
  • 网络Medical social worker
  1. 医务社会工作者的岗位设置与专业要求研究

    Study on the post setting of medical social worker and its professional requirement

  2. 医务社会工作者对乳腺癌患者的康复服务的介入,意在改进和拓展解决该领域问题的基本思路,探索出一套本土化的医务社会工作方法,促进社会工作专业在医务领域的发展。

    The involving of medical social worker in the rehabilitation services for patients with breast cancer aims to improve and expand the basic ideas of this work , and explore a set of localized medical social work methods , promote the professional development of social work in the medical field .

  3. 关于医务社会工作者在器官移植中的角色定位问题的思考

    Some Reflections on the Roles of Medical Social Workers in Organ Transplantation

  4. 医务社会工作者如何介入临终关怀

    How do medical social workers involve in hospice care

  5. 医务社会工作者从专业角度和人文关怀的角度介入临终关怀,在很大程度上提高了临终病人的生命质量。

    Medical social workers involve in hospice care from the subject and humanity and thus greatly improve the life quality of the patients .

  6. 随着紧张的医患关系现状与和谐社会构建愿景二者之间矛盾的出现,医务社会工作者以全新的职业姿态走进了社会大众的生活视野当中。

    As tensions doctor-patient relationship status and the construction of harmonious society outlook of contradictions appear , medical social workers to new career attitude into the people of the horizon of life .

  7. 医院康复科病人在脱离生命危险后,如何以积极的心态进行康复训练,如何将医务社会工作更好的嵌入到医院康复科中为病人提供服务是困扰医务社会工作者的一个难题。

    Hospital patients of rehabilitation after out of danger , how to positively with rehabilitation training , how to embed the medical social work better to provide service for the patients in the hospital rehabilitation section is a difficult problem for medical social workers .