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  1. 宋代县主簿是县级政府中的重要官职。早在东汉时,在县内就设有主簿一职。

    The Song Dynasty County registrar is the important office of county government .

  2. 县主簿一职的起源,可以追溯到东汉年间。

    County registrar post origin , can be traced back to the Eastern Han dynasty .

  3. 唐代县主簿的职掌主要是勾稽簿书,省署抄目,纠正非违。

    Tang County registrar duties mainly check book , provincial agency copy orders , corrected for .

  4. 主要介绍了宋代县主簿的职务犯罪类型,以及中央政府对这些犯罪的处罚力度。

    Mainly introduced the county Registrar of the duty crime type , as well as the central government on the crime punishment .

  5. 宋代县主簿作为地方基层官员品级设置不高,且随着宋代官制的改革也有所变动。

    The Song Dynasty County registrar as local officials grade setting is not high , and as the Song Dynasty official system reform also vary .

  6. 然而,在封建专制统治下,这并不能解决根本问题,县主簿的职务犯罪仍然屡禁不止。

    However , in the feudal autocratic rule , it does not solve the fundamental problem , county Registrar of the duty crime still is banned repeatedly more than .

  7. 县主簿作为县佐官中重要的一员,在县内起着不可替代的作用,对县主簿进行综合、立体的研究,有着重要的意义。

    County registrar as officials in the county with an important member in the county , plays an irreplaceable role , to the county registrar , comprehensive , three-dimensional research , has the vital significance .

  8. 这是宋代社会经济的发展在职官制度上的一种体现,具有时代特色。五、宋代县主簿的职务犯罪。

    This is the Song Dynasty the social and economic development in the official system is a kind of embodiment , with the characteristics of the times.5.The Song Dynasty County Registrar of the duty crime .

  9. 宋代时,对县主簿的选拔已经在在年龄和身体条件等方面制定了相关规定,县主簿的选任制度逐渐趋向于完善。四、宋代县主簿的职掌。

    The Song Dynasty , the county registrar selection have been in age and physical condition , made relevant provision , county Registrar of elective system tend to be perfect.4.The Song Dynasty County registrar duties .

  10. 宋代时,县主簿的职掌有了很大的不同,不仅负责勾稽簿书,还负责征督赋税、出纳官物、参与县内的司法等职能。

    The Song Dynasty , the county registrar duties have been very different , is not only responsible for check book , also responsible for the syndrome and taxes , cashier officer , involved in the county within the judicial functions .

  11. 县主簿的设置在宋代不是一成不变的,随着县内人口数的变化、区域的合并而导致的事务增多或者是治安情况的变化,会有增设或是废省的调整。

    County registrar setting in the Song Dynasty is not immutable and frozen , along with the county in within-population number changes , regional merger transaction increase caused or security situation changes , there will be additional or waste province adjustment .

  12. 本文在农户生产有机食品的基本决策理性是经济理性的假设下,以安徽省岳西县主簿镇余畈村的有机猕猴桃生产为例,首先对农户分散经营的有机猕猴桃生产现状做了研究和分析;

    Cognitive Inclination and Rationality in Decision-making Under the hypothesis that economic variability is the most determinant rationality of farmers ' decision on production pattern conversion the author conducted an empirical study Yufan village , Yuexi County , Anhui Province , China .

  13. 本文以宋代县主簿为研究对象,搜集相关史料,利用比较、归纳、数据统计的方法系统的研究他们的设置、选任、俸禄、职能、职务犯罪等方面的问题。

    In this paper , taking the Song Dynasty County registrar as the research object , collect relevant data , by comparison , induction , the method of statistical data system based on their settings , elective , salary , functions , and other aspects of the duty crime .

  14. 宋代赤、次赤、畿县的县主簿一般由选人担任,其余等级的县由初任者担任。

    The red , red , Guinea County Registrar General by the candidates as remaining grade County , by beginning to serve as .