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  • Flower girl;flower sales girl
  1. 安妮特在《卖花女》中扮演的伊丽莎·杜利特尔这个角色实在令人难忘。

    Annette 's performance as Eliza Doolittle in ' Pygmalion ' was truly memorable .

  2. 戏剧《卖花女》中话语标记语well的功能分析

    Analysis of the Functions of the Discourse Marker " Well " in Pygmalion

  3. 奥黛丽赫本主演的音乐剧《窈窕淑女》中,HenryHiggins教授就是用这样的方法来训练赫本饰演的卖花女的发音。

    The exercises are similar to those Professor Henry Higgins set for Eliza Doolittle , played by Audrey Hepburn , in the rags to riches film My Fair Lady .

  4. 萧伯纳《卖花女》中方言的汉译研究

    A Study on English-Chinese Dialect Translation of Bernard Shaw 's Pygmalion

  5. 肖伯纳《卖花女》反差幽默的直观性与隐喻性呈现他为歌唱而降生记男高音歌唱家本·赫伯纳

    Bernard Shaw 's Pygmalion and His Ocular and Metaphorical Presentation of Contrastive Humour

  6. 即使卖花女都没有这么贴心。

    Not even Pygmalion had it so good .

  7. 肖伯纳的《卖花女》是一部反差幽默讽刺艺术的典范之作。

    George Bernard Shaw 's Pygmalion is a typical work of contrastive humorous art .

  8. 在萧伯纳所有的戏剧作品里,《卖花女》对流行文化的影响最大。

    Of all his plays , Pygmalion had the biggest impact on popular culture .

  9. 莎士比亚;萧伯纳;《驯悍记》;《卖花女》;女性地位;

    Shakespeare ; Shaw ; The Taming of the Shrew ; Pygmalion ; female status ;

  10. 两人的作品《驯悍记》和《卖花女》就是一个很好的例证。

    The two works Pygmalion and The Taming of the Shrew are a good case in point .

  11. 卖花女指了指站在自己身边的小女儿,说,为她以后好。

    She points to her young daughter , standing with her . For her future , she says .

  12. 他总是告诉我他对我的看法和感受,似乎我是一个有身份的女人,而不是一个普通的卖花女。

    He always showed what he thought and felt about me as if I were something better than a common flower girl .

  13. 裘德·洛于1993年重返舞台,颇受好评,主演的《卖花女》让他赢得杰出新人奖提名。

    Law returned to the stage in 1993 , receiving high acclaim and an " outstanding Newcomer " nomination for his role in Pygmalion .

  14. 剧本展现了卖花女自我认识和心灵发展的心路历程,为古典传统赋予了深刻的现实意义。

    The play demonstrates the process of the self - realization and spiritual development of the flower girl , thus contributes profound realistic significance to the classical tradition .

  15. 在1993年出演的学校音乐剧《窈窕淑女》中,凯特刻意模仿女主角卖花女的乡音,逗乐了现场的观众。

    Footage has emerged of the audience in fits of laughter as she spoke with a Cockney accent in the lead role in the school production of My Fair Lady in 1993 .

  16. 萧伯纳的剧作《卖花女》以奥维德的匹格马利翁的神话故事为原型,同时又为它增添了新的内涵。

    Bernard Shaw 's play , The flower Girl , is based on Ovid 's mythical story of Pygmalion and at the same time adds a new dimension to the meanings of it .

  17. 但早在她11岁的时候,凯特就已经经历过这种身份地位的转变。因为她曾经在音乐剧《窈窕淑女》中出演过女主角伊莉莎-多丽特,剧中她从卖花女摇身一变成了王妃。

    But aged just 11 , Kate Middleton got an early taste of stratospheric social mobility - by playing Eliza Doolittle , a flower girl taught to pass herself off as a duchess .

  18. 巧取豪夺,苛捐杂税和敲诈勒索迫使另一些人跑到山里找活路。精神财富的巧取豪夺费边主义的完美画像&评肖伯纳剧作《卖花女》

    Extortion , taxes , blackmail drove others over to seek a way of living . Extortion of Spiritual Values by Trick and Force , Perfect Portrayal of Fabianism & Comments on George Bernard Shaw s Play Pygmalion ;

  19. 在剧中,亨利-希金斯教授用了几个小时来教卖花女如何改变自己的发音,教她模仿上流社会的小姐举止。因为教授和别人打赌可以让卖花女在大使的茶话会上以贵族身份现身。

    In the musical , Professor Henry Higgins spends hours teaching the flower girl to change her voice so she can imitate a society lady after betting he could train her to pass as a duchess at an ambassadors tea party .