
  1. 据子长县委宣传部消息,晚上7时许,该县石子村村民在参加完一场庙会后,出现头痛、呕吐等症状。

    The villagers had symptoms of headache and vomiting at about 7 p.m. after attending a temple gathering at Shizi Village , Zichang County , according to the county 's publicity department .

  2. 光山县委宣传部的一名自称姓吴(音)的官员周一说,新华社记者来的时候,所有当地领导人都下乡对当地学校进行安全检查去了。

    An official in the Guangshan propaganda bureau , who gave only his surname Wu , said on Monday that all the local leaders were out in the countryside conducting safety inspections of local schools when the Xinhua reporter arrived .