
  • 网络Hopu Fund
  1. 高盛前高级投资银行家王理查(richardong)也加入了厚朴基金。

    Mr Fang was joined at Hopu by Richard ong , a former senior Goldman investment banker .

  2. 一个由国际投资者组成的财团也和中粮集团共同参与了这一交易。该财团包括由前高盛(GoldmanSachs)“造雨人(rainmaker)”方风雷领导的中国私募股权基金厚朴基金管理公司(HopuInvestmentManagement)。

    A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .

  3. 通过此次投资,中粮集团和厚朴基金将有权向蒙牛共11个席位的董事会委派4名董事,并帮助推动该公司进行重大的公司治理和业务改革。

    As a result of the investment , the consortium will have the right to appoint four directors to the 11-strong board and help to push through significant changes to the company 's corporate governance and operations .

  4. 厚朴的现有基金将继续投资,但不再募集新资金,公司整体将逐渐淡出。

    Its existing fund will continue investments , but by not raising fresh money the company as a whole will be gradually wound down .