrations .

  4. 科学家尚不确定超声波会如何损害健康,但它有可能会影响耳朵中精密的平衡感应器,令大脑感到“困惑”,从而引发各种眩晕恶心症状。

    Scientists are not sure how ultrasound may harm health but one possibility is that it disturbs the delicate balance sensors5 in the ear , confusing the brain and calling seasickness-like symptoms .

  5. 分析了监控系统的现状,设计了一个基于Agent的计算机串口与多种感应器的通信系统模型。

    Designed a communication system module between port and temperature-sensor based on agent by is introduced status quo of agent .

  6. GIS、无线网路和微形电子感应器能令我们监测各种都市活动。

    GPS , GIS , wireless networking , and microelectronic sensors are enabling us to monitor all kinds of urban activity .

  7. Tile是一款可以帮你找东西的智能感应器。

    Tile is a smart-sensor that lets you find things you 've lost .

  8. 向曲轴位置感应器、凸轮轴位置感应器、MAP感应器以及节气阀位置感应器提供所需的5伏电压。

    Supplies the required 5 volt power source to the crankshaft position sensor , camshaft position sensor , MAP sensor and throttle position sensor .

  9. 报道称,这款平板电脑配备了两颗后置摄像头、红外深度感应器以及能够显示物体3D图像的软件。

    According to the report , the tablets will include two back cameras , infrared depth sensors and software to show three-dimensional images of objects .

  10. 使用三个内置感应器,iPhone知道我要干什么。

    With three built-in sensors , the iPhone knows more about what it is doing than I do .

  11. 内置显示:带有内置温度感应器的苹果图标,在水温达到SteveJobs最喜欢的水温时,就会从红色转变为蓝色。

    Built-in display . Temperature-sensitive logo shifts from red to blue when Apple Water has reached Steve Jobs ' favorite drinking temperature .

  12. 传感器和方位:新的API可以使配有相应设备的机器报告周围的光线、用户距离、感应器甚至图形式方位等;

    Sensors and Location : new APIs that enable suitably-equipped machines to report ambient light , user proximity , accelerometers and even geographic location .

  13. 加好油后,我对着付款终端举起iPhone手机,手指紧紧按住TouchID指纹识别感应器。

    After refueling my car , I held up my iPhone to the payment terminal , finger firmly placed over the Touch ID sensor .

  14. 该公司还将发布一款SDK,对于希望为Leap进行开发的开发者,他们将在遴选之后为其提供Leap感应器。

    The company is also releasing an SDK and giving sensors to select developers who want to develop for the system .

  15. SNUPITechnologies的Wally配备了很多感应器,你可以把它们放在房子周围的任何地方,用来监控温度、水分和湿度。

    SNUPI Technologies " Wally comes with sensors that you can place anywhere around your house to monitor temperature , moisture and humidity .

  16. 熟悉BOM的构成,对电子元器件种类有充分的了解,如电阻、电容、感应器、集成电路等。

    Familiar with BOM structure , sound knowledge on components description , such Resistor , Capacitor , Inductor , IC , etc.

  17. 它只是一个10寸的显示屏加触摸屏,连接到一个成本更低的ARM处理器架构上,此外还有一些传感器(如GPS、感应器、摄像头等),和比上网本小一号的电池。

    It is a 10-inch screen attached to a cheaper ARM processor architecture , smaller battery , a few sensors ( like GPS , accelerometers , camera ) and a touch screen .

  18. 无论相机处于何种方位,它的感应器都会确保照片端正。同时,内置的GPS芯片会记录每张照片的拍摄地点。

    A sensor makes sure the photos are always upright , no matter how the clip is oriented , while a GPS chip inside notes where you are each time it takes the photo .

  19. InfoQ:您觉得接下来数年内将会有哪些重要的技术进展呢(3D、新型感应器、近场通信技术)?

    InfoQ : What are some of the cool device evolutions you think will be important over the next few years ?( 3D , new sensors , near field comm * )

  20. FCC感应器能够使磁场集中在小范围作用区,从而实现对高温区施力,但其存在一定能量损失。

    The FCC actuator concentrates magnetic field into small region and is able to apply EM force in high temperature region . But its drawback is loss of energy .

  21. 感应器、GPS跟踪、数学建模和人工智能给企业带来了大规模的实时市场洞察力,为监控、定位、衡量员工和顾客开辟了史无前例的新方法。

    Sensors , GPS tracking , math modeling , and artificial intelligence offer companies real-time market insights at massive scale and open the door to unprecedented ways of monitoring , targeting , and measuring employees and customers .

  22. 以A356合金为对象,采用中频电磁感应器进行了二次加热工艺的研究。

    The reheating process for A356 aluminum alloy was conducted with main frequency induction furnace .

  23. Acme代表了零件方面的主要制造商,例如电子和硬件、电桥和二极管、电容器、连接器、感应器、LED显示器、集成电路和电阻器。

    Acme represents major manufacturers in parts , such as batteries and hardware , bridges and diodes , capacitors , connectors , inductors , LED displays , integrated circuits , and resistors .

  24. S5还配备了较苹果公司(Apple)手机iPhone5S用处更多的指纹感应器,但其相机仍难以在暗光条件下拍出好照片来。

    It also has a fingerprint reader more versatile than that in Apple 's iPhone 5S , but a camera that still doesn 't take great pictures in low light .

  25. 当触控感应器的按被触动的时候可以传送信号回到NXT主机。

    The touch sensor can give off signals to the NXT Brick when it makes contact with any material .

  26. 由于使用了自动中央控制装置(ACF),因而无需机械的将传感器调节至旋转机制,从而在感应器的安装过程中既减少了时间又降低了成本。

    The exclusive Auto Centering Feature ( ACF ) eliminates the need to mechanically adjust the sensor to the rotating mechanism , saving time and cost in the sensor installation process .

  27. 除防水以外,GalaxyS5最为原创的新性能是心率感应器,但你得一丝不动地握稳手机,它才能有效地发挥作用。

    Aside from the waterproofing , the Galaxy S5 's most original new feature is a heart rate sensor that works well only if you hold very , very still .

  28. 如果问题确实是这样,ATI只要花点时间检查和修复感应器的驱动程式就可以了!

    If it is indeed the problem , ATI just has to check and repair sensors in the drivers , which takes very few time !

  29. 声音感应器感应到周围的声音强度时可以传送信号回到NXT主机。它也可以发出声音。

    The sound sensor can give off signals to the NXT Brick based on the noise level and order of the sound .

  30. 去年,苹果以3.5亿美元收购了指纹感应器制造商奥森科技(AuthenTecInc.),一些人曾经琢磨过这种技术会通过什么样的方式整合到iPhone、iPad和相关产品当中。

    When Apple acquired fingerprint-sensor maker authentec Inc. for $ 350 million last year , some wondered how such technology could find its way into iPhones , iPads and the like .