
hòu jiǎo zǔ zhī ( zhí wù )
  • collenchyma
  1. 结果表明,绞股蓝人参皂甙主要分布在营养器官的同化组织及韧皮部薄壁细胞中,厚角组织、表皮及周皮的栓内层也有少量分布,木质部和髓薄壁组织中无皂甙分布;

    The results showed that ginsenosides distributed mainly in the assimilating tissue and phloem parenchyma cells , very little in collenchyma , epidermis and phelloderm , and no coloration in xylem and pith parenchyma .

  2. 茎状中柱的髓显得颇强健,像厚角组织。

    The pith of this stemlike stele appears rather strongly like collenchyma tissue .

  3. 在阔叶紫萼藓(Grimmialaevigata(Brid)Brid)茎的中轴部,厚角组织发达,数层皮部厚壁组织也很发达。

    The collenchyma ( corner-thickeneded cells ) in the central axis of stem and sclerenchyma in cortex of stem have well developed in Grimmia laevigata ( Brid ) Brid .

  4. 厚角组织细胞尤其在细胞的各个角上具有厚壁。

    Collenchyma cells have thick walls that are especially developed at the corners of the cell .

  5. 结果表明,施钾后小麦茎秆茎叶厚角组织、组织层数增加,厚度和维管束的数量均上升,说明钾素有利于小麦茎秆、叶片厚角组织、维管束的形成与发育。

    The results showed that potassium had good effects on formation of wheat stem-leaf thick-cornered tissue and vascular bundle .

  6. 厚角组织:一种特殊类型的薄壁组织,通常位于表皮的下方,起支持作用。

    Collenchyma A specialized type of parenchyma , usually located just beneath the epidermis , that functions as supporting tissue .

  7. 皮层由7~10层细胞构成,最外侧有1~3层厚角组织,细胞排列紧密,其内含叶绿体。

    The cortex is consisted by 7 ~ 10 layers of cells , and its outer cells are collenchyma , containing chloroplast .

  8. 中果皮外方为3-4(5)层厚角组织细胞,这些细胞通常含有单宁;

    The outer part of mesocarp is composed of 3 - 4 ( 5 ) layers of collenchyma cells which always contain tannin , and the inner part are parenchyma cells , tannin cells as well as eight collateral vascular bundles .