
xiàn yì huì
  • county legislative assembly
  1. 去年蒙哥马利县议会将斯科特评为杰出教育家。

    Scott was recognized as an outstanding educator last year by the Montgomery County Council .

  2. 而且建立强有力的监察机构,即县议会被赋予检查自治经费的权力。

    And establish a strong monitoring body , the County Council was given power to check the autonomy of funds .

  3. 奥的斯公司的律师代表说该县议会的决定是迈出了很大的一步,但不是最后一步。

    A lawyer representing the company says the county council 's decision is a big step , but not the final step .

  4. 1988年,他曾谋求获得韦斯特切斯特县议会的民主党提名——他的多位先辈曾拥有该县议会的席位——但是失败了。

    In 1988 , he sought the Democratic nomination for the same Westchester County congressional seat his forbears had held , but was defeated .

  5. 随着设备的使用寿命的到期,故障日益频繁。县议会正寻求一大笔款项来替换旧系统并将其升级到现代化水平。

    Plant failures were becoming increasingly common as the equipment came to the end of its life and the council were looking at a large bill to replace and upgrade to modern specifications .

  6. 在与县议会负责人会面时,鸠山表示:我很抱歉,可能有必要请求冲绳人民忍受这一负担。

    At a meeting with the head of the prefectural assembly , he said : I am sorry that it may be necessary to ask the people of Okinawa to bear this burden .

  7. 而驻冲绳美军司令却在发给下属的电子邮件中侮辱冲绳县知事和县议会。

    However , in an e-mail message to his subordinates , the US commander in Okinawa insulted the Okinawa magistrate and parliament .

  8. 波特县也许可以满足你的要求,县议会委员们计划拍卖老旧的波特县监狱。

    Porter County may have a deal for you , as county commissioners plan to sell the old Porter County Jail at auction .