
  1. 明代上洛县主墓出土彩绘木质文物的保护与研究

    Conservation and Investigation of Painted Wooden Figures Excavated from the Tomb of Princess Shangluo , Ming Dynasty

  2. 主要包括给地方一些税收立法权、设置省级主税种、开设新税种为市(县)主税种,还有地方公债制度的设立来完善财权的配置。

    Includes some of the tax revenue to local legislative power , setting the main provincial taxes , the creation of new taxes for the City ( County ) Main taxes , and local bond system set up to improve the allocation of property rights .

  3. 黔西县晚二叠世主采煤层煤的地球化学特征初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Geochemical Behavior of the Main Minable Coal of the Late Permian in Qianxi County

  4. 新疆库车县阿艾矿区主采煤层顶板处理实践

    Practices of Main Mineable Coal Seam Roof Processing in Aai Mine Area , Kuqa County , Xinjiang

  5. 云南省丽江市玉龙县鲁甸乡新主行政村云木香GAP种植区环境质量良好,符合绿色药材栽培的环境质量要求。

    Based on the analysis , the environment quality in the in GAP planting base of Aucklandia lappa Decne was good and accorded with the requirement of green medicine culture .

  6. 本文采用优化综合评价系数法,对北京市密云县东关大队杏园主栽品种串枝红杏,在不同修剪强度下的幼树1a生枝修剪反应进行了综合分析研究。

    In this Paper , the comprehensive optimum appraisal coefficient method is used to study the response of annual shoot of young apricot trees to pruning of various intensities .

  7. 以新昌县城西大桥(主跨84m中承式钢筋混凝土拱桥)为工程依托,针对原设计未考虑吊杆更换问题,对腐蚀损伤吊杆更换技术进行研究。

    Based on the west bridge in Xinchang , a main span of 84 meters of reinforced concrete arch bridge , aiming at the original design without considering the question of the replacement suspender cable , techniques to substitute the corrosion suspender cable is studied .