
  • 网络university of north dakota;University of North Dakota-Grand Forks;UND
  1. 在2011年的终极四强冠军赛中,别克携手前北达科他大学(UniversityofNorthDakota)球星,来自尼日利亚的曼尼•欧豪姆,为儿童捐献了2000双鞋袜。

    With former University of North Dakota basketball star Manny ohonme , originally from Nigeria , Buick contributed more than 2,000 pairs of shoes and socks to children during the 2011 final four championship .

  2. 他从北达科他州大学获得了计算机科学的理学士学位。

    He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from North Dakota State University .

  3. 据北达科他州立大学,鼓励家庭会议解决问题的能力,创造家庭团聚。

    According to North Dakota State University , family meetings encourages problem-solving skills and create family unity .

  4. 由美国北达科他州立大学系统和北达科他州高等教育委员会进行的审计指出,这些国际学位项目极度缺乏控制和监管。

    The audit conducted by the North Dakota State University System and the State Board of Higher Education showed seriously lacking controls and oversight of these international degree programs .

  5. 逼真的戏剧我在北达科他州立大学教戏剧入门课时,要求学生们去看学校剧团当时的演出,并写一篇评论。

    Real Play When I taught the introduction-to-theater course at North Dakota State University , I required my students to attend the university theater 's current production and write a critique .

  6. 由美国北达科他州立大学系统和北达科他州高等教育委员会进行的审计指出,这些国际学位项目“极度缺乏控制和监管”。

    The audit conducted by the North Dakota State University System and the State Board of Higher Education showed " seriously lacking controls and oversight " of these international degree programs .

  7. 为了了解记忆令人欣慰的原因,北达科他州州立大学(NorthDakotaStateUniversity)的克雷·罗德里奇(ClayRoutledge)与其他心理学家在英国、荷兰与美国成人中进行了一系列实验。

    To understand why these memories seem reassuring , Clay Routledge of North Dakota State University and other psychologists conducted a series of experiments with English , Dutch and American adults .

  8. HansKandel在法戈北达科他州立推广大学工作。

    Hans Kandel works at the North Dakota State University Extension Service in Fargo .

  9. 申请应包括覆盖北达科他州州立大学的入学前完成所有课程的工作的其他机构的正式成绩单。

    Applications should include official transcripts from other institutions covering all course work completed prior to enrollment at North Dakota State University .

  10. 据北达科他州州立大学的科学家们称,这些全面罗列的风格或许会同其中的内容揭示同样多的信息。

    Because scientists at North Dakota State University say that the style of these missives may reveal as much as their content .