
  1. 在一项实验里,研究人员开发了一款应用来分析白日梦和幸福之间的关系。

    For one experiment , researchers developed an app to analyze the relationship between daydreaming and happiness .

  2. 经过分析这些梦的颜色的类型,亚利桑那州的研究员罗伯特·霍斯能精确地预测入梦者的一些情感状况。

    By analyzing color patterns in the dreams , Arizona-based researcher Robert Hoss could accurately predict certain things about the man 's emotional state .

  3. 从休闲消费文化、表现消费文化和规范消费文化三个方面揭示了该小说中消费活动的三个特点,并以此来分析美国梦是不可能实现的。

    This paper sums up the three features of the consumption in The Great Gatsby , and then makes an analysis of the failure of the American Dream .

  4. 文本分析表明梦者与珍珠女的语体因其修辞功能及目的的差异而显著不同,这种不同与中世纪修辞学中的两种寓言阐释模式相关联。

    The textual analysis demonstrates that the generic features in the speech of the Dreamer and the Pearl-maiden differ according to the function and purpose of their rhetoric , and this difference is related with the two modes of allegorical interpretation in medieval rhetoric .

  5. 第三章分析《红楼梦》中写实主义成分的艺术特色,对作品如何塑造典型人物进行形式的分析;

    Chapter three analysis artistic feature of realistic component in the works ;

  6. 你在用数学分析你的梦?

    You 're applying math to your dream ?

  7. 你可能研究起形而上学,并查询手相,字迹分析,以及梦的解析。

    You may explore metaphysical pursuits and check out palmistry , handwriting analysis , and dream interpretation .

  8. 第五章分析《红楼梦》俗语的特点,翻译文体,和歇后语的特征与翻译。

    Chapter five analyzes the features of folk adages , its translation , and enigmatic folk similes .

  9. 这个章节介绍了美国梦的定义,分析了美国梦的消极方面与积极方面。

    This part introduces the definition of American Dream , and analyzes its negative and positive aspects .

  10. 全文将从文体学角度来分析《红楼梦》,其中包含各个文体的文本分析。

    This novel will be analyzed from the perspective of stylistics , including text analysis of various styles .

  11. 从上下文语境角度对比分析《红楼梦》汉英语篇照应

    A Contrastive Study of Reference Between Chinese and English Version of A Dream of Red Mansions From the Perspective of Context of Co-Text

  12. 本章从认知的角度分析《红楼梦》中的双关,特别选取认知语言学中的关联理论与概念整合理论对双关进行分析。

    This chapter from a cognitive perspective analysis pun in Dream of the Red Chamber especially uses relevance theory and conceptual integration theory .

  13. 通过深入分析盖茨比美国梦的幻灭及盖茨比悲剧的根源,深刻揭示了美国社会的黑暗和空虚的现实。

    The author analyzes the source of the ruin on Gatsby 's American dream and Gatsby 's tragedy deeply , then reveals the dark society and empty reality in America .

  14. 论文第一部分采取文本细读的方式,分析迪斯尼和梦工厂在对经典童话进行再生产的过程中所体现出的文化工业生产方式的不同。

    The first part illustrates by means of text analysis the differences of the culture production mode reflected in the cartoons reproduced from fairy tales by the Disney and DreamWorks SKG .

  15. 本文从关联理论来分析《红楼梦》中的对话是红学研究新的视角,以期关联理论在小说对话分析中的可行性和实用性得以进一步证实。

    It is a new angle of Redology research to analyze from the perspective of RT , which proves the feasibility and practicability of RT in the analysis of fictional dialogue .

  16. 这一新的仿词翻译模式在本文最后被用来分析《红楼梦》霍克斯译本中仿词的翻译。

    In the last part of this thesis , the new translation model of parody words is used to analyze the translation of parody words in The Story of the Stone .

  17. 从翻译语境的三维时空角度来分析《红楼梦》中风流一词的表达为《红楼梦》的英译本研究带来了一个新的参数。

    The discussion of word " fengliu " in Hong Lou Meng from the perspective of three-dimensional space-time of translation context brings a new parameter for the English translation studies of Hong Lou Meng .

  18. 本文旨在以会话含义理论为指导分析《红楼梦》人物语言的含义及功能并探讨其翻译方法。

    This thesis intends to study character utterances in A Dream of Red Mansions from the perspective of Grice 's conversational implicature in terms of its implicature and function , and explore its translation method .

  19. 《红楼梦》被誉为中国语言与文化的百科全书。本文旨在通过对比分析《红楼梦》的两个全英译本,深入探讨风格传递这一问题。

    This thesis intends to get an insight into literary style transference . The main part is a comparative study of the two complete English versions of Hong Long Meng , an encyclopedia of Chinese language and culture .

  20. 介绍了美国梦的来源以及美国梦的中心内涵及其随着时代的发展而产生的新的内涵。然后分析了美国梦在小说主人翁嘉莉妹妹身上的体现。

    It introduces the origin of the term " American Dream ", and also introduces the core content of " American Dream " and its new content as shaped along with the development of America . Then , it analyzes the embodiment of American Dream in Carrie .

  21. 方法运用逻辑分析法对弗洛伊德梦的解析理论部分进行评论。

    Methods Reinterpretation of Freud s theory of dream interpretation with logical analysis .

  22. 本文分析了《红楼梦》的两个英译本在人名的翻译过程中所采用的技巧。

    This paper mainly analyzes the skills adopted in the translation of names in the two English versions of Dreams of Red Mansion .

  23. 第二部分分析了《红楼梦》惯用语的主要来源和结构特点。

    The second chapter does some analysis about the main source and characteristics of structures to the idiomatic phrases in The Red Dream of Mansion .

  24. 传统家居楹联研究译者风格之社会符号学分析&《红楼梦》楹联翻译对比分析

    A Study on the Traditional Couplet A Socio-semiotic Approach to Translators ' Style & An Analysis on Couplet Translation in A Dream of Red Mansions

  25. 两篇小说的分析,探讨美国梦在其世俗化的过程中,如何深入地影响了美国文化的方方面面,尤其是它对处于其文化内部的个人命运的影响。

    Through the analysis of the two novels , the author studies the significance of the American Dream towards American culture , and its great influence on the individuals who are living within this culture .

  26. 但纵观语言学及翻译界的论述,鲜有将概念整合理论用于分析不同版本红楼梦的异同者。

    Though efforts were made in the translation studies of Hong Lou Meng , it is rare for the scholars of linguistics and translation studies to apply conceptual blending theory to the analysis of different English versions .

  27. 通过对《红楼梦》系列梦的分析,揭示了梦在结构全篇、映衬现实、寓言象征、心理仿真等方面所起的作用,肯定了梦描写的审美价值。

    This article revealed the dreams multi-functions , such as reflecting the reality , symbolizing the parables , imitating the psychological changes as well as aesthetic value by analysis a series of dreams described through the whole structure in " A Dream in Red Mansions " .