
  • 网络Beijing Forestry University;BJFU
  1. 北京林业大学风景园林专业园林树木学B课程教学改革初探

    Preliminary Practice on Reform of Landscape Dendrology B in Major of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  2. 北京林业大学研制了BJL系列低流量、高扬程林用消防泵,但在动力匹配方面的研究仍属空白,因此对BJL系列林用消防泵的动力匹配进行优化研究具有重要意义。

    Beijing Forestry University developed the BJL series low-flow high-lift forest fire extinguishing pump . However , the research on the aspect of the dynamic matching is still blank .

  3. 北京林业大学推进人文社会科学发展的必要性与对策建议

    On Development of Humanities and Social Sciences in Beijing Forestry University

  4. 北京林业大学国家理科(生物学)基地的建设与改革

    Construction and Reform of National Biologic Science Base in Beijing Forestry University

  5. 对北京林业大学体育教师队伍建设状况的分析与对策

    On Development of Physical Education Team in Beijing Forestry University

  6. 网络教学在北京林业大学的应用及发展

    Application and Development of Online Teaching in Beijing Forestry University

  7. 北京林业大学发表科技论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Papers of Beijing Forestry University

  8. 努力践行科学发展观思想加强北京林业大学校园基本建设工作

    Implement Scientific Development View , Strengthen Campus ' Infrastructure Construction

  9. 北京林业大学教师作品选

    Selection of Teachers ' Works from Beijing Forestry University

  10. 北京林业大学水土保持学院;

    College of Soil and Water Conservation , Beijing Forestry University ; 2 .

  11. 北京林业大学课堂教学质量监控体系的研究与探索

    Research and Exploration of Class Teaching Quality Supervision System in Beijing Forestry University

  12. 北京林业大学1991~2000年学术论文的产出研究分析

    Study on Publications of Academic Papers from 1991 to 2000 in Beijing Forestry University

  13. 北京林业大学林学学科群数字图书情报的研究

    Information of the Digital Libraries in Forest Science

  14. 北京林业大学风景园林规划与设计学科的研究生教学体系

    The Landscape Architecture Program at Beijing Forestry University

  15. 22岁的史柳是北京林业大学会计专业的一名大四学生。

    Shi Liu ` s a 22-year-old senior in accounting at Beijing Forestry University .

  16. 2006年北京林业大学园林学院教育发展研讨会

    Education Development Seminar 2006 Held by the School of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  17. 所有标本均保存于北京林业大学昆虫标本室。

    All specimens are preserved in the Insect Collections , Beijing Forestry University , China .

  18. 深化教学改革提高北京林业大学环境工程专业教学质量

    Intensify the Teaching Reform , Increasing the Education Quality of Environmental Engineering in Beijing Forestry University

  19. 本研究以北京林业大学西山科普基地工程为工程实例进行研究。

    This study takes the example of the base science project for Beijing Forestry University to study .

  20. 我曾经就读与北京林业大学,主修计算机专业。

    I was once an undergraduate at Beijing Forestry University , majoring in computer science and technology .

  21. 该文对北京林业大学苗圃内发现的一文冠果的同源异型自然变异株进行了形态及解剖学观察。

    A natural homeotic mutant of Xanthoceras sorbifolia was discovered in seedling nursery of Beijing Forestry University .

  22. 树木树人满乾坤热烈祝贺北京林业大学园林学院55周年院庆

    Congratulations on The 55 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of The School of Landscape Architecture of Beijing Forestry University

  23. 深化多媒体阅览室的多样化服务功能&北京林业大学图书馆用户调查问卷分析

    Deepen the Diversified Service Function of Multimedia Reading Room & Analysis of User 's Questionnaire of Beijing Forestry Library

  24. 第二组是来自北京林业大学8个班级的222名研究生。

    Group 2 is made up of 222 first grade graduates from 8 different classes in Beijing Forestry University .

  25. 复合型高校文库初探&建立北京林业大学文库的实践与启示

    An initial discussion of multi-type libraries in colleges & Practice and revelation of the establishment of Beijing Forestry University library

  26. 北京林业大学大三学生严晶晶(音译)称自己的事业是煎熬。

    Yan Jingjing , a junior in Beijing Forestry University ( BFU ) describes her career as " agony " .

  27. 比如北京林业大学将真的叶子放置在牛皮纸封面上。

    For example , the letter from Beijing Forestry University uses part of a real leaf on its craft-paper cover .

  28. 本文介绍了北京林业大学自主研发的BL&甲醛消纳剂及应用其开发低甲醛释放的环保胶合板的研究。

    BL-formaldehyde absorptive independently developed by BeijingForestry University can be made use of to produce environment-friendly plywood with low formaldehyde emission .

  29. 陈咏梅是北京林业大学日语系的一名副教授,她觉得这样的学生并不能代表主流。

    Chen Yongmei , associate professor of Japanese at Beijing Forestry University , believes such students are not representative of the mainstream .

  30. 本文通过北京林业大学在大学生心理健康教育工作方面做出的努力和探索,以希望能为大学生心理健康教育工作的深入而有效地开展提供可资借鉴的经验。

    This paper presents you some efforts made by Beijing Forestry University and provides certain experience in effectively furthering metal health education .